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Letter to Uncle, complete. Exploring Serialis’s newfound powers, after she gets chewed out by Maleficent. Being able to transform into an unsightly avifauna, in progress. What else was there…

Alwyn’s gaze trailed off to look at the “How to Talk to Your Dad” book lying conspicuously on the coffee table.

Right, he still had that thing to deal with. Alwyn thought it would be a useful paperweight, but apparently it’s too light to properly press out creases in paper. He thought it might be good decoration, but when it tried to put a book jacket on it, the book would somehow undress itself once Alwyn looked away. It also had a habit of teleporting around to conspicuous places whenever he was alone. Ayesha is quite meddlesome, and if she noticed the book she might badger him the same way she badgered him about the shipping club form (which he still needed to fill out — another thing for the list, then). Serialis is probably dealing with a hangover, or with her mother, whatever. Point is, she’s not here.

Also, don’t ask about the machete. It’s quite lucky that there were other students that were clumsy with weapons and there’s a box to deposit broken weapons into. And no, water didn’t do anything either. It’s hydrophobic.

There was a crackling of the fireplace that caught his attention. His eyes flickered from the book, to the fire. Whether by lack of fire precautions, a consideration for the fire genasi, or for the students inclined to roast marshmallows on an open fire, there wasn’t even a glass barrier between a student and the firebox. Picking up the book, Alwyn flung it into the fireplace. He stared at it for a few moments, and satisfied seeing the pages crinkle up and burn into ashes, walked away to do better things with his time.

Unfortunately, he didn’t notice the wisps of paper cobbling together into a letter and rising up the chimney, directed to one Diaval.
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