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Chapter Five Exercise #3
Identify and discuss the positive, negative, or neutral connotations in each of the following sentences. In which sentences can an alternative word evoke a different emotional response?
a. The Russians wanted to attack Afghanistan. NEGATIVE The Russians wanted to protect Afghanistan.
b. Grandmama is selling her object d'art. NEUTRAL
c. The president is proposing tax incentives for hog farmers. POSITIVE The president is proposing tax increases for hog farmers.
d. The ingredients on a can of cat food include fish by-products. NEGATIVE The ingredients on a can of cat food include real fish.
e. Juan comes from a Chicano family. NEUTRAL

Chapter Six Exercise #1 Problem #1
In each of the following sentences, eliminate every unnecessary word or phrase. Do not change the meaning of the sentence itself. When necessary, replace a cluttered phrase with a single word or with a more concrete and specific word.
a. Owing to the fact that he was late, he missed seeing the president. Because he was late, he missed seeing the president.
b. I do not approve of the methods he employs. I do not approve of his methods.
c. His tale is very old and strangely different. His tale is old and different.
d. His brother, who is a member of the same firm, was indicted by the grand jury. The grand jury indicted his brother who was in the same firm.
e. This is a subject that has always interested me. This subject has always interested me.
f. Her sweater has a red glow on it. Her sweater glows red.
g. The question as to whether he succeeded has not been decided. His success is undecided.
h. The people who stood around outside in the street had a better view than those who stayed inside. The people in the street had a better view.
i. Mike was different from him. His face was quite round, and a pale white color. On his chin he had a beard which was thin and scraggy in some places. He wondered where he was at. Mike was different from him. His face was round and pale. He had a thin, scraggly beard on his chin. He wondered where he was at.

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