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1. I listened along to a guy on librivox while reading it on and he was pretty good so I got through the whole thing relatively quickly.
2. "I offer a few remarks on the so much boasted constitution of England. That it was noble for the dark and slavish times in which it was erected, is granted. When the world was overrun with tyranny the least remove therefrom was a glorious rescue. But that it is imperfect, subject to convulsions, and incapable of producing what it seems to promise, is easily demonstrated." (Paine ,Of The Origin And Design Of Government In General. With Concise Remarks On The English Constitution Page 2)
Even though this quote is on the second page of the first section I like it the best out of all I listened to just because Paine pretty much told it how it is in regards to the English constitution. He said that it is incapable of producing what it promised. He did say it did make do for the time when it was made but after that it just failed on all of it's original ideas and foundation in general. With this said I really like this quote and I think it really goes at the people that made it and the English government as a whole. This is just me but I think Paine did an awesome job at giving it one compliment then absolutely tearing it down in the last sentence with such ease and civility.
3. I discussed this quote and what I wrote along with common sense's meaning and the affect it had on the colonists and how important it was in inspiring a new way of thinking against England with my dad. We shared a common thought that it was very inspiring and that it was a big deal to everyone that read it. We both talked about how straight-forward Paine is and not afraid to tell the truth about what he thinks people should do. My dad also stated that he liked the aspect about that when he was talking about the present state of American Affairs Paine didn't mention people who thought differently than him and this was a great strategy because he knew that a lot of people were going to read this and he only wanted to spread his message.
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