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Welcome in my Medieval Map Game YEAR 1420

Diplomacy tab

Just select your country in comment and i register you to the game.
In the diplomacy tab you can see your country juristical status (state, empire, kingdom, puppet)
your diplomacy status and your agreements with players.
Agreement types: alliance, non-agression pact, trade agreement

Finances tab

You can see your incomes from the taxes, gold mines, puppets, trade lines and the cost/turn of your army and the overall income with the expenses.

Army tab
You can see your ships and land units.
(R-Ranged, M-Meele)
Special Units
Catapults (Can used against infantry too)
Horse Scouts (+1 stat to each battle group after 10 scouts)

Unit name/power Recruit Cost Turn Cost Building Needed
Militia 2M 100 20 None
Spearman 4M 200 40 Training Fields
Axeman 5M 250 45 Barracks lvl 1
Swordsman 6M 300 50 Barracks lvl 3+Blacksmith lvl 1
Light Archer 3M/4R 400 60 Barracks lvl 5+Archery Range lvl 1
Heavy Archer 4M/8R 600 80 Barracks lvl 7+Archery Range lvl 3
Crossbowman 5M/10R 1000 100 Barracks lvl 8+Archery Range lvl 5
Horse Scout 2M 350 40 Barracks lvl 5+Stables lvl 1
Men-at-Arms 8M 600 100 Barracks lvl 5+Blacksmith lvl 3
Light Cavalary 6M 800 150 Stables lvl 3+Blacksmith lvl 3
Horse Archer 7M/10R 1500 250 Stables lvl 6+Archery Range lvl 8+Blacskmith lvl 5
Lancers 8M 800 200 Stables lvl 5+Blacksmith lvl 4
Heavy Knights 12M 2000 400 Stables lvl 8+Blacksmith lvl 8+Forge lvl 3
Loyal Knights 20M/10R 5000 800 Stbls lvl10+Blcksmth lvl10+Lords Hall lvl 1
Ladderman 1M 500 10 Carpenter lvl 2+Barracks lvl 5
Catapult 20R 1200 400 Timbermill lvl 5+Carpenter lvl 5
Battering Ram 1M 800 100 Timbermill lvl 4+Carpenter lvl 4
Siege Cannon 50R 3000 500 Carpenter lvl 8+Forge lvl 5
Transport Ship M1 500 100 Carpenter lvl 8+Docks lvl 1
Trade Cog M5 800 160 Carp lvl 10+Docks lvl 3+Shipyard lvl 1
Caravel M10/R5 1500 350 Docks lvl 5+Shipyard lvl 3
Carrack M5/R15 3000 800 Docks lvl 8+Shipyard lvl 5

(GM-gold mine, SM-silver mine, IM-iron mine, CM-coal mine)
(SQ-stone quarry, MQ-Marble Quarry)

Training Field - Need to recruit the basic soldiers. Cost: 200/lvl max lvl 1
Barracks - Cost: 550/lvl max lvl 8
Hospital - It will improve the recovery chance of your wounded soldiers. Cost: 800/lvl max: 10 2%/lvl
Blacksmith - Need to craft the basic weapons to the soldiers. Cost: 1000/lvl max: 10
Stables - Need to recruit horse units. Cost: 850/lvl max: 10
Lords Hall - Need to recruit loyalist soldiers. Cost: 8000 max level 1
Market - Allow you to make trade agreements. Cost: 2000/lvl max: 5
Trade Post (First need market) Allow you change trade with resources. Cost:5000 max 3
Docks - Allow you the sea trading/basic transport building. Cost: 1000/lvl max: 8
Shipyard (First need Docks) Allow you to build battleships. Cost: 2000/lvl max: 5
Forge - Cost: 900/lvl max: 10
Carpenter Cost: 500/lvl max: 10
Quarry - It will produce to you stone or marble. Cost: 1500/lvl max: 5
Timber Mill - It will produce wood for traders. Cost: 600/lvl max:5
Hunter Post - It will produce furs for traders. Cost: 800/lvl max: 5
Gemstone Collector - It will produce gems for traders. Cost: 3000/lvl max 5
Mine (type) - Producing gold/iron/silver/coal. Cost: 1000/lvl max 10
Archery Range - Need for the bowmans. Cost: 1000/lvl max: 10

You write how much unit want to move what types and where and how.
The power of the armies will add up.
I write the results of every battle at the next turn.

For example:
Burgundy attack France in Marseielles with 20 swordsman 10 light archer, 2 lancers. (Overall Power: 166M/40R.
The defenders: 10 swordsman, 30 militia, 5 light archers. (Overall Power: 135M/20R)

Results of the battle: Burgundy wins. Burg losses: 10 swordsman, 2 light archer, 1 lancer
Franc losses: Every unit destroyed

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Regards; Team

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