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Einarr's new life.

MC - Hitoshi Takashima (AKA. Einarr) (Einarr is the strongest monster developed from the apocalypse. He, unlike the other humans was given a 4th option for purchase [Abilities][Titles] [Physical Modifications] [Race {Unique}]. The only race available was <All-Devouring Snake> which cost 1 of his 4 points. Most people only got one, few got 2, even fewer got 3 and only 5 got 4. Everything was luck based. He got the race change, a weapon called <The All-Devouring>, the title <King of Monsters> and the ability <All race language acquisition>. The weapon was an earring that can change to any weapon he has seen once, it also had 15 already preset weapons that were created alongside the earring. The different weapons didn't give any boosts, only the 15 presets did. All weapons were indestructible though. The title made it so all monsters, animals and magic inclined races instinctively saw him as a neutral entity, some may even seem him as a comrade and help him if asked. The final ability gave him the ability to hear and read all languages, this includes monsters. E.g. being able to talk to wolves. His race gave him a body change, he still looked human but had slits on his new cold white eyes. He also loses his hair colour and it changes to ghost white. He gains a snake tongue that works like a real one. He also gains partial and full transformations. Partial lets him change his skin to ghost white scales, to enhance his tongue and change his legs to a snake tail much like a lamia. Full transformation changes him into a ghost white scaled snake that can change size but his full size being 20m long and 5m high. He also has retractable snake fangs with poisons. His poison can change at will to any ingested before. He is also immune to poison hence his need to drink new poisons to gain the ability to use them.)

Mother - Emiko Takashima (Einarr's mother who never returned after leaving a month before the apocalypse, reunite 3000 years after the apocalypse ends and order is fully restored. To her, only 33 days had past. To Einarr it was 3000 years, 1 month and 3 days. 1 month before apocalypse and 3 days after the end.)

Battle Maid - Hillevi Takashima (Abandoned Elf Einarr picked up and raised to serve as his battle maid.)
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