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I’d like to ask you a few questions to ensure I’m finding the best possible solution for you.

How long have you been getting this issue and were there any troubleshooting steps performed earlier?

I'm going to reach out to your modem to make sure it's communicating properly. No need to do anything on your side while I run these tests for the next minute or two.

Please confirm me what type of connectivity issue (Slow speed or No Connectivity or intermittent connectivity) you are experiencing with your XFINITY Internet?

Please help me with CMAC MAC address of modem. The MAC address is written on the back/bottom side of modem.

Please confirm me the current status of power light on modem whether it is On, Off or flashing ?

Please check and ensure that all the coaxial cable connection attached with the modem and the wall outlet is finger tight ?

Please confirm are you using any splitter to connect the modem ?

Please confirm are you getting issue on Wired or Wireless devices ?

I request you to please unplug the modem and try to get plug in other wall outlet once and check.

Please confirm the device which is currently attempting to utilize for XFINITY Internet Service?(i.e Desktop/Laptop/Mobile etc)

I am now going to perform a diagnostic check of your services & equipment. This "Health Check" verifies the current status of your equipment and your services. It should only take 2-3 minutes for the results.

I am going ahead to provision the device , Once I send the signals to your modem, our chat will be briefly disconnected. We'll be reconnected in this same window once the connection is restored within 4-5 minutes. Please do not close the chat window. Is it okay to reset your modem now?

Your device is going to attempt to restart now. It may take up to five minutes to restart, so hang tight while I run a few checks on this end to make sure it comes back online.

I have successfully done with the reset process, please try to connect and check is it start working or not ?

I am going to send the refresh signal to your account which will make the device settings updated and will provide you the best connection, signal and speed to your device.

I am now working on rectifying any signal blockage. After this I will run system clean up to remove signal clutter, next step would be system re-connection and lastly, system update.

I just checked the account device settings on your account and I believe it has an opportunity for perfection. What I am going to do is that I am going to optimize it for best speed and stable connection. Rest assured by the time I am done your connection will be perfect.

It looks like your modem is online, but the WIFI personalization is still pending. I'm going to need your help updating this information, please provide me the name and password you would like for your network.

The new WiFi Network name must be 4-31 characters long. It may contain letters, numbers, hyphen ( - ) and underscore ( _ ). Spaces are NOT allowed. The new pasword must be between 8 and 63 characters long. Special characters are allowed with exceptions (<>'"). Paswords are case sensitive and spaces are NOT allowed.

I have successfully update the details from my side , please try to connect with the new Wifi name and password and check is it start working or not ?

Power Cycle :-
1.Unplug the modem from the power source to turn it off.

2. Unscrew the Coaxial cable at the back of the modem

3. Wait for 30-40 seconds it would take care of unwanted static on the line .

4. Reconnect the Coaxial cable back to the modem and meanwhile just ensure other end is also connected properly to wall outlet.

5. Now Plug back the modem to the power source to turn it on and wait for all lights to sync.

6. Once the modem is fully synced , we would try to check internet connection if our issue has been sorted out .

Extra Effort :-
I appreciate your patience and effort going through the necessary troubleshooting steps to fix this remotely. Initial investigation indicates that there could be an issue with the equipment, physical connections and/or network connectivity.

We have exhausted all our troubleshooting steps and found out that the box is still not responding to the signal; it may be with the signal interruption outside or the box itself and other connections.

As I have checked and followed all the initial troubleshooting guidelines and equipment s are still not responding to the signals properly. Diagnostic check is indicating a technical issue have been detected and we need to book an appointment for you to have this investigate and fix it completely.

In this case what I will do is, I will escalate this to my Network team and will also schedule the technician to resolve it permanently. Network team will keep your modem and connection from the server under observation and if there will be any Congestion than they will remove it.

Based on the system health check the signals going to your modem is not stable and there's an ingress on the line that caused distortion and affects your speed connection.

The reason why you are experiencing the issue now might be because the signal has degraded your services to the point that it stopped working.

As I found the issue can be with outside connection or Filter settings on Main tap. I will mention notes for technician to check all connections and filter settings and if required he will change wiring as well to get this resolve permanently.

Just to set right expectation, if after done the above steps , the issue is still same then I will go ahead and schedule the tech for you to check and get this issue permanently resolve for you.

And it seems that this is a physical wiring issue outside. We now need to dispatch a technician to trace the cause of this . Rest asured that we will be sending our well trained tech to resolve your concern.

What I can do for you is go ahead and submit a ticket by making a complete reference from the past ticket, trouble shooting and technician visit on the account to escalate this with higher management and advance tech. I will also tailored the response previous tech visit for upcoming tech so that he can act according.

Trust me "" I have tried my best to get this fixed however the system recommend to schedule technician. the issue can be with outside connection or Filter settings on Main tap. I will mention notes for technician to check all connections and filter settings and if required he will change wiring as well to get this resolved permanently.

Tech Visit :-
I’m looking in our appointment systems to find a date and time that fits your schedule, it may take me a few moments.
Before our technician arrives, please remember someone 18 or over must be home, ensure all pets are secured, and that we can have access to the equipment.

May I have a preferred phone number where you can receive the automated call, as there will be automated call for confirming the technician appointment ?

There will be automated call for confirming the technician appointment, kindly acknowledge that to avoid cancellation.

You can cancel or reschedule tech visit on following link as well -

and from my account app as well.

Also, On the day of the appointment you need not to contact us to inquire for technician arrival status. View the time or date of upcoming appointment, as well as the Estimated Time of Arrival of technician as the appointment draws close. You can easily view the information via Xfinity My Account App.

I would recommend to give it a try for the upcoming appointment and check the technician arrival status. Sign in with Xfinity User ID & password. You can find the info to check the status of technician on

Something that can help you is that, with your smart phone, you can download our free and very helpful Xfinity My Account app. With this app, you can see this appointment scheduled. Also, see an estimated time of arrival for the tech, when he provides one.
No charge will apply for any issues identified at Xfinity end or equipment rented out by Xfinity. It will only be applicable if the issue is not caused due to Xfinity services.

The charge would be applicable if your owned needs to be replaced or Internal wiring issue. Technician will inform about the charges if applicable.

I have successfully booked the visit from my side. I apologize for all the inconvenience you have gone through, I can imagine how annoying it would have been for you but trust me once the technician will visit the address and found the root cause issue will get resolved permanently for you.

I apologize for all the inconvenience you have gone through, I can imagine how annoying it would have been for you to wait for the technician the whole day. Let me quickly check where the miss happened and fix it for you right away.

No worries, our dispatch will look for an available technician for today . Since we give two hour time frames for our technicians' arrival, some of those technicians can resolve the customer's concern in just a few minutes, so they are available for the next hour or so. Some customers also cancel their appointment prior to technician's arrival. We will look for those available technicians and send them over to you. You will receive a call from our dispatch within 30 minutes once sooner schedule available.

There is one time charge of $100.00 for the technician visit, the technician will run the cable lines from outside pole to in home, connect with the wall outlet to activate it and also complete the installation for you.

I understand you are little uneasy about the charge but if you look at the timely resolution being . I am sure you wont mind . Moreover, the tech will check and informed about the final charges.

It takes around 4 to 6 hours for the tech to install the services in the house and after the installation the tech will give you the complete demo regarding the features and how to use it and will also help you with the features.

We are looking forward to your upcoming appointment. When the technician arrives, they will contact you and explain what they will be doing. They will work to resolve the issue outside of your home first. If the issue persists, they will ask permission to enter your home. If the technician enters your home, they will wear a mask or face covering and will have washed their hands before and after every customer visit. The technician will practice social distancing by staying a minimum of ten feet away when possible from all individuals at the time of the appointment. We request that you and anyone in your home wear a facial covering and require that you maintain ten feet of social distancing while our techs work. Please be aware that in some states, masks are required to be worn by customers according to state mandates. If you are not comfortable wearing a mask, the technician may ask that the appointment be rescheduled or if you can remain in a different room while they complete the work in your home/business. They may only service the main outlet through which you receive your Xfinity services.

The reason why you are not getting any service properly is because of an ongoing outage in your area. This is due to some possible congestion of signals flowing in one of the poles within the area. We already sent our Engineering team out and they are working on this.

The estimated time of resolution will be at --- . I can also set your account to receive notifications through your mobile once the outage has been resolved. Please provide me your mobile number.

For future reference, you can sign in to and know about ongoing outage in your area. You can also update your phone number to get text message as soon as your services are restored.

I understand it was supposed to end by *** but due to technical issue outage got extended. Please be assured services will restore by ..

I understand how it feels to be in situation like this. I know how important a working internet connection is. If it is in my scope I would be more than happy to get this fixed for you but the issue is from server end due to outage so it cannot be fixed remotely. Please be assured dedicated team is already working on this and services will be restored by.

The least that I can do right now is to at least apply a fair credit on your account to the number of hours it was affected and will make sure that it will reflect on your next month's bill so that you will be just paying for the services that you used and not being affected by the outage.

Credit will be reflected on your online account within 24 hours and on your next bill.

Cable TS :-
I’d like to ask you a few questions to ensure I’m finding the best possible solution for you.

How long have you been getting this issue and were there any troubleshooting steps performed earlier?

Please confirm is there any error message/code is coming on the tv screen ?

Please help me with the serial number of the box. The serial number starts with SN, PAM etc.

An automated check has determined there is a mismatch on the server end that needs to be resolved. For this I need to do a complete data base refresh. It will take up to 60 minutes for the refresh to be completed.

For this let me initiate the UDB refresh from my end and please help me with your preferred call back number, one of our agent will call you once the refresh is complete to verify the status of the service and close the ticket.

I have performed advanced troubleshooting on your cable box and account as well so it seems there is an issue with box settings and I have run a complete synchronization on your cable box .

It will take max 1 hour to complete the synchronization and once it get done the box will start working .So please do not switch off the box for 1 hour from now.

Soak Issue:-

As I have checked, the problem may not be with your device nor the line. The only thing that needs to be done is for us to investigate what's causing this issue,I will be creating an open ticket to

our back office engineers to analyze the possible causes and resolve the issue remotely. We'll take care of this for you and will contact you within next 60 minutes on a priority basis.

UID :-

Please help me with username you are trying to access ?

As I have checked in the system, there is no phone number or any non comcast email address registered on your account for password reset as a recovery option.

To reset the password, first we will need to register either phone number or non comcast email address on your account and then only we will be able to reset the Xfinity account password. However this is one time process and after registering details you will be able to reset the password in future on own.

If you choose to register your phone number make sure it's a smartphone number and phone must be connected to your own Xfinity wifi (in home network).

Similarly if you choose to register the non comcast email address, the device through which you will access the email must be connected to your own Xfinity wifi

(in home network).

I have successfully registered your phone number or non comcast email address on the account. However before we reset the account password you will need to verify the phone number or non comcast email address. And to do this you might have received one SMS or email with the verification link mentioned in it.

Please click on that link and verify the same. Confirm once done.

Please visit following link to reset your Xfinity account password :

Once you visit the link, perform the following 3 simple steps:

1) Enter your username.

2) Enter the captcha code shown on screen.

3) Select the phone number or non comcast email address through which you have chosen to reset the password. Then enter the reset code sent to your phone number

or non comcast email address. Finally enter your new password.

Confirm once you are done.

I request you to please go to the above link to reset the pasword, Once done please confirm on the chat.

Since you are not connected to in-home wifi we will not be able to register the recovery options that your non comcast email address or phone number on account.

Hence we will not be able to reset the password in this way.

However I have 2 alternative ways for you

1) As per first option I will add the details now on account and once you reach home and get connected to home network you will get one verification email or text.

Using that you will need to verify the email address or phone number and upon successful verification the details will get registered on account.

After that you will need to just visit this link to reset the password.

2) As per second option I will make the new username for you and you can set the new password.

Please let me know how you would like to proceed ?

Approval :

Before submitting your order, I want to spend a few minutes confirming with you that I've accurately captured the services you want. I'll ask you to review the order and, if it's correct, to please approve it. What phone number or email address would you like to use to complete this process?

I have sent the approval from my side. Please review the same and approve it from your side. Once approve please confirm me the same so that I can go ahead and finalized the same for you.

Thank you. After we finalize your order, you’ll receive a copy of your order summary at the email address listed on your account. You can also find it at Account.

Now I have placed the correct order on account, so please do not allow anyone to cancel the order. Please visit to nearest store with your ID proof and they will handover the new and updated equipment's . Once you get the equipment's , please plugged in and it will start working and the store team will complete the order and activate the equipment as well.

So from my side, I have successfully approved the new package and make the correct order on your account so that you do not have to chat back with us for this, Once this new offer will get activated , we will notify you via message or email so that you can enjoy with new offer.

Please note, as long as you keep any 1 service with Comcast, an early termination fee would not apply. You may upgrade, side grade and downgrade all lines of business without penalty.

Survey :-

How's your overall experience with Xfinity service and assistance that I provided on the chat ?

You were very patient and co-operative through out the chat, probably the best customer I had today . After this chat is over you will get the page where I would appreciate your feedback on Xfinity service and my efforts today .

Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support and being a valuable member of Comcast family! We value and appreciate your business with Xfinity! Have a great week.

Are you pleased with Xfinity services and my assistance ?

Great. I appreciate any feedback on the service and experience I have provided you today.

Thank you for being a loyal xfinity customer. I wish you have an amazing rest of your day and a fantastic week ahead .

You can share the feedback by clicking on the end chat button.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the experience I was able to provide you today. I really appreciate feedback on the service and experience I have provided you today. If you’d like to share them you can click the “end chat” option”.

I would appreciate your valuable feedback on the asistance and experience I have provided you today once you click on end the chat option.

Once the chat is over you will get the page where I would appreciate your feedback for the asistance and experience I have provided during this chat probably the best person I talked with today.

Once you will end the chat you will get the page where I would appreciate your feedback for the assistance and experience

Please share me your valuable feedback after you end the chat. It will make my day

It's been an honor assisting a kind-hearted customer like you.

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