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The subregion of South America spans 4,700 miles from north to south, passing through the Equator near its widest point of 3,300 miles . key char. many mtns.W.SA-andes,E.SA-broad plateaus and valleys
Narrow coastal lowlands hem the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of South America.4th largest continent
cordillera-parallel chains or ranges of mountains.Andes are cont. of rockies
altiplano-Spanish for “high plain,”a region in Peru and Bolivia encircled by the Andes.2nd largest mtn plateau
LESSON 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pg2-Patagonia, andeanhighlands,Amazon Basin,Mato Grosso Plateau,Brazilian Highlands,Eastern Highlands, escarpment,llanos,pampas(breadbasket),llaneros or gauchos
pg3-waterways-amazon river,Paraná, Paraguay, and Uruguay Rivers,Pantanal,rio de la plata,Lake Maracaibo, Lake Titicaca(highest lake)
pg4-6-climate and biomes,
pg4-vert climate-tierras
pg5-El nino, trop wet dry
pg6&7-Nat.resources, mainly venezuela....Orinoco River
LESSON 2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pg1-Moche, Mapuche, and Aymara,Inca,
pg2-Inca resources and engineering, quipos,independence
pg3-caudillos,dictators,post ind.,
pg4-urbanization, big cities, brain drain,pop growth
pg5-languages, ethnicitys
pg6-religion,schooling,uneven development w/slums,compadre ,family,relations
pg7-womans rights,art,music
pg8-economics(argentina,brazil,chile,etc),resources(ranchin,fishing,etc),agriculture crops
pg9-nat resource, roads, manufacturing, coca plant
pg10-U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement and other columbian trade stuff,poverty, economic growth
LESSON 3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pg1-amzon rnforest, atlantic forest, deforestation,
pg2-oxisols(laterites),soil erosion,monoculture
pg3-(causes of)desertification,livestock,rangelands,
pg4-sao paulo,pollution from urban
pg5-illegal mining causing stuf
pg6-addressing issues,Paraguay Zero Deforestation Law in 2004,Cover crops,farmers how to stop deforestation
pg7-soil conservation and restoration,air pollution,In order to fix current problems and reduce future ones, South American countries must address the specific factors related to urbanization. The problems include urban sprawl, longer distances that residents travel within cities, increased use of cars, and inefficient public transport systems. Argentina is a global role model for setting voluntary greenhouse gas emissions targets. Furthermore, in 2010 Argentina and Uruguay formed a joint effort to monitor pollution along the Uruguay River, which defines the Argentina-Uruguay border.
pg8-export,regulations by govt,enviornment save stuff and problems
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