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Coping With The Death Of A Child And Surviving
I was listening to the oldies station the other day and the song, American Pie by Don McLean came on. I was alone in my car, so I belted out the lyrics "drove my Chevy to the levy, but the levy was dry" with abandon. It made me think of the first time I heard the song in 1971. My boyfriend (later my husband and eventually my ex husband) and I were driving my car to the Salt River. Somehow singing "Drove my Dodge to the river, but the river's not dry" just didn't have the same pizzaz. But I digress.

When your leave your body (you are "dead"), you will first be projected - in real time, for the first few days - in a realm that is close to the physical world. It will last until your etheric matter runs out of you. You are then going through something like second death, entering the Astral dimension/plane of existence. In the astral, the soul will purge itself from all desires remained from the physical world. There, you can have everything you want, in abundance. This is done through the creative power of your subconscious mind. You will saturate your every desire and need in order to see that they are just illusions.

Jesus died for the sins of the whole world once and for all so that there is no need to use animal blood to the sacrifice. The blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse and purify us from all kinds of sins. In the Old Testament, the Israelites get saved by their works, through obeying and doing the commandments of God. In the New Testament, salvation is open to not just the Israelites but to everyone around the world who put their faith in Jesus. By having faith in Jesus, we can get saved.

And so, while I was making the bed, doing dishes, and folding laundry I let my mind wander. This went on for several weeks. Suddenly, the fog lifted from my mind and I saw my new goals clearly. I think they are good ones.

Basket of Flowers: This can be either with or without an actual handle; it is just a variety of flowers that is sent to either the funeral home or home of the deceased.

My brother Dane is in the Philippines now visiting his wife's family. It was hard to get hold of him to tell him the news. He said he already knew it because he had a dream the night before that dad was in heaven surrounded by Mexican's who were thanking him for giving them that gospel tract. (Dad moved on from Cuban's to Mexicans when he and mom moved back to the old home place near Glenwood.) Dad still talked to anyone he met about the Gospel, but he couldn't talk to the increasing number of Mexicans , so he just gave them Gospel tracts. Dad also tried to learn Spanish, but that didn't turn out quite like he wanted it to. I don't think he ever even learned to say hello or goodbye.

As we approach death, our personal relationships with life and death will set the stage of our acceptance of the new life that awaits us and our loved ones. Fear and unfinished business are two big factors in determining how much resistance we put into meeting death. Hopefully, my understanding of "Gone from my Sight" will help you to understand the dying experience and prepare for the death of your loved one. Let go. It is time for your new beginning.
funeral program

funeral program
funeral program

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