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FAQ About EFT Part I
These are frequently asked questions about Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).
What do I do when EFT can not work?
When EFT may seem like it doesn't work, the catch is not usually EFT but alternatively lack of experience with all the technique by the person. Moreover, it will always be a problem of not really having gotten to the center with the problem. This process is definitely an exploration, sometimes a problem unfolds itself in layers as an onion. You can make this process more successful by wondering questions such as:
What is in the method of my progress?
What am I not seeing?
What deeper issue have I not found yet?
When EFT relieves pain, will it mask this and thwart the capability for pain to signal danger?
No one knows the solution to this without a doubt. But I have not seen or heard of your case when pain was blocked when it should not are actually. Often pain and swelling is reduced or eliminated but to my knowledge no person has reported this being masked.
Why wasn't EFT discovered in remote energy medicine coaching ?
Good question. Even today effortlessly its many successes EFT is still resisted by some inside scientific and medical community. We have been taught since grade school that everything inside universe consists of atoms that happen to be created from energy. Therefore everything is made of energy. Everything. It should come as hardly surprising then that energetic interventions can be so successful. Hopefully one of these days all from the scientific community can come to accept that merely they do not realize it, does not mean it is less than.
Why will be the EFT Setup language devoted to the negative?
This bothers a lot of people and bothered me too until I understood it. EFT is not determined by positive affirmations, rather its purpose is rid from the negative making means for the positive. It's similar to redecorating and you have to your old before there exists space for that new. One must be aware in the old problem to get gone it to make opportinity for a much more positive future.
What's a good opportinity for those not used to EFT to work with it on themselves?
There is really a free "how to" guide on Dawson Church's EFT Universe website along with courses you can purchase. The free guide tells you everything you should know to begin with. A great way to learn while watching instructional videos would be to tap along with the people on the recording with your own issues.
How long do the results last?
The emotional healing that happens with EFT is generally long lasting. This is especially true if you are a specific as is possible when you focus on the emotional events you address. If a problem does appear to return it is almost always because there is certainly an aspect of this issue which was not handled (i.e., the focus with the problem had not been specific enough and so wasn't fully managed.)
The physical results you may get with EFT are more inclined to revisit and require to become handled again. Many physical problems including headache, backache, and stomach aches are manifestations of emotional issues. As new emotional issues appear, the anguish can revisit like a reaction to the modern emotional issues.
For more FAQs about Emotional Freedom Techniques, please see my Ezine Articles FAQ About EFT Part II and FAQ About EFT Part III.
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