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Chat Opening/ Verbiages used during the chat

Hi, this is Ankush. I will just take a minute to read through the conversation and get caught up, then I'll be able to help you shortly. Thank you!

How may I assist You today?

Please help me with your best call-back number. In case the chat gets disconnected.

Allow me a couple of minutes so that I can check.

Sure, I would be more than happy to assist you.

May I please know the itinerary number for that booking?

Thank You for sharing.

Thanks for letting me know

Let me quickly go ahead and retrieve your details.

Please allow me 2 -3 minutes to check the details — thank you and please keep the chat window open

Before proceeding for any change, I would have to check the airline policies .

It will take me around 3-4 minutes. Please stay connected.

Please stay connected

Please keep this chat window open so we can stay connected

Sorry about the wait, we've been busier than usual

Chat Closing/

Is there anything else apart from this I can help you. ?


Do you need assistance with any other booking?

Thanks for chatting with us — take care and have a wonderful day.


For Creating a service request

For Non-Refundable and Non-Alterable bookings

It looks like you booked one of our low-priced fares. Those fares are priced very competitively but also have more restrictions, such as not allowing changes or cancellations.

To keep the customer engaged over the chat.

Thanks for your patience. Please stay connected on this window.
Appreciate your patience while I am working on your itinerary.
Allow me a couple of minutes while I work on your itinerary.
Thank you so much for your valuable time, please stay active on this chat while I work on your request.
We value your time and patience, I will be with you shortly. Please stay connected

Do you need assistance on any other booking ?

Do you need assistance on any other booking ?

Is there anything else apart from this I can help you. ?

Are we still connected. ?

Have you received it. ?

let me check it on my end.

Do you need assistance on any other booking ?

Hi, just checking in, I haven't heard from you in 2 minutes. Just so you know, our chat will disconnect in 1 minute if you don't respond.

I'm sorry, since I'm not receiving a response from you, I am going to close the chat.

Thanks for chatting with us — take care and have a wonderful day.

Please keep the chat window open so that we can stay connected.

Important Verbiages

It looks like you booked one of our low-priced fares. Those fares are priced very competitively, but also have more restrictions, such as not allowing changes or cancellations.

before proceeding for any change, I would have to check the airline policies

Thank You so much for waiting

· Please stay connected

· Thanks for letting me know

· I'm sorry to know this

· I'm happy to help resolve this for you

· Sure, let me sort this out for you


· Let me see if I have this correct

· Please allow me 2 -3 minutes to check the details — thank you and please keep the chat window open

· Sorry about the wait, we've been busier than usual

Do you need assistance on any other booking ?

May I please know your best call back number. So that I can call you. in case the chat gets disconnected
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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