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Notes -

-Shooting too fast with usp
-Never burst, only tap or spray
-When the bomb is down and you need to defend it as CT, pick a position where you don't have to worry about too many angles
-Long range= better to not move so much and focus on hitting shots rather than him not hitting hits shots>
-Moving when shooting
-When you go back to A from connector and you wanna peek palace and ramp, then it is best to go from under stairs so that you are not exposed to palace when peeking ramp
-When you are in the middle of the open never use utility
-Important to have smoke when you play in connector so you can play with 1-ways
-When you spam smoke never use all bullets
-Be careful with peeking ramp when they can be in palace
-If you wanna peek ramp from stairs when they can be close palace, use smoke on palace
-When you ask for drops, see who has the most money and ask by name for drop from that person>
-Sometimes it is nice to just hide and let teammates kill - especially when you have advantage

-Moving too much with glockk
-Make sure to clear balcony when u go B :D
-Show bench smoke
-Practice on prefire maps the positions/situations you are gonna have
-Nice to play close after planting bomb when you have tec-9
-When your teammates are fighting you always wanna do your best to help
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Regards; Team

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