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You’ve got hero schools, haunted schools, and schools where gambling is officially permitted.Now, let me introduce you to the school from the More Than a Married Couple manga, where students are trained to have a happy married life.How so? Well, a girl and a&hellip;"/><meta name="robots" content="follow, index, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1, max-image-preview:large"/><link rel="canonical" href="" /><meta property="og:locale" content="en_US" /><meta property="og:type" content="article" /><meta property="og:title" content="More than a Married Couple Anime Teases a Gyaru MC with New Visual - November 2022" /><meta property="og:description" content="Anime schools have made a name for themselves by being extra. You’ve got hero schools, haunted schools, and schools where gambling is officially permitted.Now, let me introduce you to the school from the More Than a Married Couple manga, where students are trained to have a happy married life.How so? 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Youu2019ve got hero schools, haunted schools, and schools where gambling is officially permitted.Now, let me introduce you to the school from the More Than a Married Couple manga, where students are trained to have a happy married life.How so? 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class="hfeed site" id="page"> Home Facebook-f Twitter Youtube Search Close The following posts are written by contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of ZitoBox. $4.5m Of These Rewards Have Already Been Paid $4.5m Already Paid Start With $10 Free - Coupon Code: TV PLAY NOW PLAY NOW PLAY NOW PLAY NOW The following posts are written by contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of ZitoBox. May 7, 2022 More than a Married Couple Anime Teases a Gyaru MC with New Visual Anime schools have made a name for themselves by being extra. You’ve got hero schools, haunted schools, and schools where gambling is officially permitted.
Now, let me introduce you to the school from the More Than a Married Couple manga, where students are trained to have a happy married life.
How so? Well, a girl and a boy are paired to live together as spouses, and marks are provided based on how amiably they stay. las vegas coin
More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers, the weird shoujo manga in question, has been greenlit for an anime adaptation. So, you’ll be able to know all about this bizarre ‘married couple training’ soon.
Check out the latest teaser visual of the anime where the protagonists, Jirō Yakuin and Akari Watanabe are shown in dynamic poses. The visual oozes the personality of these two as Akari is an extroverted gyaru while Jirō is an introverted gamer who has only ever dated 2D women.
Both the protagonists have vastly different personalities and their own crushes. Naturally, their training did not start well.
If you ask me, the pairing seems absolutely horrible, people are getting paired with the ones they hate, and they can’t even change partners until they are ranked at the top.
Thus, Jirou and Akari’s best bet is to act like a super clingy couple and trick everyone so that they can rank and change partners as soon as possible.
Studio Mother is animating the series and has just revealed the main staff members for this project:
Position Staff Other Works Chief Director Takao Kato To Love-Ru Director Junichi Yamamoto Monster Girl Doctor Series Script Naruhisa Arakawa Kingdom Character Designer Chizuru Kobayashi Pandora Hearts Now all that’s left to do is wait for the trailers to drop as the release date creeps up on you. Can this unlikely couple fake their way out of this training? Or will they actually start liking each other?
About More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers is a manga by Yūki Kanamaru. This may interest you : Sand Vegas Casino Club Metaverse Ordered to Cease Operations in Alabama and Texas . It was launched in the Young Ace magazine in 2018.
Nirou is a gamer and Akari is a gyaru. Both are classmates but don’t like each other. They are forced to live together like a couple during their school’s marriage training program.
Their only way to escape is to fake their act so that they can get good ranks and change partners.
Source: Official Website
Originally Written By Epic Dope

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