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Farnoush Farsiar: Queen Elizabeth II Contribution To Inclusion and Diversity
As a British citizen The criticism that popped into the air after her reign ended was deeply unsettling.
Farnoush Farsiar Opportunist voices from the British Royal Family have made racist assertions recently. However, some officials post-passing , like Greens Senator Mehreen Fauqi have been much more explicit about their opinions. The comments describe as a racist empire built upon stolen lives as well as land and wealth

As an immigrant myself , who moved to the UK as a young person and was welcomed with the most welcoming manner along with most of the citizens of the UK who lived under her reign, nothing is farther than the truth.

The reign of Her Majesty's was characterized with the acceptance of people with different origins, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Britain under Queen Elizabeth II is a nation of equality and inclusion

Queen Elizabeth's legacy of freedom and diversity
Queen Elizabeth II has been a vocal advocate for equality her entire life. Going back as far as 1947, when the queen's young age made her promise to South Africa. In her speech, she claimed she was delighted to speak to everyone she represents. Their race and their home place were not considered important in the royal formula.

Before Queen Elizabeth II was elected as the Queen during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, people in the UK had a different perception of the monarchy. The outdated notions about the Crown, such as words like imperialism and oppression which are in opposition to the views of her Her Majesty.

The moment she assumed the throne in 1952, nearly half of the world's population was under British imperial rule. Farnoush Farsiar Under her reign more than 20 countries gained independence. That is a testament to the Queen's mindset and values since the beginning.

Farnoush Farsiar Queen Elizabeth II did more than just attend charity occasions that promised change. Her Majesty worked tirelessly to make inclusion a reality within the country.

If you examine the everyday lives of people, the working sector shows the Queen's influence. Her efforts to achieve equality have resulted in the acceptance of inclusion that was unattainable before.

Farnoush Farsiar The unfair criticism Queen Elizabeth II received over immigration and race in addition to imperialism
Queen Elizabeth did not intend on creating a culture within the UK that could be perceived as racist. Her speeches to other countries have shown the values she and her realm have to offer.

It is not difficult to acknowledge the past. Britain has changed dramatically and many immigrants have the opportunity to create new lives. This equal opportunity is painted across British politics, where many of the cabinets in charge, like the mayor of London is a child of immigrants. This is not matched by any of our countries of neighbor.

It's not surprising that the practice of making inconsistency-based accusations against the monarchy has become a trend. When a major generational event occurs, people tend to use blind and unfunded hatred. Today's politicians and citizens are usually treated with disdain and disdain rather than praise. Her Majesty does not deserve criticism for giving her whole life to the UK's people as well as the world at large.

The Queen Elizabeth II's Britain promotes equality and inclusion
Although it's simple, I think it's unfair to hold one individual and hold them responsible for events that took place before their birth. Queen Elizabeth II had no connection to the more disturbing historical past of Britain. She did nothing other than make sure that the country's progress was evident to the UK as well as the rest of the world. While numerous Monarchs remain committed to holding their monarchies to the old values, the Queen has changed Britain to be in line with Western standards for social and political standards. It's an enormous accomplishment to balance honouring monarchy while acknowledging that we live in the 21st century.

Farnoush Farsiar The Queen was a staunch supporter of decolonization and advocated freedom of expression within Hong Kong . Her influence over countries who are less fortunate are all that is needed to demonstrate her supreme power. A lot of countries saw her as a advocate of freedom.

The last two weeks since the passing of her Majesty have demonstrated that she is loved by her people. People are mourning the loss their leader, her dedication and talent for managing in times of transition.

Britain and the commonwealth nations will mourn the loss my role as a role model, her legacy, and her strength as a human being of great character. Let her rest peacefully with her beloved husband.

Author's bio Farnoush Farsiar lives in London and is a businesswoman. As a young girl, her family immigrated to the UK. Farnoush Farsiar
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