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-Bilateral Relations
It refers to diplomatic relations between 2 countries.
SG has put in much effort in establishing good bilateral relationship with other countries.
Sg believes that its interest can be promoted through bilateral ties with countries. eg. Malaysia,Indonesia
eg. Ties with countries like USA & Germany allowed SG to be exposed to advanced technological skills as these countries are developed.
eg. SG also extends helping hand to countries like Vietnam and nepal

As a result, this enables SG to gain world recognition and maintain good friendship with many countries in time of conflict between SG and another country or nation. Difference in opinions can be better managed & negotiated when the bilateral ties are strong.

-Regional Relations
ASEAN'S initiatives through ASEAN Five Trade Area (AFTA)
in order to maintain economic competitiveness, ASEAN realised that they needed to institute economic integration so that to remain economically viable in this era of globalisation.
eg. ASEAN launched AFTA in 1992 and aimed to remove import taxes among Southeast Asian countries and create a regional market of half a billion people and remove all the import taxes among members of countries by 2015.
As a result, this increases the interdependence on all member countries of ASEAN. This promotes common interests for all parties involved.
Member of countries will find greater inclination to resolve any conflict in peaceful manner as ASEAN has a shared destiny throught AFTA.
Therefore, ASEAN's initiatives throught ASEAN Five Trade Area (AFTA) can help SG ensure diplomacy.

ASEAN's initiatives through ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF)
ARF was created in 1994 to maintain peace by promoting political ,security dialogue and cooperation among countries in the Asia-pacific Region.
ASEAN aims to provide an avenue for countries in the region to discuss security issues and resolve conflicts peacefully.
As a result, with ARF in place, countries including SG do not have to resort to violence to resolve their disputes. Hence , now there is appropriate platform for countries to utilise for peaceful negotiations to take place.

SG's members of ASEAN
ASEAN provide avenue for SG to discuss their difference with neighbouring countries peacefully hence enabling SG to forge better relationship with it neighbouring countries.
As there are shared destiny for all ASEAN members, it it likelihood for countries to resolve their occasional disputes peacefully so that to make sure that we can continue to maintain a united and collective voice and strengthen our credibility and position when we have to negotiate with other great powers and regional groupings such as USA , JAPAN, CHINA AND EUROPEAN UNION.

International Relations:
United Nations Through UN peacekeeping operations
The UN sends peacekeeping forces to troubled areas that are made up of officers from member countries such as SG.
Main task of PKF ensure fighting parties are kept apart and dispute can be mediated using other non-violent means and conditions for long-term peace can be created
eg.SG involved in 13 operations in 11 different countries when SG assists in Un peacekeeping operations, help is give to the warring factions to resolve their conflicts so that ceasefire can be achieved.
As a result, it benefit countries regions that helped by SG, enhances the diplomatic ties between SG and the countries we have helped before.
As they may also feel grateful for SG's contributions and support SG more vigorously when the time comes.
Allow SG to gain fame as a helpful country so to foster other countries to share diplomacy ties with SG
Therefore UN's peacekeeping operations can help SG to ensure diplomacy.

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