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Trf 081-1234567890 (ticket no.): to check void window
iep-eml-(cx email): To send confirmation mail
ape (email): To add email in gds
Dan(city name): encode/decode
Dna(airline name): encode/decode
Dac(airport name): encode/decode
Md: move down in menu
Mu: move up in menu
Jd: to check which pseudo are you in.
Rt: to retrieve the PNR.
An(datemonth)(citypair)/a(airlinecode): availability
• An12jundeldxb/aua/kf: availability of first class
• An12jundeldxb/aua/kc: business class
• An12jundeldxb/aua/kw: premium economy
• An12jundeldxb/aua/ky: economy
Mn: to go to next date in availability.
My: to go to previous date in availability
Rm (text): remarks (free text) does not goes to airlines
Sm: seat map; to select seats
Os(airline code) (text): osi-free flow text which goes to airlines
{Os “yy” – if there are multiple flights and to add common remarks for all.}
Sr: special service req
Ap1-M(mobile number): To add mobile number in PNR ; p1 ia the pax numbr
RL: to retrieve PNR no.
Rtr: to view remarks
Rtg: to view ssr and osi
He meal--rt--sr(meal code)--save: to check the meal codes from the menu and to apply
Ap (contact no.)-m: to add contact no.
Mpan: to get the availability command again
Tte/all: to delete tst
Sb(class name): to change the class of all segments
Sb(class name)(segment no.): to change the class of specific segment eg- Sbs4
Rttn -- Twd/L(segment no.) : to check the ticket confirmation
Twd/tax: to view tax breakup
FQDMELAKL/R,UP,09JUN22/D04OCT22/AQF/CS: to check the fare policies
Fxx/r,up(date of issuance) – hit enter on pax name -- [PUBLISHED FARE] : Fare rules
Fxx/r,u(date of issuance) – [MERCHANT FARE] : Fare rules
Rttn -- FWR/L(LINE NUMBER): Mini fare rules
FRN(CITYPAIR)/D-(DOI)/A-(AL CODE)/FB-(FARE BASIS CODE): To search fare basis code in system eg-
Fxq: to check the price difference for any change
Ef: file PNR
Fqn1*lt: to view policy list
Fqn(policy sno.)*pe: to check penalties for cancellation or changes eg- ( Fqn1*pe)
Rtaxr: To open split PNR
Dmi: to check the minimum connecting time in case of multiple flight segments
FFN[Airline Code]-[FF Number]/P[Passenger Number]: frequent flyer number eg- (FFNQF-123456/p1)
SRDOCO YY HK1--K-[TSA/KTN Number]---USA/P[Pax Number] : TSA/KTN Number eg-
Rh: to read the PNR history
Rhi: to read the itinerary history
Twd/tkt 081-1234567890 (ticket no.): to open ticket image
He docs -- ms169; then we will get the line from SRDOCS which includes cci name , passport no., then we will do RT , then we will paste the line of SRDOCS and change wrong passport no. To correct passport no.
Fxb or Fxr: system will give pricing for available classes automatically
Rtq: to check if the pnr is in queue
Qxp001: to remove the PNR from the queue
Rpp/rhi: to check the history of purged PNR
Rpp/tth: to check the deleted tst in purged PNR
Fxo/k: pricing command to get the best fare
Tgad-(airline code/airline code): to check airlines agreement for code shared flights
Fqc(amount)GBP/USD: currency converter (from GBP TO USD)
Rtoa/1a-(PNR no.): to open the tkts when unable to change OID
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Regards; Team

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