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10 Ways To Save Your Marriage After A Child's Death
I was listening to the oldies station the other day and the song, American Pie by Don McLean came on. I was alone in my car, so I belted out the lyrics "drove my Chevy to the levy, but the levy was dry" with abandon. It made me think of the first time I heard the song in 1971. My boyfriend (later my husband and eventually my ex husband) and I were driving my car to the Salt River. Somehow singing "Drove my Dodge to the river, but the river's not dry" just didn't have the same pizzaz. But I digress.
The next six months were a struggle unlike anything Rosie could have imagined. The pain of getting clean, trying to accept and cope with her husband's horrible death at such a young age, and the worry in her daughter's pretty little eyes made for a horrendously difficult time. Yet, even though the struggle was great, she had made a commitment to herself that day she called her mother, and she had decided at that moment that nothing would keep her from getting clean, taking back her life, and being there for her daughter. She refused to let anything deter her, and though she would cry with pain and frustration, and sometimes suffer bouts of anger over losing Mark, she managed to pull through. Alice was a blessing. Her open and honest unconditional love gave Rosie some of the focus she needed.
If you consider the distance between human and the divinity of God; this is sacrifice. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He humbled Himself to a lowly creature such as man that is not even worth the dirt. "But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

funeral programs
The Eulogy. A remembrance and acknowledgment of Mom and the significance of her life to all who shared it. The eulogy can be delivered by one or several family members and friends, or by a member of the clergy. We chose a local minister who shared some of our fondest memories of Mom. A close friend also sang one of Mom's favorite hymns, The Old Rugged Cross. The funeral home arranged for a closed circuit broadcast of the eulogy service, accessible on the internet, for relatives who could not attend the funeral.
funeral program
funeral homes usually want to know how you are going to pay for those costs, and the subject tends to come up at the worst possible time. This time would be right after a loved one passes away. It can be very stressful to come up with the money or arrange financing at a sad time when so many details need to be attended to.
In its milder forms, depression is a "mind" game that can easily go away after a good bonding with friends or loved ones. If this does not work, consider visiting a therapist.
funeral programs
Sometimes I ask myself if time will make my life any easier. I know time will not change anything. My husband will stay dead. But I remember him differently. And most of all I know that I am different.

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