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How Long Should You Keep Documents In The UK: A Comprehensive Guide
Keeping important documents organized and safe is a significant responsibility that comes with adulthood. But, with various kinds of documents, it can be challenging to know how long to keep each one. This article offers a detailed guide on how long to keep different types of documents in the UK.
Table of Contents
Important Documents
Birth and marriage certificates
Driving license
Financial Documents
Bank statements
Credit card statements
Tax returns
Pension statements
Insurance policies
Legal Documents
Contracts and agreements
Property deeds
Court documents
Power of attorney
Personal Documents
School and university certificates
Employment records
Medical records
Photographs and memorabilia
In the UK, there are no specific rules on how long to keep documents. However, it is generally advisable to keep documents for a certain period in case they are required for reference or legal purposes. This article will provide guidance on how long to keep different types of documents. It is worth noting that individual circumstances may vary, and some documents may need to be kept for more extended periods.
Important Documents
Birth and Marriage Certificates
Birth and marriage certificates are crucial documents that verify your identity and legal status. It is advisable to keep these documents throughout your life.
Passports should be retained until they expire or are no longer valid. If your passport has valid visas or stamps, you should hold onto it until they expire.
Driving License
Driving licenses should be kept as long as they are valid. If you no longer drive, you may want to keep your driving license as identification.
Financial Documents
Bank Statements

It is recommended to retain bank statements for at least six years as this is the period during which you may be asked to provide evidence of your financial transactions.
Credit Card Statements
Credit card statements should be kept for at least six years, similar to bank statements.
Tax Returns
Tax returns should be kept for a minimum of six years. HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) can ask to see these documents for up to six years after the end of a tax year.
Pension Statements
Pension statements should be kept throughout the duration of the pension and for at least six years after the pension has been closed.
Insurance Policies
Insurance policies should be kept while the policy is in force and for some time after it expires.
Legal Documents
Contracts and Agreements
Contracts and agreements should be kept throughout the duration of the agreement and for some time afterward in case of any legal disputes.
Wills should be kept during the individual's life, and after their death, the executor of the will should hold onto them.
Property Deeds
Property deeds should be kept throughout the period of property ownership and for some time after the property has been sold.
Court Documents
Court documents should be kept indefinitely, as they may be required for reference or future legal disputes.
Power of Attorney
Power of attorney documents should be retained during the period of the arrangement and for some time afterward.
Personal Documents
School and University Certificates
School and university certificates should be kept during the individual's life as they may be needed for employment or further education.
Employment Records
Employment records should be kept for at least six years after the employment has ended. This includes payslips, P45s, and P60s.
Medical Records
Medical records should be retained for at least 10 years after the last visit to a healthcare provider or the individual's death.
Photographs and Memorabilia
Photographs and memorabilia should be kept as long as they are important to the individual or their family. These items often hold sentimental value and can be passed down through generations.
To sum up, keeping significant documents safe and organized is a vital aspect of adult life. While there are no strict rules on how long to keep documents in the UK, it is generally recommended to keep essential documents such as birth certificates and wills for the duration of an individual's lifetime. Financial documents such as tax returns and bank statements should be kept for at least six years, while legal documents such as contracts and court documents should be kept indefinitely. Personal documents such as school certificates and photographs can be kept for as long as they hold value to the individual or their family.
Can I dispose of old documents that I no longer need?
Yes, you can dispose of old documents that you no longer need, but it is crucial to do so securely to prevent identity theft or fraud.
Should keep my old credit cards?
No, you should shred or destroy old credit cards once they are no longer valid.
How long should I keep insurance policies?
Insurance policies should be kept while the policy is in force and for some time after it expires.
Can I keep digital copies of important documents?
Yes, you can keep digital copies of important documents, as long as they are stored securely and can be accessed easily when needed.
How long should I keep tax returns?
Tax returns should be kept for at least six years, as HMRC may ask to see them for up to six years after the end of a tax year.

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