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> Humans are nature's most advanced meat beings. Eggs, specifically
> chicken eggs, are nature's most portable protomeat sacs. Humans and dolphins
> are the only animate meat creatures what have sex for pleasure, spreading
> their meat seed, leading to more meat-babies. Inter-stellar meat travel is
> possible. Think of what meats there are in the heavens. Waxing philosophical
> meat. I will amaze you with the length and girth of my meat ramblings. My
> next book "Hey Meatlord, It's Me" will be available in meatback on the 12th
> of April, Judeo-Meat calender year. Neo-cubist meatworks are visible from 9
> to five. God's second mistake (read meatsteak) was the female meat-human.
> Larval meats are expected with prolonged use, as well as diahhrea, nausea,
> and meat hankerins. As a doctor, I always made sure to rinse my arms
> diligently in the meatbath before performing surgery on a sentient bipedal
> meatnik. The Cold War was a war of meat puppetry, there was no direct
> intra-meat warfare. The lesser meats fought on a chessboard of what can only
> be described as a lot of meat. The colloquial expression is a shitload of
> meat. Meater reader here, checking your household meat levels, making sure
> they don't drop to dangerously low meat pressure. Saturation meating was a
> popular war tactic during Meat War II (From here on written as MWII). Peter
> Cottontail spreading his meatful glee hither and thither. "A am become
> meat." -- Oppenheimer upon witnessing tests of the accplication of his
> stunning work in atomic meats. On prom, I will give my meatlove a lovely
> bouquet of meat, even though I'm aware of eventual wilted meat. When they
> made love, it always resulted in a satisfying, if not amusing, slapping
> sound. They, however, were forever bound, meat to meat, meat slamming into
> meat in the act of making love. She wept cool meat tears when he left to
> fight in MWII, never to return, just as many did, ending in the inevitable
> pile of bullet-ridden meatstuffs of all races, colors and creeds. We're all
> meat in the end. The pregnancy was pleasent, the foetalmeat sucking precious
> meat juices and nutrients from his host meat, Ie his mother. As best as
> anyone could estimate, he was male. Gender differences are really merely
> subtle changes in meat configuration, yet the pubescent meatlarva will spend
> painful hours considering the various meat types, yet they will almost
> inevitably end up beating the proverbial meat to release the day's stresses.
> Let us no longer speak of meat. I tire of it so.
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