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Mass Effect N7-Day Lithograph
Today, a brand new Mass Effect merchandise collection was presented to mark the 15th anniversary of the franchise. The collection includes an N7 Day lithograph, Mass Effect 3 fan plushies, and hoodies along with concepts for the next game. BioWare and EA will also offer N7-themed items for Sims 4 players as part of the Sims 4's N7 Day celebrations.

Fans are buzzing with excitement as an advertisement for a product catalog for Mass Effect 5 N7 Day Lithograph caused a stir. It asks whether Commander Shepard will return in the upcoming, yet to be named installment in the series. Machine56 discovered the original flavor description. It said that Shepard's quest had "ended the threat of the Reapers but at a significant expense, not including Earth." The description was later changed to read "The show will continue," leading to speculation that Shepard could make a return appearance in the future.

We don't know when we'll learn more about the next episode of the series. However, we know it's coming out in the near future. Mass Effect Sweatshirt 's been in development from November of 2020 but we've heard little about it.

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