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How to Get the Most out of Gambling Machines.Probability, Gambling, and Common Sense
No type of gambling is popular in an American casino when compared to a gambling machine. People love the slots and video poker games for various reasons.

In this post, I examine the popularity of the games and provide some advice on how you could be able to obtain the best of it while playing them.

Why Are Gambling Machines so Popular?
The largest of reason gambling machines are so popular is easy: Gambling machines are fun to play.

They also offer a chance to get yourself a bigger payoff than you?d get at a table game. With the rare exception of some progressive jackpot table games, most payouts at a table game offer payouts of significantly less than 35 to at least one 1. In fact, the primary bets generally in most table games in the casino pay even money.

Gambling machines also offer faster action than table games. At most table games, you might be limited by making 50 to 100 bets each hour. On a slot machine game or video poker game, you can easily make 500 wagers each hour and find out the method that you?re doing very quickly.

Table games can intimidate new gamblers for multiple reasons. In the event that you don?t discover how to play blackjack or baccarat, it can be scary to sit back at a table full of other players and ask questions about how to play. With gambling machines, you don?t need to worry about being intimidated.

In fact, the gamblers in the slot machine sections at most casinos are more light-hearted and relaxed than the players at the table games. This makes for an atmosphere that?s more attractive to many gamblers.

Casinos Love Gambling Machines and Here?s Why
Needless to say, the casinos love their slots and video poker games, too. One of a casino manager?s main concerns is how much money the casino is making per square foot. And in line with the level of space a gambling machine occupies, it?s very profitable.

Casinos don?t have to spend much money maintaining their slot machines. They pretty much come from the manufacturer all set. Plug them in, and let gamblers start running their money through there.

Also, casinos don?t have to hire dealers to run the games. Gambling machines literally run themselves. So, other than the price of the electricity, they?re more profitable just because the expenses related to them are minimal.

Casino Slots

There are also more forms of gambling machines than you'll find different types of table games. Gamblers love variety, even if it just means playing a slot machine with the same odds and payouts but with different symbols on the reels and various sound files on the speakers.

Most importantly of all, gambling machines generally have a higher mathematical edge on the player. Combine that with the truth that the gamblers are making 500 bets per hour, putting more income into action every hour, and gambling machines are often the most profitable thing in the casino.

You Don?t Need to Lose Money Playing Gambling Machines
Even though most gambling machines have a higher house edge and earn a lot of cash for the casino, you can still get the best of it when playing gambling machines?at least some of the time. It could even be easier than you imagine.

Generally, if you want to get the best of it playing gambling machines, you?ll need to be playing the video poker machines.

And not simply any video poker machines. It is advisable to find the progressive video poker machines. Exactly the same logic applies to slot machines with progressive jackpots, however the math works so differently with these games that it?s hard to get an advantage at them.

What?s a Progressive Jackpot?
A progressive jackpot is really a top prize that increases as gamblers continue steadily to play. Once the jackpot is hit, it resets to its original starting place. The way the progressive jackpot grows depends on the settings of the program running the machine.

For example, some progressive jackpot games might increase the size of the jackpot by way of a penny each and every time you lose a dollar playing that machine. Often, progressive jackpot games are networked with one another, therefore the jackpot might increase every time anyone on those networked games loses a dollar.

Megabucks may be the biggest progressive jackpot game in Nevada. Thousands of machines are networked together for the Megabucks jackpot, which starts at $10 million and grows from there.

This is not the game to play in the event that you?re hoping to get the best of it at gambling machines, though. The chances of winning at Megabucks act like the odds of winning the lottery.

Even if the Megabucks jackpot got big enough that the game offered a positive mathematical expectation, you still wouldn?t desire to play it as the odds of winning are so awful you could easily play Megabucks for 200 years and 24 hours a day without ever hitting the jackpot.

How Positive Expectation Works on Gambling Machines
The idea behind getting the best of it with a progressive jackpot gambling machine is simple:

After the jackpot gets high enough, the average payouts on that machine will undoubtedly be higher than the money you?re putting in to the machine.

Normally, the payouts on the games are set low enough that the machine always takes in more money than it pays out.

However when the jackpot gets big enough, the reverse holds true.

Bonus Money

Real cash casinos and gamblers measure the math of a gambling machine with regards to its payback percentage. An average slot machine or video poker machine has a payback percentage of between 90% and 95%.

But once a progressive jackpot reaches a certain point, the payback percentage goes over 100%.

If you?re playing games with a payback percentage of significantly less than 100%, you?re always likely to lose over time.

If you?re doing offers with a payback percentage greater than 100%, you?re always going to win in the long term.

The Math Behind Obtaining the Best of Gambling Machines
In the event that you?re playing video poker, you?ll get yourself a royal flush about once out of every 40,000 hands. At 500 hands each hour, that?s about 80 hours of play. The royal flush is always the most notable jackpot on a video poker machine, too.

If you?re playing a quarter video poker machine, you?ll need to play the max bet of five coins per hand. That?s $1.25 per hand.

40,000 hands of video poker at $1.25 per hand is $50,000 in wagers. That?s just $1.25 per hand multiplied by 40,000 hands.

Obviously, if the jackpot on this machine were $50,000, you?d have a profitable opportunity.

But it doesn?t have to be over $50,000 for the game to be profitable. You get paid back on a great many other practical a video poker game, too. On a standard Jacks or Better game, you get paid out on any hand that?s better than a set of jacks or higher.

In fact, you?ll lose on about 55% of one's hands, but you?ll win at the very least something on about 45% of the hands you play at Jacks or Better video poker. This is another reason, incidentally, why video poker machines are so popular. The hit ratio for video poker is higher than on most slot machine game games.

Most video poker games will pay out 95% of the money you placed into them as winnings even when you never hit the royal flush. This means that you?ll lose 5%, normally, of each dollar you wager. In the event that you put $50,000 through the machine, you?d expect to reunite $47,500 in winnings and lose about $2,500.

But when you take into account how big is the royal flush jackpot, that number gets even smaller. On a complete pay Jacks or Better game, the royal flush adds another 4% roughly to the payback percentage. This assumes, of course, that you?re using optimal strategy.

Let?s that suppose you've got a progressive jackpot on that royal flush, and it?s around $3,000.

Now, in the event that you put $50,000 through the device, you?ll get back $50,500, which represents a profit of $500.

And the larger the progressive jackpot gets, the higher your profit turns out to be.

So, if you need to get the best of it at gambling machines, your goal would be to look for video poker games with a progressive jackpot that?s gotten over $2,500.

One Big Caveat About Video Poker Gambling
I already mentioned this, nonetheless it bears repeating and explanation. The numbers I?m quoting assume that you?re playing video poker with optimal strategy. Your decisions about which cards to keep and which cards to discard has a major influence on the payback percentage for a machine.

Don?t trust me?

Consider this:

Suppose you?re dealt a royal flush, and you opt to discard even one card. That?s not the strategically best play, obviously, also it would set you back money.

Other strategy mistakes obviously won?t have as big an effect, but they could have an effect.

Most of the time, when you find a profitable opportunity on a video poker game, you?ll have a small edge over the house. You can?t afford to give up even a single percentage in payback percentage or you?ll be facing a poor expectation again.

This means that you?ll need to review a few of the posts on this website (or sites like this) to learn how exactly to play video poker with optimal strategy.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, you CAN get the very best of it playing gambling machines, nonetheless it won?t be because you picked a slot machine that?s gotten hot or arrives.

It will be because you found a video poker game with a progressive jackpot where in fact the prize is high enough that you can show a long-term profit.

It will also be because you learned how to play that game with optimal strategy.Recreational gamblers don?t have to understand probability that well. They probably curently have a general idea that the casino is always going to win, and they?re okay with that. In the end, they?re just paying for entertainment.

Common sense tells a lot of people that.

But you'll lose less money in the long run if you have a general understanding of probability beyond what common sense tells you.

Also, I?m convinced that gambling is more fun once you understand the probability underlying precisely what?s happening.

This post examines probability as it pertains to both gambling and where good sense begins and ends when it comes to probability.

A Common-Sense Explanation of Probability
Probability measures how often something happens given quite a long time frame. Gambling writers make reference to this as ?the long term,? which is not to be confused with the album of exactly the same name by the Eagles.

Below are a few examples:

If you flip a normal coin repeatedly all days, you?ll expect it to land on heads 1/2 of the time.

If you take a deck of cards and draw a card at random repeatedly all day, you?ll be prepared to get a spade 1/4 of that time period.

If you roll a typical 6-sided die a large number of time, 1/6 of that time period is how often you anticipate to see that die land on 6.

Math Equation

That?s as common-sense a way of describing the probability of an event when i can imagine. A lot of people understand this concept intuitively.

The math starts getting ultimately more interesting when you begin thinking about some other aspects of probability.

For one thing, probability is definitely a fraction ? lots between 0 and 1.

Events that are impossible have a possibility of 0, and events that are certain have a possibility of 1.

Different Ways of Expressing Fractions Pertains to Expressing Probabilities
You don?t have to use a fraction to represent a meeting?s probability. In the event that you paid attention in math class, you already know that fractions can be converted both to decimals. And decimals can be converted to percentages.

So, the probability of getting heads when flipping a coin is 0.5.

The probability of drawing a spade from a deck of cards is 0.25.

The likelihood of rolling a 6 on a 6-side die is 0.1667.

It is possible to convert those decimals to percentages must by multiplying by 100 or by moving the decimal indicate the right by 2 digits. So, you find yourself with 50%, 25%, and 16.67%.

All these numbers are common sense for many people, too.

Some of this calls for doing some basic math in our head. The real probability of drawing a spade from a deck of cards is 13 divided by 52, nevertheless, you can reduce that fraction easily in your head.

Also you can restate these probabilities as odds. For example, the odds of drawing a spade out of a deck of cards is 3 to 1 1, and the odds of rolling a 6 on a die are 5 to at least one 1.

And odds are important to a gambler.

Why Using Odds to Express Probability Is So Important in Gambling
Even though percentages are more intuitive for average people, gamblers who?ve been at it for some time and know what they?re doing often find that stating a probability in terms of odds is more useful. During calculations, you?ll often use fractional probabilities to accomplish the math and convert them back to odds later.

Odds compare the amount of ways you can lose with the amount of ways you can win. It?s a ratio of wins to losses.

Let?s say you have a situation where you are going to win 3/10 of the time. The odds are 7 to 3 ? you have 7 methods to lose and 3 ways to win.

You subtract the quantity of ways to win from the full total possible number of outcomes to find the number of ways to lose, then you compare the two 2 with one another.


That is important because it’s likely that also used to describe how much you obtain paid out once you win a bet. Many bets spend at even money ? 1 to 1 1 odds, but other bets might pay out at 3 to 2 odds or 2 to at least one 1 odds.

If a bet pays out at better odds than the odds of winning, you?re in a profitable situation.

In case a bet pays out at worse odds than the odds of winning, you?re within an unprofitable situation.

In virtually all casino game situations, the chances of winning are worst than the payout odds. This is how the casino makes its money.

A good example of the Casino?s House Edge Using Odds and Probability
Let?s say you?re playing a casino game in the casino where you?re guessing lots between 1 and 10. The dealer has a random number generator that delivers each number with an equal probability of occurring.

The odds of winning that bet are 9 to at least one 1, however the casino pays off at 8 to 1 1 once you win.

Can you see how the casino will probably win money from you in the end?

Over 10 bets, you?ll lose typically 9 bets, nevertheless, you?ll only win 8 bets on the 1 successful guess. The casino will win a supplementary bet from you every 10 bets, which means that the house edge on this bet is 10%.

This is one way all casino games work, however the math behind these calculations might be more involved. Obviously when you?re dealing with cards and multiple dice and roulette wheels with 38 numbers in it, the math gets more involved.

But the principle remains exactly the same ? the bets pay off at lower odds than the probability of winning, and that?s the way the casinos stay so profitable.

Probabilities for Multiple Events
You?ll often come across situations where you?ll wish to know the probability that multiple events may happen. Usually, it is possible to just multiply the probabilities of each event by each other to find the probability that both will happen.

Here?s a good example:
Suppose you intend to know the likelihood of rolling a 12 on 2 dice. To accomplish this, you need to roll a 6 on the initial die and a 6 on the second die.

The probability is 1/6 X 1/6, or 1/36.

In odds terms, that?s 35 to 1 1.

But that only applies to ?independent? events.

Sometimes the likelihood of a 2nd event changes based on the first event. You need to adjust the likelihood of the next event accordingly before you do your calculations.

Here?s a good example of that:

Suppose you need to know the probability of being dealt a pair of aces as your hole cards in Texas hold?em?

The probability of the initial card as an ace is 1/13, right? You have 4 aces and 52 total cards.

But as soon as you get that first ace, you merely have 3 aces left in the deck out of 51 cards. That changes the probability for the next card from 1/13 to 1/17.

So, the probability of getting a couple of aces as your hole cards are 1/13 X 1/17, or 1/221.

That?s 220 to at least one 1 odds.

It is possible to carry this calculation out so far as you need to.

Probabilities in Sporting Events
Suppose you would like to know the probability that the Dallas Cowboys will play the Buffalo Bills in the Super Bowl. To find out that probability, you?d multiply the probability that the Dallas Cowboys will win the NFC by the probability that the Buffalo Bills will win the AFC.

The odds of Dallas winning the NFC aren?t suffering from if Buffalo wins the AFC.

So, the math is straightforward enough as soon as you estimate the odds of each team winning their conference.

For simplicity?s sake, let?s just assume that every team has a 1/16 probability of winning their conference. The odds of them playing one another in the Super Bowl are, therefore, 1/16 X 1/16, or 1/256 ? or 255 to 1 1.

What If You intend to Know the Odds that a minumum of one Thing Will Happen?
Instead of calculating the likelihood of event A AND event B happening, you want to know the probability that event A OR event B may happen.

So how exactly does the math work then?

Usually, you merely add the two 2 probabilities together.

For example, invest the our earlier example of the Dallas Cowboys and the Buffalo Bills, and you desire to calculate the probability that at least one of them will play in the Super Bowl, you just add the possibilities together.

In this instance, 1/16 + 1/16 is 2/16, or 1/8.

The odds are 7 to at least one 1.

But this can be an oversimplification. A lot of times, a more accurate calculation involves solving for just how many ways a bet can lose and subtracting that from 100%.

Probability seems like common-sense at first, but there?s more to it than that.

Entire textbooks have been written about probability, but most gamblers don?t have to read or study a whole textbook unless they?re sincere about about getting an edge while gambling.

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