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simple staff: vincent's weapon of choice, has a lot to do with way of heron

* The souldragon being programmed as a LargeHam, while recognising Vincent, a Source-less sorceress' assistant, as the great mage that created it due to the sheer amount of energy he's processing. Right down to asking if Vincent wants it [[MundaneSolution to simply turn off]], which he eagerly agrees on.
* Vincent's daily routine as an apprentice of Black Meg: a mix of UnphasedEveryman combined with treating his mistress, a fearsome, infamous sorceress as the AbsentMindedProfessor that she really is, making sure she eats her meals and stays hydrated, as she has no patientce to care for that herself.

* The opening chapter, with the group dealing with the souldragon, runs on applied AwesomeByAnalysis. Through extensive preparations, calculations and checking math variables, the group manages to defeat an ancient magical construct that's hard to even contain in a single area by ''calculating its energy emmission'' and processing it into the biggest Ball of Lighting spell ever made, responsible for a PillarOfLight seen almost 100 miles away.
** And before they reach the area with the dragon, they have to fight their way against all sorts of voidlings, [[EstablishingCharacterMoment showing off their skills and abilities]], along with extensive use of MundaneUtility that comes from using magic.
* Meg and Belle are squarely BroughtDownToBadass - despite having their Sources phased off in Bretonia, they very quickly prove their worth for general von Feuerstein, as they keep all their ''other'' skills.
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