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12 Recommended Gambling Books.7 Things to Never Say or Do At a Blackjack Table
My goal with this particular post is to recommend a few books that ought to be on every gambler?s bookshelf. If you?ve read these and understood the lessons within them, you?ll have an improved shot of being a winner than most gamblers.

These are in no particular order.

1. Making $100,000 per year Gambling for a Living by David Sklansky
How to Make $100,000 a Year Gambling for a full time income changed my thought process about gambling in multiple ways. The idea process involved in obtaining the best of it on such a regular basis you can actually make a full time income at it really is fascinating.

It doesn?t hurt that the writer has made his living as a gambler, too. In fact, David Sklansky has all types of interesting essays in multiple books about his experiences on both sides of the real money gambling industry.

2. Obtaining the Best of It by David Sklansky
In Obtaining the Best of It, Sklansky tackles 6 big topics:

Math in gambling
General concepts
Sports/horse betting
Other casino games
Some of these are covered in detail with techniques you won?t find in other books or on the internet. The discussion of the math behind gambling is as detailed as you?d ever need this type of discussion to be. Although you may hate math, the writing is clear enough you can handle it.

In the event that you don?t understand concepts like expectation, this is actually the book for you. I also enjoy the discussion of how there are only 8 basic mistakes in poker.

3. Beat the Dealer by Edward Thorp
Here is the original advantage player book. You?ll find more up-to-date strategies in newer blackjack books, but Thorp?s explanation of why card counting works continues to be as effective as any.

Also, Beat the Dealer was the beginning of card counting in blackjack as know it today, in order to consider this a foundational text

4. Blackbelt in Blackjack by Arnold Snyder
This is as good a book on getting an edge at blackjack as you?ll find. It presents the Zen count, which is a solid counting system that anyone should be able to handle. The discussion of casino conditions is dated but can easily be applied to 21st century casinos. It?s the thought process that matters most, anyway.

If you?re new to blackjack and seriously interested in winning, read Blackbelt in Blackjack.

Casino Gambling Books

5. Hold?em Poker by David Sklansky
If you?re not used to Texas hold?em, you can do worse than to begin with this book. It claims to be ?definitive,? that is overstating the case. It really is, however, excellent as a starting point. The starting hand rankings you see all over the internet start here.

It does include a how exactly to play section, essays on the significance of position, semi-bluffing, free cards, slowplaying, check raising, and hand reading.

6. Super/System: A Course in Power Poker by Doyle Brunson
The initial version of Super/System has one of the easiest-to-read strategy guides for no limit hold?em that you?ll ever read, though it does include lengthy anecdotal items that distracts from some of the specific advice. However, it?s not just a dry read at all.

Also, a few of the games covered in the original edition of Super/System are now obsolete. The revised version, Super/System 2, is really a little better, but it?s still practically an old-fashioned, now. It had been published 15 years back, and the original was published even earlier than that, in 2002.

7. The Theory of Poker by David Sklansky
I?ve seen The Theory of Poker described as the best book ever discussed poker. That could be true. I?m not sure I?m qualified to judge.

I am confident that The Theory of Poker is great and can change your game for the higher. Unlike most poker strategy books, it doesn?t focus on a specific game, instead covering concepts that apply to almost all forms of poker games.

It is possible to read this book at any point in your poker career and benefit from it.

8. Comp City: A Guide to Free NEVADA Vacations by Max Rubin
Casino conditions have changed since Comp City was written, however the book still provides valuable insight into getting the most from the casinos with regards to comps. Remember that it can cost money to get comps, and this book explains just how much it costs and what type of risks are involved.

Casino Gambling

If you combine the info in Comp City with information you obtain from other gambling books, you?ll be a force indeed as a comp hustler. Don?t overdo it, though. Not everyone can get away with the type of chutzpah that Rubin has.

9. Caro?s Book of Poker Tells by Mike Caro
You?ll find newer books on poker tells, but I?m not convinced that any of them are better than Caro?s Book of Poker Tells, which is the original authority on the subject. It features a large number of photographs as reference material. If you can see through the datedness of the photos, it is possible to learn much out of this book.

Of course, poker tells are individual, however the concepts in this book are indispensable and can do more to truly get you started than you could ask for somewhere else.

10. Sharp Sports Betting by Stanford Wong
If you?re searching for a clear explanation of how real cash sports betting works alongside examples of the way to get an edge while betting on them, Sharp Sports Betting can be your starting point. So far as I understand, no other sports betting book comes even near offering so much accurate and useful information.

11. Million Dollar Video Poker by Bob Dancer
Bob Dancer turned a $6000 bankroll into $1 million playing video poker in NEVADA. Million Dollar Video Poker is his memoir of that experience. It?s more about the swings in fortune he experienced on his quest to win this money than this can be a how-to book, although he does provide insights and tips any video poker player can use to increase his likelihood of winning.

Million Dollar Video Poker put Bob Dancer on the map. All his self-published strategy guides are worth reading, too.

12. The Frugal Gambler by Jean Scott
The Frugal Gambler is like Comp City for folks on a budget. It?s dated now, too, but like Max Rubin?s book, it provides mindset tips and lessons that may always apply to anyone interested in obtaining the most for his or her gambling dollar at the casino.

Those are a dozen of the greatest books about gambling I?ve ever read. And I?ve read a lot of gambling books, too ? a few of which were terrible.

Search for a companion post soon which lists some of the worst gambling books I?ve ever read.The world of casinos features a number of different subsets. These different groups range between slot sloths to poker sharks, and each subset can intermingle and dabble in other forms of gambling.

One of the most interesting cultures inside a casino, however, is the blackjack scene. As you might already know, blackjack is one of the most popular table games.

It?s easy to learn, it?s entertaining, & most importantly, it makes plenty of gamblers money. Like most other games, blackjack has several hard and fast rules that players must follow.

If they don?t, they run the risk of losing money and even getting kicked out of a casino. While there is a litany of particular regulations that help govern blackjack tables, you can find less well-known statutes and unspoken rules.

Players happen across these in various ways, often by simply playing the game whenever you can. But instead of having to discover more regarding these the hard way, it?s much more preferable to make yourself aware of them before you begin playing.

Here are seven things to never say or do while sitting around a blackjack table.

1 ? Never Touch Another Gambler?s Chips
At one point or another, you?re likely to feel foolish while gambling. Whether that foolishness is because of a lack of money, misplaying a casino game, or failing woefully to understand basic table etiquette, it?s inevitable if you gamble long enough.

But that shouldn?t be any reason to avoid diving headfirst into gambling. The best, most formative lessons you?ll learn come from making mistakes.

Those mistakes are quite common because you can find so many games in casinos, each using its own set of rules. While one rule or little bit of etiquette applies to one game, it might not be the same for others.

However, there are some universal rules that any gambler should know about. Probably the most important rules would be to never touch another person?s money.

When I first started gambling, I found no issue with touching my friends? or family?s chips while at the blackjack table. They didn?t mind, so why would anyone else?
The thing is, casinos have become sensitive about who touches what while cards are on the table. And that?s for a good reason.

Confusion can arise and fingers could be pointed if players started touching one another?s chips, particularly when a hand is live. From the casino?s perspective, they will have no way of knowing how much or how little each gambler bets.

Of course, they can consult the attention in the sky, but that leads to stoppages in play and creates controversy. Instead of putting everyone in an uncomfortable position, always avoid touching other people?s money, whatever the situation.

2 ? Never Accuse Dealers of Rigging Hands
Blackjack players are a fascinating bunch of people. There might not be a prototypical player, but most share similar characteristics and personality traits.

The stereotypical blackjack player could be quick with numbers, somewhat personable, and often very superstitious.

Experienced players know the risks which are involved with the game. Still, controversy will find those players who prefer to deflect blame rather than accept the implications of gambling.

In acute cases, some players find it appropriate to imply that dealers have the effect of results.

This shouldn?t come as a surprise, as much players tend to think about the dealer as a competitor. You see, other games like poker pit gamblers against one another.

But when it comes to table games like blackjack, players compete keenly against the house. The home, or the casino, is more of an idea than other things so players typically associate the dealer with the casino.

For that reason, dealers tend to be the unfortunate recipients of taunts and accusations from less knowledgeable, unhinged gamblers. It?s always vital that you remind yourself that dealers are dealing cards for a full time income and also have no say over who wins or who loses.

Even comments manufactured in jest will come across as obnoxious. It?s not like the dealer hasn?t heard that same joke thousands of times before.

3 ? Don?t Cause Stoppages in Play
One of the things many players find appealing about blackjack may be the pace of play. Players could get up to 60 hands in per hour, which bodes well for sharp blackjack players.

Provided that a dealer is relatively quick and the players know very well what to do, there?s no reason a table couldn?t eclipse one hand each and every minute.

But sometimes, things block the way, and games can come grinding to a halt.

Those stoppages are nearly always caused by gamblers. Actually, the only reason the house stops play would be to change dealers or exchange chips.

Usually, a player is to blame and usually stops games for just one of the following reasons:

They?re completely unfamiliar with the game.
They refuse to follow etiquette (on the phone, touching chips, etc.).
They spill a glass or two up for grabs or in the card dealing shoe.
They contest an outcome or accuse a dealer of not paying out winnings properly.
Unfortunately, some stoppages simply can?t be avoided, nevertheless, you should make an effort to do everything in your capacity to keep carefully the pace of play consistent.

4 ? Never Critique Other Players
Some people oversell their gambling experience. Within their mind, a number of successful gambling trips equates to legitimate sustained success.

The only thing separating them from the World Series of Poker is a plane ticket to Las Vegas. While any kind of success can be an accomplishment, several profitable casino experiences don?t mean someone?s ready for the big time.

Still, that doesn?t stop some players from hopping on the pedestal to judge other inferior players.

Don?t get me wrong, a blackjack table is a perfect space to greatly help out other players. But what some consider assistance, others might consider criticism. Everything boils down to delivery.

Rather than bashing someone?s play, make an effort to offer words of wisdom and well-thought-out explanations. Recommendations and tips should be well received.

Just don?t make others feel foolish for playing hands incorrectly.

5 ? Don?t Kill Anyone?s Joy
For many individuals, there?s one thing about blackjack that keeps them coming back: the entertainment value. Indeed, blackjack is widely thought to be one probably the most enjoyable table games known to man.

It doesn?t hurt that the overall game also offers tremendous odds, but a majority of people gamble for fun, not profit. Knowing that, it?s vital that you avoid stealing that joy from other folks.

For all those feeling like their mood doesn?t match all of those other table, consider switching tables.

If you?re a far more serious gambler, that?s great, but don?t dismiss people for attempting to have a good time. The beauty of many casinos is that it?s fairly simple to locate a table that is more to your liking.

6 ? Don?t Brag About Winning and Whine About Losing
When playing blackjack for the money, more often than not it looks like you win some and you also lose more.

Whether or not you?re playing well, it?s vital that you be consistent in your play and emotional state.

In so doing, you?ll gain the favor of fellow players and casino personnel. That balance will also make you into a better player and may potentially result in more wins.

However, doing this is much easier in theory. In times of defeat, it?s an easy task to become petulant and critical of yourself and others.

But the only thing harder than watching someone lose again and again is to watch a sore loser whine about those losses.

7 ? Don?t Take Yourself Too Seriously
I always tell newer players they shouldn?t take themselves too seriously. Each and every time I say that, I?m met with exactly the same bewildered look and I have to explain myself.

Anytime money is on the table, you need to take gambling seriously. But if you don't?re a pro, you shouldn?t treat a game of blackjack enjoy it?s life or death.

Instead, act respectfully, be competitive, and don?t be over the top when handling games.

Everyone really wants to win, and you should approach blackjack as a professional would. But life?s too short and you likely have far too few games under your belt to be too much on yourself.

Each and every casino game has its particular and unique group of rules, strategy, and table etiquette. Needless to say, blackjack is not any different.

Lost in the somewhat complex strategy and fast pace of play are several regulations, some of which are unspoken. But that?s no excuse for committing an egregious mistake at the tables.

Before you start gambling, make sure you familiarize yourself with all of the rules listed above.

Blackjack is among the world?s best, most entertaining, and profitable casino games. Don?t ruin your experience at the tables by saying or doing a thing that will put a target on your back.

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