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Thank you for contacting Xfinity chat support. My Name is . Who do I have the pleasure of assisting today?

How may I assist you today?
I aplologize for the inconvenience, Let me look into your account and will provide you the best possible resolution
I really apologize for the inconvenience, Let me look into your account. I will take care of this for you now. I will provide you with the best possible resolution

Chat opening
Incase of No auto opening :-

A Wonderful day! Thank you so much for choosing Xfinity! This is *****, your Xfinity Ambassador for today. It will be a great pleasure to assist you today. May I have the first and last name of the Awesome customer😀 Kindly tell me more about your concern, and let's start working on it.

Incase of auto opening :-

A Wonderful day! Thank you so much for choosing Xfinity! I am your Xfinity Ambassador for today. It will be a great pleasure to assist you today. Kindly tell me more about your concern, and let's start working on it.
1 Today you chatted in regarding ____________, and we discovered that ______________________. Can you confirm that this resolves your concerns today?

2 Great! I appreciate any feedback on the service and experience I have provided you today. Thank you for being a loyal Xfinity Customer. I hope you have an amazing rest of your day.

Please do not press the back button and also avoid using other applications for us to stay connected without any interruption.


As I checked you prequalify for the Xfinity mobile services, with America’s largest and most reliable LTE network combined with access to 19 million hotspots, you’ll save more on your phone bill every month — and save your data for when you really need it. You get unlimited nationwide talk and text with No term contracts. Shall I share the details with you?

In the meantime, I was going through your account and just saw that you are eligible for XFINITY FLEX STREAMING TV BOX RENTAL at no charge. You can get the box and stream online ​on Xfinity Flex. A voice-controlled 4K streaming device that puts all your favorite streaming apps in one place on your TV. What makes it even better? It’s included with Xfinity Internet for no additional cost.


The Broadcast TV Fee is an itemized charge based on our costs of providing the local broadcast stations that we carry on our cable systems in each area. These costs include fees that broadcast stations charge us to carry them on our cable systems, fees that are among the fastest-growing components of our programming costs.

I’m looking in our appointment systems to find a date and time that fits your schedule, it may take me a few moments

Before our technician arrives, please remember someone 18 or over must be home, ensure all pets are secured, and that we can have access to the equipment

There will be an automated call for confirming the technician appointment, kindly acknowledge that to avoid cancellation.

No charge will apply for any issues identified at Xfinity end or equipment rented out by Xfinity. It will only be applicable if the issue is not caused due to Xfinity services.

The charge would be applicable if your own needs to be replaced or Internal wiring issue. The technician will inform you about the charges if applicable.
For Comcast rented modems the charge would be applicable if there is an Internal wiring issue or recreation of outlets is required. The technician will inform you about the charges if applicable

I want to make sure this connection issue gets fixed as quickly as possible, so I am going to transfer you to advanced technical support. They have the specialized tools needed to reach a resolution.

How long have you been getting this issue and were there any troubleshooting steps performed earlier?

Please confirm the error code on the TV screen, if any.

On how many devices you are experiencing this issue?

Please help me with the affected cable box serial number. The serial number starts with SN and is written at the back or bottom of the box.

TV and cable box should be on and please confirm if there is a light on the set-top box.

Next, we need to check if the cables between the TV and the set-top box are connected properly


Collection team 1866-470-6654
gift card 1800-526-3268
wifi pass 1866-489-0919
SIK activation 1855-652-3446 (11am - 10 pm) // 18556523446
prepaid 1-855757-7372
Home security 18882235723
UPS store 18889364968
Xfinity mobile 18889364968
internet essentials 18558468376
Seasonal hold 18886334266
Activation 18556523446
retention 18664706654
Movers 18884853514
CSA 18885654329
CSA / data usage 18778076581
pods team 18555517534
Bulk 18003913000
Accessibility 8553089989

Approved Modems :
Movers :
Mobile Activate :
Password reset :
Robo Calls :
New Sale :

I will check that and if the making payment arrangement is gonna help in any way I will be happy to help you out with that. However, if you will not be eligible for payment arrangement then you will need to pay the due amount for the service restoration.
As I can see there is a past due balance of --in the account which you need to pay for the services to get them restored.
I reviewed the account status and regret to inform you that services are interrupted due to the past-due balance on the account. I checked for the payment extension option as well but unfortunately, that is not available for you at the moment, request you to please pay the past due balance for $__ in order for me to go ahead and restore the services on the account.

I can understand that it is difficult for you to manage the account right now and pay the bill. I really wish to help you out however there are certain policies we need to abide by and as per that without the past-due balance, service restoration would not be possible at this address. I would request you to please make the payment for the past due amount so that we can help you restore the services.

I know that you are in a situation right now and believe me, I am with you here as I am also a customer outside work and managing bills at home. If only I have the power and capability to extend your payment and restore your service, I won't hesitate to do so.

Soft Disconnection & Payment Arrangement
Thank you so much for staying connected, I appreciate your patience. I reviewed the account status and regret to inform that services are interrupted due to past due balance on the account. I checked for the payment extension option as well but unfortunately that is not available for you at the moment, request you to please pay the past due balance for $425.48 in order for me to go ahead and restore the services on the account 
You can’t restore the for 24 hours . I just paid 628.00 2 week ago

NO NOTES UPDATED - I apologize for the miscommunication however there are no notes updated on the account for the same and I have also verified your eligibility for payment arrangement, service restoration will only be possible after the payment of past due amount. 
so you can’t restore the service for 24 hours 
I can understand that it is difficult for you to manage the account right now and pay the bill. I really wish to help you out however there are certain policies we need to abide by and as per that without the past due balance, service restoration would not be possible at this address. I would request you to please make the payment for the past due amount so that we can help you restore the services. 

"Optional- Thank you for your patience. I really appreciate your efforts, understanding and Co-operation and as well as I would like to also appreciate for business relationship and loyalty with Comcast. 
I have tried to restore the service for you however the system is giving me error that you need to make payment in order to get service restored due to non eligibility , I am going to try again please bear with us . "
Thank you for waiting so long my manager is also getting same issue while restoring the service we are trying our level best to get it restored they are trying again hope it works if that will not work then you need to contact our billing team in the morning I will leave the notes so that services will be restored on priority basis will that be fine with you ? 
Thank you for waiting, I appreciate all your time and patience on this chat , I have tried my level best to get the service restored still getting same error due to limited access my manager has also tried level best we both are getting same issue because we are from troubleshooting team my manager has left the notes for billing tam on the account once they ill be available they will restore the service for you however till morning if it will be not restored then you can chat back at 8am EST and tell them to check notes and they will restored it on priority basis . I hope you understand my part , I really don't want to make you upset. 
I can completely understand that it is difficult for you to manage the account right now and pay the bill. I really wish to help you out however there are certain policies we need to abide by and as per that without the past due balance, service restoration would not be possible at this address. I would request you to please make the payment for the past due amount so that we can help you restore the services.
I apologize for the miscommunication however there are no notes updated on the account for the same and I have also verified your eligibility for payment arrangement, service restoration will only be possible after the payment of past due amount.
I can imagine your situation and how tough it must be for you to deal with this. I will help you with the best possible solution as I do realize its importance.


Survey Scripts
-----Further Assistance-----
Mr. / Mrs. Customer, today you chatted regarding ____________, and we discovered that ______________________.
Can you confirm that this resolves your concerns today?

Before we finish, I want to make sure we have covered everything, do you have any other concerns or questions I can assist you with?

How’s your overall experience with Xfinity services and assistance that I provided on the chat?
You have been very patient and amazing with me today, certainly the best customer I had today. I hope that all the issues are addressed.

CLOSE Strategy script
Great! I appreciate any feedback on the service and experience I have provided you today. Thank you for being a loyal Xfinity Customer. I hope you have an amazing rest of your day.
Other survey scripts
-------MUST USE SCRIPTS-----

I would love to hear about your chat experience with me today. If you’d like to share your thoughts, you can click the “end chat” option. I would appreciate any feedback on the service and experience I have provided.


You can share the feedback by clicking on the End Chat button.

You can click on “End chat” to close the chat.

Thank you for choosing Xfinity and have a great day and a great year! Please take care and stay safe.
You have been the most pleasant and cooperative customer, Thank you, for being such so a kind and polite customer.

I want to thank you for your time and patience while resolving your concern, have an awesome day.
Thank you for your support and co-operation over the chat I really appreciate it.

I want to thank you for your time and patience while resolving your concern, have an awesome day.

Thank you for your support and co-operation over the chat I really appreciate it.
- It's my pleasure, Glad that I was able to assist you today. Thank you so much for being so supportive and patient throughout the chat. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

chat without addressing all of your concerns?

I hope you are happy with Xfinity services and the support I provided.
XM Promotions 2022- HOW20761
-----------ACP link -------------
National Verifier application-
ACP Enrollment- Doc ID HOW20307

Power words: Great, Perfect, Best, Ready, Pleasure, Nice, Absolutely, Delight, Honour, Excellent, Wonderful, Quick, Extraordinary, Highly, Excited, Splendid, Delightful, Generous
********************PAYMENT ARRANGEMENT SCRIPTS****************
As a customer myself I would to help you restore the services today however since the system has verified that there was an unsuccessful payment arrangement it will not let us process another extension as we have reached the maximum days and amount of delinquency.

Hoping for your understanding. If only this is within my control, I will do it in a heartbeat. I am also a customer myself outside the office so I know how important this is. I just want to be transparent and ensure to resolve your issue without giving false information.

The payment arrangement is automatically being set up by our system and without eligibility, your service will not be restored as well even if you schedule a new future payment.

I certainly get your point and as much as I would like to help you get additional 2 days, our options are only limited and we only have a payment arrangement that has already been given to you. Another option that you can try is to speak with our collections team about a different payment plan.

It is never our intention to deny or deprive you of any extension and the current status of the account limits us to do so. I am hoping for your compassionate understanding that we follow certain mandates and we are also bound to a certain limit like a normal person.
I understand your situation as I also live within a budget. I know this is not an easy situation for you and I am doing all the possible options here to extend the payment, though the account reached the maximum days of delinquency.

I hope you will not take this against me as I only want to be transparent and ensure resolve your issue without giving false information. I know that we sometimes go through rough times and I'm hoping that you get through the situation favorably.

I know that you are in a situation right now and believe me, I am with you here as I am also a customer outside work and managing bills at home. If only I have the power and capability to extend your payment and restore your service, I won't hesitate to do so.

We have done our best to process your request. We have exhausted our resources, but we are getting the same result since your account is in a maximum number of days of delinquency. For us to reactivate your services again, the payment of the past due balance should be processed. Once you have done the payment, your services will be automatically get restored.

However, as much as we would like to extend or set up a payment extension in your account, the full past-due balance has been settled. This is because your account has reached the maximum number of days where we can set up an extension and the maximum days of delinquency. But no worries, let me partner this one with my supervisor to check if we can do something.

As of this moment, your account no longer allows us to set-up a new arrangement and needs us to settle the full past due first before it allows us to restore the services.

We understand that many customers are experiencing financial hardship that makes it hard to pay their bills, and we want to provide flexible payment options for those who are eligible. You are eligible for an installment plan so the service will remain active.

--------------GENERAL SCRIPTS-----------------------------------
Hi, how are you?
Great, I am well. Thank you for asking.
May I know the issue you are getting with services so that I can check and help you with best?
Let's work together to get everything this fixed.
Please do not worry, I will get everything fixed. I will take this issue as my own and try my level best to make everything perfect.
SHOW APPRECIATION: We appreciate your business with Xfinity by Comcast.
I appreciate your cooperation in troubleshooting with me. I just want to make sure everything is covered while you still have me, is there anything else I can help you with today?

Great, before we finish up, do you have any other concerns that I can assist you with? I want to ensure we have covered everything in this chat.

I feel awesome as we worked on your concern. You have been a fantastic team player in helping me resolve your concern. A customer like you deserves the best customer experience.

As an appreciation for your continued loyalty and business with us, we're happy and proud to share our new Xfinity Rewards available for you. Xfinity Rewards is our way of saying thank you for being an Xfinity customer.

Just visit the Xfinity app or and join Xfinity Rewards to get treated to simple delights like movie nights, family activities, and exclusive Xfinity discounts. Thank you for being the best part of Comcast

I must say it was a delightful experience for me to have a customer like you.

I will do my best to get this done for you. Be assured I will make your experience the best with my customer service.

I can understand that you have been through a lot and I just want one thing from my customers their gratification which makes me happy as well.

Thank you so much, it really means a lot to me and motivates me to work with more dedication :)

You have been very kind and cooperative on the chat. Customer like you makes us strong.
That's Awesome! you did it. I really appreciate your efforts and patience. Your satisfaction is my priority.

For what purpose do you use internet? (Streaming, Gaming, and for work)?

Streaming – pitch for FLEX || Gaming – Pitch for Speed Upgrade || For Work – xFi Complete

While working to resolve your issue, I see the AMAZING promotions and DISCOUNTS available that may perfectly fit your needs.

Ask open-ended discovery questions (Questions number 1) to pitch accordingly

How do you feel about internet security, such as preventing hackers and malicious websites?

– xFi Complete
xFi Advantage offers increased speed and better product integration for your Xfinity Internet experience.

If you’re investing in our Xfinity Internet service you can opt for an xfinity rental modem which saves you money when it comes to upgrade/replacement.

What do you currently stream Online?

Stream your favorite content in one place at no extra cost – including thousands of free TV shows and movies

-----------------------------XFINITY MOBILE SALE PITCH SCRIPTS----------------------
Are you aware that you can save hundreds of dollar a year on your mobile plan by switching to Xfinity Mobile?
We’re also providing mobile service. Where, you can stream, browse, and text everyone using your devices. You can have By the Gig or Unlimited data, no phone line or access fees, and our data starts at just $15/month with a powerful nationwide 5G network and millions of secure Wi-Fi hotspots included at no extra cost. Shall I go ahead and sign you up for Xfinity Mobile?

If customer is interested:-
I am glad that you are interested in Xfinity Mobile. I would like to inform you that we’re also offering a Google Pixel 6A device worth $449.99 that will be "ON US " for 24 months (DPP) device payment plan.

In order to avail of this offer. You just need to port your current mobile number from another carrier to Xfinity and activate the line within 30 days of purchase. Shall I go ahead and sign you up for Xfinity Mobile?

If the customer denies the offer or is not interested:-
Please give me an opportunity to understand your hesitation, so that I can provide you with the best value for your money.

If Customer denies the offer due to high bill or costly services:-
Since our data plan starts at just $15/month and our unlimited data plan costs $30/month, when you sign up for multiple mobile lines. May I know, how much currently you’re paying to your current mobile service provider?

May I know how much data you use on individual basis in the family?

Do you sometimes think that you wanted to switch data plan in between the fiscal month?

----------------------------Xfinity mobile transitional statements--------------
- Since you’re one of our valued internet customers you qualify for……
- Since you’re working from home there’s no reason to waste money I would love to share some exciting news…

-Are you paying more than $15 for your cell phone bill?

I haven't heard from you for a bit. I'll be here for a few more minutes if you still need my help.

Just checking to see if you are still there? I will be ending our chat shortly as I haven't heard back from you.

It looks like you've possibly walked away, or have left our session. Thank you for contacting XFINITY Support.
SHOW APPRECIATION: We appreciate your business with Xfinity by Comcast.
I appreciate your cooperation in troubleshooting with me. I just want to make sure everything is covered while you still have me, is there anything else I can help you with today.

Great, before we finish up, do you have any other concerns that I can assist you with? I want to ensure we have covered everything on this chat.

I feel awesome as we worked on your concern. You have been a fantastic team player in helping me resolve your concern. A customer like you deserves the best customer experience.

As an appreciation to your continued loyalty and business with us, we're happy and proud to share our new Xfinity Rewards available for you. Xfinity Rewards is our way of saying thank you for being a Xfinity customer.

Just visit the Xfinity app or and join Xfinity Rewards to get treated to simple delights like movie nights, family activities, and exclusive Xfinity discounts. Thank you for being the best part of Comcast

I must say it was a delightful experience for me to have a customer like you.

I will do my best to get this done for you. Be assured I will make your experience best with my customer services.

I can understand that you have been through a lot and I just want one thing form my customers their gratification which makes me happy as well.

Thank you so much, it really means a lot to me and motivates me to work with more dedication :)

You have been very kind and cooperative on the chat. Customer like you makes us strong.

That's Awesome! you did it. I really appreciate your efforts and patience. Your satisfaction is my priority.


For what purpose do you use internet? (Streaming, Gaming, and for work)?

Streaming – pitch for FLEX || Gaming – Pitch for Speed Upgrade || For Work – xFi Complete

While working to resolve your issue, I see the AMAZING promotions and DISCOUNTS available that may perfectly fit your needs.

Ask open-ended discovery questions (Questions number 1) to pitch accordingly

How do you feel about internet security, such as preventing hackers and malicious websites?

– xFi Complete
xFi Advantage offers increased speed and better product integration for your Xfinity Internet experience.

If you’re investing in our Xfinity Internet service you can opt for an xfinity rental modem which saves you money when it comes to upgrade/replacement.

What do you currently stream Online?

Stream your favorite content in one place at no extra cost – including thousands of free TV shows and movies

-----------------------------XFINITY MOBILE SALE PITCH SCRIPTS----------------------

Are you aware that you can save hundreds of dollar a year on your mobile plan by switching to Xfinity Mobile?

We’re also providing mobile service. Where, you can stream, browse, text everyone using your devices. You can have By the Gig or Unlimited data, no phone line or access fees and our data starting at just $15/month with powerful nationwide 5G network and millions of secure Wi-Fi hotspots included at no extra cost. Shall I go ahead and sign you up for Xfinity mobile?

If customer is interested:-
I am glad that you are interested in Xfinity Mobile. I would like to inform you that we’re also offering a Google pixel 6A device worth $449.99 that will be "ON US " for 24 months (DPP) device payment plan.

In order to avail this offer. You just need to port your current mobile number from another carrier to Xfinity and activate the line within 30 days of purchase. Shall I go ahead and sign you up for Xfinity mobile?

If customer denies the offer or not interested:-
Please give me an opportunity to understand your hesitation, so that I can provide you the best value of your money.

If Customer denies the offer due to high bill or costly services:-
Since our data plan starts at just $15/month and our unlimited data plan costs $30/month, when you sign up for multiple mobile lines. May I know, how much currently you’re paying to your current mobile service provider?

May I know how much data you use on individual basis in the family?

Do you sometimes think that you wanted to switch data plan in between the fiscal month?

----------------------------Xfinity mobile transitional statements--------------


- Since you’re one of our valued internet customers you qualify for……
- Since you’re working from home there’s no reason to waste money I would love to share some exciting news…
-Are you paying more than $15 for your cell phone bill?

I haven't heard from you for a bit. I'll be here for a few more minutes if you still need my help.

Just checking to see if you are still there? I will be ending our chat shortly as I haven't heard back from you.

It looks like you've possibly walked away, or have left our session. Thank you for contacting XFINITY Support.
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You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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