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He’s a madman.

Yay! Woo!! Screamed children. Well i think we succeeded? Yep seems like it. Nice well I gotta head home Charlie’s probably bored. Alright man, cya. Bye. William smiled as Henry walked off. William locked up the pizzeria after everyone left. Hm…maybe tomorrow. He said. William drove off. Hey Charlie I’m home! Dad! Why were you gone for longer then usual!? Oh sorry honey i had to help Elizabeth’s dad with something. Oh..ok. Yea, what do you want for dinner? Uhhhmmm. How about your favourite? Huh? Pizza! Yea! But isn’t the pizzeria closed dad? Well i can Make homemade? It’s better then Chica’s. Henry smiled. Okay! Said Charlie. That sounds nice. Okay then. Said Henry. I’m gonna go to my room. Ok sweetie. Charlie got her stuff and ran to her room. Charlie lied down and yawned. Stop looking out the window for dad Elizabeth. It’s so dumb. Be quiet Michael! Oh look dads home! Hey guys. Dad! Said Elizabeth. Hey hon. Okay i have to go do something in my office. Aw ok. Charlie dinners ready! Huh! Oh yea! PIZZZAAA Charlie yelled as she ran down stairs.

Dinner is ready guys! Yay! Wait mom what’s for dinner? Said Elizabeth. Some roasted veggies and pork. Aw can we have pizza tomorrow night? Maybe honey. Said Laura. William Michael and Evan! Dinner! Ugh said Michael as he walked down stairs from his room. Well that should do it. William said as he walked out smiling. Evan got my and slowly quietly headed to the kitchen. What’s for dinner Laura? Pork and roasted veggies. Oh that sounds good doesn't it guys? Yea! Said Elizabeth. Yea not. Said Michael. Ugh shush Michael. Heh. Michael said. Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

Thanks dad that was really good smiled Charlie. Your welcome Charlie. Henry smiled back. Okay good night sweetheart. Said Henry. Goodnight. Dose it hurt? Dose it hurt? Dose it? Dad? Dad?! Huh. Said Charlie. She opened the door. Dose i hurt? AAAAA- AH Charlie sniffed. Charlie! Are you okay!? I’m okay i had a nightmare. Said Charlie. Oh its just a dream. What was it about? Said Henry. Nothing, i just..uh what’s for breakfast? Said Charlie. Cereal? Said Henry. Okay. Charlie ran down stairs.

Splash! AAAH MICHAEL DONT! BWHAHA Michael laughed watching Elizabeth cry. She sniffed. I HATE YOU WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!??? NOW IM SOAKING. Hahahaha!!! Michael ran under his bed. Elizabeth?! MICHAEL PUT THAT BUCKET OF WATER ALL OVER MEEE! She cried. Michael huh? Laura slowly walked to his bed. Michael hold in his laughter. MICHAEL YOUR GROUNDED AND IM GETTING RID OF THAT GAME THING FOR GOOD YOU ARE NOT HAVING IT BACK! Wait mom! No! YES. MOM STOP! Said Michael. MICHAEL ITS CALLED PUNISHMENT GROW UP! Michael ran under his bed sheets. Haha that’s what you deserve Michael! Elizabeth poked her tongue out at him.

Okay Charlie come on lets head over to the pizzeria. Yay okay! Haha! Charlie ran inside Anton’s family diner. It was a small pizzeria and best part…they had mascots!!! A yellow bunny and a yellow bear it was so cool!! Okay Charlie you go play with Elizabeth and the others. I have to go help William okay. Okay! Hi Elizabeth!! Hi said Elizabeth back. Lets go play with the yellow bunny! Said Charlie. Ok! Said Elizabeth.

Michael sat up on his bed. Hmm. He snuck out of the window. He ran faster then he ever has to his friends house. SAM! Dude! What are you doing?! Said Sam. I have an epic prank to pull on Evan at the diner! Dude what? For real? Said Sam. For real listen. Michael explained it and they snuck over to the diner. Hey Evan. AH go away. Said Evan. Michael grabbed him by the arm. Come on it’ll be fun! Haha! Said Michael. NO ST-STOP! DAD! DADDY! Cried Evan. The rest of the bully’s pulled Evan with Michael. AHH STOP! Hahaha!! Said Michael. Michael pushed Evan into the mouth of fredbear. AHHH STOP STOP IT MICHAEL PLEASE STO- Michael watched as Evan tried to escape out of fredbears mouth. MICHAEL! DAD! MOM! ELIZABETH AHH. Said Evan AHH STO- …Michael went quiet as he heard a loud crunch. And something had splattered all over his face. He was still. All the bully’s ran off. Michael stared at his brother covered in blood as his frontal lobe had been crunched by the mouth of the.. of the.. the- Michael couldn’t think. His brother still. Michael touched his face. As he lowered his hand it was bloody. Someone call an ambulance. All the kids and parents were still. NOW! Said Michael.

I can’t believe you Michael. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOUR 13 YOU SHOULD KNOW HOW TO BEHAVE AND IT DOSENT SEEM LIKE IT! DOSE IT? I’m sorry! I was just about to take him out of th- JUST SHUT UP!
… i-.. you can go inside now if you like guys. Said the nurse. Michael sat down. *at least he’s breathing* said Michael in his mind.
Michael and his da William sat down on the chairs in the room. I’m sorry Evan. I don’t think you can even hear me but..i really am sorry.

Good morning Charlie a-are you okay? Said Henry. No. Said Charlie. … look I’m sure that Evan is okay alright? There was a lot of blood daddy. I don’t think he’s okay…said Charlie. It’s okay alright, everything is under control. Okay then. I need a rest. Okay sweetie. Good night. Night.
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