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Intro: (Wa idza quri'al quraanu fastami'uu lahu, wa ansitu, la'allakum turhamun
- Ayat dalam surah al-Fajr; keadaan di mana Allah menyeru roh yg suci utk masuk ke dalam syurga.
- Ayat atu menggambarkan yg Allah redha akan roh tersebut.
- Sesuai dgn catchphrase ktani pada hari ani, "To al-Malik we shall return."
- Bukan sja masuk, tapi KEMBALI. 'Irji'ee ila rabbik... Hakikatnya roh ktani pernah berada di tempat atu sebelum ani.
- Tapi how's it gonna be for us? Will we return to Allah in a state where Allah is pleased with us?

- Just a message for everyone, esp. to those yg sudah meliat, this might be a good time for us to just stay quiet.. Inda payah gundah.
- There are popcorns for u guys. Hopefully that'll make u sit still. Teranah nya org Brunei.
- Ftr, we cut a few scenes BUT it will still connect iA.
- There is a small piece of paper, utk kamu jot down the highlights. (NOT fancy effects, but ibrah)
- So, bismillah... As they say, sit back, and enjoy.

- Who would've thought, by watching a movie saja ktani mampu mentadabbur/mreflect ttg kematian.
- This is not a message to encourage you to watch movies. Instead...
- A lesson for ktani, to not just merenung ttg kematian only di
> Perkuburan
> Masa org meninggal
- but... Everytime!
- Ani satu kenyataan yg semua org di dunia ani agree with. Even non muslims... bhw ktani satu hari akan mati.
- Tapi many fail to realise that...
- Yang berkuasa utk mematikan ktani is, not the Mimics, not the Omega, but Allah al-Malik. Raja, who owns the kingdom.
- Tapi we tend to forget... seolah2 ktani akan menetap di dunia ani selamanya.
- Ktani lalai dlm mengumpulkan harta, hatta ktani lupa utk bersedekah.
- Ktani sibuk dlm belajar/bekerja, smpaikan tani inda tau MANA dari ilmu ku yg mampu mbagi manfaat arah org.
- hadith: apabila mati anak adam maka terputuslah amalannya kecuali TIGA perkara. sadaqah jariah, ilmu yg bermanfaat, doa org yg soleh.
- that very knowledge should make us grow in humility. The more knowledge we have, the more humble we should be. Not the opposite.
- As much as we wish to be like Tom Cruise in that movie, we only have one chance saja in this world. "Alam Dunia"
- Yes ktani akan dibangunkan lagi di alam akhirat.. But it will be too late at that time.
- Well actually, good news: we do get to die everyday! Yes.. semasa ktani tidur.
- Mistakes can be fixed selagi balum mati. Allah still bagi trial mati for only a few hrs.
- We can still better ourselves day by day. Atu misi ktani as a Muslim, to be better than you were yesterday.

Hopefully, from our session today, ktani terus usaha utk meningkatkan iman ktani. Mudahan Allah sentiasa jadikan ktani di antara org yg selalu mengingati mati, dan jua org yg selalu berusaha utk mempersiapkan bekal utk menghadapi hari kematian ktani nanti.
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Regards; Team

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