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class="hfeed site" id="page"> Home Facebook-f Twitter Youtube Search Close The following posts are written by contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of ZitoBox. $4.5m Of These Rewards Have Already Been Paid $4.5m Already Paid Start With $10 Free - Coupon Code: TV PLAY NOW PLAY NOW PLAY NOW PLAY NOW The following posts are written by contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of ZitoBox. July 29, 2022 scam se bacho: WhatsApp prevents online fraud with ‘Scam Se Bacho’ song in new ad, Marketing & Advertising News, ET BrandEquity WhatsApp has launched a user-safety campaign – titled ‘Scam Se Bacho’ which will come alive through a ‘music video.’
The ‘Scam Se Bacho’ music video is a parody rendition of the popular evergreen song, ‘Dekh Ke Chalo’, and delivers the socially relevant message of user safety in a fun and breezy tone. The new lyrics demonstrate real-life situations in which individuals could be susceptible to scams and reinforce the message of staying safe and exercising caution while making digital payments.
Conceptualised by BBDO India, the music video captures an array of everyday situations that warn users of scams such as falling prey to fake lottery schemes, disclosing your UPI PIN on a call to a fake customer care executive, or sending money to a scamster posing to be a friend without verifying their identity.
The video further highlights initiatives that WhatsApp has undertaken to help consumers avoid such scams, frauds and make payments on WhatsApp smartly and securely. The goal of the video is to engage the audience through nostalgia and educate them about digital payment safety in the most comforting and memorable way.
Manesh Mahatme, director – payments, WhatsApp India, said, “User safety is at the core of everything we do at WhatsApp and through this exciting and captivating music video, we want to educate and empower our users with all the information they need to safeguard themselves against any frauds while making digital payments. We hope that this initiative by WhatsApp will resonate with people and they can sing their way through safe and secure online payments.”
Avinash Pant, director – marketing, Meta India, said, “Through this campaign, which is built on several real world scenarios that people face in their everyday life, our endeavour is to educate and empower users with all the information they need to safeguard themselves against any frauds while making digital payments.”
Josy Paul, chair and chief creative officer, BBDO India, said, “Our goal of reworking a fun nostalgic song like ‘Dekh ke Chalo’ was to use the power of music to convey a strong message that’ll help people relate to the moments that we collectively face in our lives. The song triggers memory structures that allow the audience to receive the message more easily.”
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