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Hummingbird Feeding Tips

Hummingbirds are one of the most beautiful birds to watch in nature. They're small enough to swoop and hover, and they chatter madly in a way that captivates humans, too. Feeding hummingbirds helps keep them healthy and happy.
The best way to attract hummers is to hang feeders that offer nectar and perches. These types of feeders are more attractive to hummingbirds than those with only holes, and they are less likely to be occupied by aggressive male hummers who might want to claim the feeding area for themselves.
A hummingbird feeder must be cleaned regularly to prevent mold and mildew from growing in the sugar solution. A moldy hummingbird feeder is not good for birds, and it can even be dangerous to them.
In addition, it's important to replace the nectar in a hummingbird feeder regularly. The International Hummingbird Society recommends changing it at least twice a week, more often during warm weather.
Be sure to use regular table sugar rather than honey or other sweeteners, which may cause a bird's digestive system to react negatively. A normal mixture of 1 part sugar to 4 parts water works well for most hummingbirds, especially during hot or dry weather. For cold, rainy or foggy conditions you might cut the mix to 1/3 part sugar to 1 part water.
Always fill the hummingbird feeder only about half-full of sugar water at a time to avoid spillage. This also makes it easier to clean, and ensures that you don't end up with excess hummingbird food sitting around for longer than the birds need.
Ideally, the feeder should be placed in a shady spot where hummingbirds can easily see it. Nutritional value helps decrease the amount of nectar spoilage and preserves the hummingbird's ability to find the feeder.
For maximum efficiency, the hummingbird feeder should be hung about four feet off the ground. Fermentation in hummingbird feedersHummingbird feeder helps reduce the risk of predators catching the birds, and it gives them more room to fly around when they're in search of food.
A hummingbird feeder that is designed with multiple ports allows for easy refilling, while also preventing the entry of ants and bees. The Juegoal 12 oz Hanging Hummingbird Feeder is perfect for this purpose, as it features a unique brass hanging rod opening that can be hung on the tree or other object in your yard.
If you're not sure whether your hummingbirds will be attracted to a specific type of feeder, try placing it near flowers that they like to eat. For example, if they tend to feed on nasturtiums, put it in a garden with nasturtium plants or a flower that produces nasturtium seeds.
It's also helpful to place the feeder near sheltering plants, like bushes or perennials that trumpet. This will help the hummingbirds to get their nectar fix without having to fly around too much, allowing them to feed at more leisurely rates.
It's not uncommon for a single hummingbird to claim the feeder as his own, or for other birds to come and go until the dominant hummer leaves. For this reason, it's best to use several feeders whose size matches the number of hummingbirds you're trying to attract.

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