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Overhaul Arc Plans -


Akku - He ends up bumping into Eri and acts accordingly, burrowing down how he really feels in a situation and letting her go, making him feel like he'd just given up on her; as if he didn't care that she was being abused. Because of such he distances himself from everyone throughout the school day, furthering into his demon side, focusing it across larger areas around his body, he threatens to crack when Mina and the others question him, letting him know it's ok to feel weak, but he just has to work to fix it.
When they get to a conference with everyone meeting up, it is revealed what Overhaul is really doing with quirk-erasing bullets and Eri in tandem, the revelation is only piled on when Nighteye and Bubble Girl patrolled further and discovered Chisaki with a tattered book in his hands, one resembling Aaron's grimoire. Akku reveals to them about his grimoire and what that means, how Overhaul could reassemble the demon that could still be residing within it, only making him sink even further, now sure he's a main cause of why he's slowly risen to power and alliance with the league, blaming himself for the situation they're in now, revealing to them how he has demons power within his grimoire as well, slightly scaring the others in the room, Aizawa makes a promise to him that they'll make sure to get her back, and that he will as well, telling him not lose his cool and focus on the mission.
Once the mission starts, it somewhat follows canon with characters being pushed into certain situations, as the walls begin to shift, Akku, Aizawa, Nighteye, and some other heroes come across Kaminari, trying to flee from the Yakuza, one they meet Kaminari, he desperately tries to fight him with lightning without actually hurting him, having it bounced back by Demon-Slayer and erased by Aizawa. As he comes across Toga facing Shiozaki she flees and the two of them fall into one of the various tunnels having more of an argument than a fight, none of them trying to outwardly hurt each other, until when the floor opens up for Toga, Akku recklessly picks her up with Demon-Slayer and throws her out of it, forcing him into it now close to where Mirio had headed off to, chasing after Overhaul.
The two of them fend off Overhaul and his lackeys, fighting in controlled sync with one another, desperate to save Eri they keep moving with one another, Akku even copies his quirk for a moments not bothering Chisaki whatsoever as a yellow mass erupted from his quirk, molding against it. Akku quickly realizes what it is, Aaron's demon power which manages to force Mirio's quirk off balance allowing him to get a solid hit into his stomach knocking both of them out of range from Eri. Whilst they are fighting, a quirk-erasing bullet is shot toward Eri, Mirio doesn't hesitate and races towards the bullet, Akku managed to move faster bursting himself forward with his demon power - and takes the bullet ragdolling to the ground as Mirio is left alone to face the monster, unable to do anything as Overhaul kicks up rubble to trap Akku under.
All the fighting from Jirou, Izuku and others only serving to aggravate Chisaki fusing with one of his lackeys as he continues to meld the demon power against himself, as it gets easier and easier for him to fend them off. He and Izuku take a stand together promising to not let anything happen to Eri, with Akku revealing the bullet didn't work because he doesn't have a quirk in the first place. After they scuffle even further Eri his rocketed into the air as Overhaul creates pillars all around him to break through the ground, it's done so for him as Ryukyu breaks through the concrete with Uraraka and Tsu, with the latter furious as she uses her zero-gravity to attack him only managing to land a single heel to his face. Leaving Demon-Slayer in the rubble, Akku yet again forces the demon wing from his back flying up to the surface, witnessing Izuku zip through the air and destroy the algmation of Aaron's demon and another muscle he's fused with himself launching it to the floor.
What remains is Aaron's demon, finally able to take shape, revealing that's the only reason he stuck with Chisaki for so long to copy some level of his quirk and take form, Akku bursts into action continuing to circle more of his demon power against the burden of his body, cutting through his defenses and fighting back but not able to land anything on his actually body, ending with his wing being mercilessly torn off and barrelled to to the ground. As the devil continues to mock him from inside his grimoire, saying he his current level isn't enough, that he'd need a fraction of what he truly can offer, but it'll come at a price of his arm. Glancing to Eri and Izuku and thinking of everyone below, he doesn't want to win with a special move, so he'll use his own skills and thoughts to wither him down and land the final strike with his full power. Accepting the offer he tires out Eri as he borrows her rewind quirk with Demon-Dweller, using the find seconds he's been given and elvating it.
As they fight, he manages to land several blows but isn't able to cut straight through his heart and kill him entirely, Demon-Dweller or Destoryer just aren't strong enough, that's when Toga and Uraraka help dig out the sword and call out to him letting him use it as he swing the sword upwards right through his chest, just as his timer runs out. With his still sacrificed arm, he swells all the anti-magic from his body and Demon-Slayer into it, stopping the demon frog reassembles any of it with what it has left of Overhaul's quirk, plummeting them both to the ground, destroying the demon's body entirely.

Izuku - He tries to relate to Akku with his mxied feelings on Eri, vowing at school that they'll get her back and he'll be able pull her out from the hole Chisaki has placed kept her in. As he fights he's stuck on his identity with One for All and whether or not he truly deserves it, both on what Nighteye's said about Mirio being the one who deserves it more than him, he even wonders whether or not Akku is more worthy. During the raid, Uraraka unknowingly rests his worries, telling him how amazing she thinks she is, and that she knows if he's there with them, she knows they'll win, and there's nothing to worry about.
During the raid it follows most of the canon, with it changing when it comes across Jirou and Mirio fighting desperately against Overhaul, he intervenes and manages to give them the upperhand for a short while until his demon power continues to overwhelm then, as he mocks Akku for being weak and putting his body on the line, Izuku retalites evading some of the demon's powers and flicking his finger at point blank range, blasting the mask off the mans face, defending his friend for how amazing he knows he is, without realizing his words of encouragement get Akku to manifest some power and meet at his level, slowly beginning to heal some of his wounds.
Izuku ends up taking Eri back into his arms, mustering an infinite 100% across his body, keeping Eri propped up against his body as he chases down the manifested creature of Overhaul, the demon attached to him and another Yakuza member.

Jirou - She ends up falling under the tutelage of Basedrop and is unsure what to do for the Yakuza raid, and how to help Akku, clearly able to see how guilty he feels, but unable to approach him, only serving to make her see herself more useless. The same happens throughout the entire raid, mainly there to peak between the walls, everyone else sees it as a maze she's able to navigate it and get's Mirio much easier to Overhaul, she watches helplessly as Kirishima is tucked away alongside Fatgum, pushing her out of the way in the process, throughout the entire raid, despite the fact that she's helping she keeps blaming herself for any mishaps that involve her, despite everyone else thanking her and letting her know to keep her cool.
As she comes across Kaminari she refuses to listen to him, questioning whether or not how he acted with them was fake, did he even care about them at all ignoring the pained expression he's wearing as he weakly fends himself off, dropping to his knees at a single soundwave, no longer having the will to fight. As the yakuza member controlling the wall kicks him to get back up, the blonde strikes, angry and frustrated at himself, yelling how much he loved UA, that he felt accepted the way he was, that some part of his personality was real, that he really didn't want to betray everyone, saying no one would've accepted him if they knew he was quirkless and how he got his power. Before they can continue, Aizawa and the others turn to corner scaring him off as he escapes down the tunnels, leaving Jirou chasing after him as the wall closing behind her and the others.
Following after the blonde she comes across the hollowed out room where Mirio is left bruised and beaten, she won't allow it though, the failures she think she caused pushing her onwards dismantling Chisaki link with demon with her soundwave, slightly unmelding the two of them due to the high frequency of it. She continues to fights alongside Mirio covering him as he phasing all around them, using her jacks to pinpoint just where he'll end up and making up for that, continuing to do, getting brusied cut and even coming closer to get her ear cut off, she swear she'll keep going knowing that Aizawa or someone else to come sooner, challenging Overhaul when he says its nothing but bolster. Jirou declares she wants to be able to help out heroes and others, so that when she's there she can help change the tide of a battle, no matter what.

Uraraka- She can't help but feel some distate towards the League, following the raid on her guard about coming across any of them. Much like Akku she too notices Izuku's worry and tries to calm him down on the day of the raid, ending her little pep talk with a short peck on the cheek, doing so to calm herself down as well.
Once there she battles with the outside Yakuza, desperate to follow Jirou and Shiozaki inside but is forced to battle against the beast draining her quirk, eventually it leads to the ground breaking below them and opening up into the cave below where everyone else is fighting, she can't help but point her anger to Overhaul as she sees everyone hobbling below, close to death, she lunges to attack Overhaul and carry him back down. As she does, she catches a glimpse of Akku, Jirou and the others, bloody and collapsed and refuses to ignore them, hurrying below with her quirk and helping them up, swearing to keep the going, almost forcing Akku to keep still as he kept struggling to move onwards, to back up Izuku. A she lets him go and helps Jirou. Whilst she is she spots Toga Himiko and chases after her, hiding herself behind the rubble catches her off guard as she tackles the blonde to the ground, promising she won't let her get away this time. The girl explains she just want to help Akku, that she's caught a glimpse of the demon Overhaul has, and wants to help him because she knows he'd do the same for her in a heartbeat, and she can't refuse not wanting to help him, someones that's accepted her. Together the two of them work together to remove the rubble trapping the large broadsword, calling out for Akku once they're done, watching as the sword whirrs in front of them within seconds and goes out of the chasm, ending up letting Toga go

Asui - Pretty simular to canon with my own editions.

Shiozaki - Another girl who gets recruited by Nejire due to her own fascination with how her quirk works, once she attends the work study she starts to realize jus thow inadequate she is compared to Uraraka and Asui, getting her to question what the reason was for her joining if she's just going to hold everyone back, as if there's nothing she adds.
On the day of the raid she's one of the students who are ushered into the building alongside Akku and the others, as she leaves all she's given is a word of adive from Ryukyu and praise from Nejire, letting her know to just do their best, Shiozaki follows their instructions using her vines to swat away any of the yakuza members holding them off, apologizing as she passes. As the situation becomes grimmer and she comes across her fellow classmates Kaminari working alongside them, her morals begin to be questioned - even if there immoral and a villain, Shiozaki wants to see the best in people, and even if she has to reprimand them, it doesn't mean she doesn't want them to seek salvation, to better themselves.
That's when as Twice and Toga are fleeing Shiozaki cuts them off alongside Rock Lock, who tries to deal with twice, whilst Shiozaki fends up Toga who isn't fazed by her vines as she slices away at them with ease, as she brings the knife to her throat to she stops when Akku turns the corner after dealing with Kaminari, getting the girl to flee as the brunette runs after him, Shiozaki can also watch, remembering the confused look Toga had when she'd seen Akku.

Kamakiri - Under Amajiki's recommendation he joins Fat Gums agency, determined to prove himself no matter what, doing say causes him to act hastily yet again, intervening as Kirishima tries to stop the criminal Kamakiri intervene and ends up giving him the upper hand as his blades match with Kamakiri's giving the opportunity to swallow a quirk enhancing drug. Kirishima isn't fazed, pushing his hardening to its limit and breaking the swords with ease taking the villains out soon after, Kamakiri watches a little disheartened, that he'd caused such a mess.
His feelings are carried on when it comes to the Yakuza raid, when they are all trapped underground, Kamakiri is separated from the rest much like Kirishima, ending him up right at the foot of his father, now adorned in a bird mask much like the rest of the Shie Hassaikai staring at his son with pity. Before he realizes it the man stabs his sharpened heel into his shoulder kicking him back across the sharply decorated room, kicking up the table as he did. As Kamakiri calls out his dad for abandoning and his mum and then forcing him to betray his classmates back at camp, his dad bites back that it his role as his son to become a villain, becoming a hero was his biggest failure in his hand. In a bout of anger, Kamakiri takes his fathers sharpened knuckles to the chest, stabbing his own into his shoulder throwing the two of them out of the room and back into the moving maze, angering his father.
The two of them continue to fight, with his dad using the room against him, somehow able to manipulate which floor moves and how the walls react to him being thrown against them, his father tells him to stay down threatening his mother if he continues like he did at camp. Remembering how Akku accepted him despite knowing what he'd done, how Kirishima was pushing him onwards not caring that he came from a villain, the same was for Class 1-B, they had all accepted him and he wouldn't lose that. Turning the room against his father, as he bounds across pushing up against him as he kicks him down, blocking a blade with his tusks stabbing a blade from his throat cutting a chunk of his fathers chin off, swearing he won't turn his back on his friends, cause he believes they won't turn his back on them, he uses his training with Akku, Kendo, and even Kirishima to block his father, takings cuts and bruises and fires back with his own, swearing he won't let him come near his mum, he'll take him to prison so he can't hurt her or anyone else again. As he finishes, he nearly collapses after being caught by Aizawa, calling him a problem child, and arrests his father.

Kirishima- Pretty close to canon, but he builds a relationship with Kamakiri at their internship and helps him to focus on what matters.

Mirio- Also similar to canon, except he'll keep his quirk due to Akku's intervention.

Toga - Follows Kaminari and Twice to a meeting with Overhaul, despite how frustrated she is over Magne's death, wanting to do what she can to gut him open.
On the day of the raid when there planning to use the heroes intervention to escape, she comes across Shiozaki who murmurs on about what's right and wrong, and how she can't permit them to kill any further, Toga grits her teeth in anger, sure that this was all people saw her as, whatever conflicted feelings she had over Akku and how she wanted to stop are blinded as she is sick of people choosing to label her as a villain just like that, despite everything she's done and knowing she's done horrible things she can't help but want to be better, even if she won't admit it that's how Akku makes her feels, ignoring her quirk need to make her hunger for blood, he sees her as nothing more than a cute girl who's lost.
As she and Akku fight after he catches her looking as if she was going to kill Shiozaki, he questions what she wants and why she's acting as if she wants to be better but still chooses to side with the league, when he wants to help her, after everything. Toga feels tears prick her eyes as she yells that she doesn't know what she wants and it frustrates her, every time Akku talks to her she wants to be better and move away from who she is, but she can't deny how she's a monster who's murdered several people all for a taste of blood, before they can say much else the hole is opened below Toga, threatening to swallow her purposely, Akku draws the anti-magic from the Demon-Slayer and drags he rout of it dropping him below.
After a while of hobbling around, she finds the others heroes and won't run like Twice wants to, taking the beaker Akku had given her back earlier trusting her to do what was right with it. She takes it and draws Aizawa and the other back to the surface and deals with the Chronos quirk user after they'd left she comes across the pierced open roof of the yakuza building where all the heroes had been fighting Overhaul, and Akku leaps up to assist Izuku with his power against a demon, she can't leave him alone and run like Twice wants to, taking the beaker Akku had given her back earlier trusting her to do what was right with it. She takes it and draws Aizawa and the other back to the surface and deals with the Chronos quirk user after they'd left. She makes it to the surface where Uraraka is carrying Nighteye and Jirou determined to get them to safety, seeing Akku's sword tucked under rubble clearly to keep him from using it, pleading for Uraraka to help him and get him to use it, swearing he won't win without it, and how she can't watch him die, because she knows he wouldn't do the same, they eventually drag out the sword with Uraraka regretfully letting her go, deciding it isn't best to stop her now that she's helped, but if she turns and threatens her friends she won't hesitate.

Kaminari - After volunteering to go with Toga and Twice to meet with Overhaul, Kaminari wants to see if he can follow the right leader.
When he meets Akku he's adamant to get away, throwing around lightning sporadically, not caring about where it went, not wanting to get into any confrontation with them, despite Akku's words of encouragement wanting him to turn things around, that he doesn't have to follow that path, Aizawa agrees, admitting he still sees him as a student, that he'd don't have to feel under the control of All for One anymore, he refuses to listen swearing if he goes back things can't change, things are stuck the way they are.
He reaches his breaking point with Jirou, yelling out to her barrage of questions, refusing to admit she's telling the truth, that even if they'd look past everything he'd done as the traitor he was still the same quirkless kid who could never be their equals, it was the reason he'd desired a quirk to begin with, so he could finally be like everyone else. He pleads for a wall to open up running from Jirou and safety, soon meeting with Twice and escaping the building.

Aizawa - Pretty simular only he comes to Kamakiri's aid after he defeats his father and tries to reason with Kamanari to convince him to come back, that he doesn't have to fall deeper with the league.
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