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what do you mean it's for kids: it's a YA fantasy novel, in which main character is a 37 yo man preparing for early retire and having such issues as "if i'm going to get pension, or a cancer from years of radiation exposure" or his genuine, non-slapstic maritial issues

what you are in the dark - kath's reaction to fighting a xenovyrn is to stabd and fight, or else all their effort was in vain
big creepy crawlies - xenovyrn is an overgrown scolopender
non-malicious monster: the tryton is simply sick, rather than dangerous
diabolous ex machina: vincent catches a marshland blood fever
cliffhanger: how the first tome ends

how did we get here: tome 2 opens with brief summary of the mage riding on the xenovyrn catching up with them, defeating their group and taking them hostage, while vincent was too sick to help
wasteland elder: widow solange, who takes great care of the group
a trick to distract a child: solange, who insists that lily should sleep in her house, because she's frail and after tough journey - what she really means is keeping the girl from watching vincent's agony
magic comes back- in lost bretonia
negated moment - majority of their equipment is inoperable
didn't see that coming: the fight with the Hawks go relatively well, until they reveal they've captured Lily
you shall not kill:
** kath should have just kill majority of the soldiers
** when lily (a 11 yo girl) delcares she can kill the soldiers with transmutative spell of their drugs, amandine suggests giving them just deep sleep and explains this might sound well now, but lily will regret such cruelty when she will grow up; page 33
not what it looks like: amandine assumes that lily is shutting in under pressure... the girl just had a cold AND keeping up a charade, so nobody inspect too hard her lose WYGŁUSZACZ and ties
godzhilla threshold: kinda; lacking real magic, the servant of the grey wanderer use corruption by void to fuel their quasi magic, even if it will kill them in few years or even months
smug snake: the leader of the hawks is full of himself, right down to evil gloating about his awesome powers, despite being a humanoid abomination "thanks" to using it
power of friendship: lily points out that she can stand up the discomfort of wearing WYGŁUSZACZ cuffs, because she has her friends to support and also mutual help
power at price: the Hawks are constantly stoned to dull the pain of their Brand
troubling unchildlike behaviour: lily was trying to kill duchess d'opal while being anywhere between 7 and 10; thi earned her wearing WYGŁUSZACZ almost non-stop; that and her ability to cope with pain, clearly drilled into her by her "grandma"
the power of hate: above
damsel out of distress: amandine, lily and kath saved themselves out of oppression; and the only reason they were captured was due to lily being taken hostage
sure, let's go with that: amandine, the only non-magic party member, playing not just a sorceress, but the great wizard(ess)
crazy enough to work: eugene, one of the soldiers fighting with the hawks, takes lily on his shoulders and runs toward the hawks, getting the little girl in range of her fire breath
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