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The subject of death is considered morbid, but it is reality-we are all going to die. It is sad to be separated from our loved one, but death should not be viewed by Christians in an extreme negative connotation. To have such an attitude is to deny the victory the faithful one has received. Our whole purpose as a Christian is to live righteously so that we can go to heaven.

My relationship waned for two reasons: apathy and fear. The apathy was inexcusable, born from that arrogance of early adulthood where everything I was doing was too important to reschedule in order to take the time to travel to visit her. Heck, that apathy started in college, even before my grandfather died.

Like individuals, funeral s can be very different from one another. Sometimes it is thought that the funeral should reflect the life of the person that has passed on. When this is the thought you sometimes have different funerals. If your loved one was a big Star Trek fan then you may find yourself attending a Star Trek themed funeral, for example.

It was easy to know what she was picturing. Black hole made her conjured up an image of one day falling into a long dark eternal nothingness - forever separated from her toys, happy things in general, people she loved, people who loved her, anything beautiful or interesting, even from light. Yes, that would be a very frightening image and it's hard not to see death in the same way.

The first lesson we need to learn, we (God's children) do not face death, alone. We did not come into this world alone, and we do not leave it alone. When an heir of God completes this metamorphous and departs this earthly kingdom for the heavenly one, there is a flutter of angelic activity surrounding that soul like never before. Those beings who have been given the custodial care over us for all the years we live on this earth - now with tenderness - ever so carefully deposit their charge into the protective care of another group of angelic beings called The Chariots of Israel. They are the angels who are charged with the mission of safely moving us from this realm to that other we often refer to as Heaven.

We knew Grandma had prearranged her funeral prior to her death. She had given us a small laminated card that said, "Simplicity Plan, at the time of my death call." That small card soon became a major blessing.

Some people think by having life insurance that their loved ones will be fine, most people do not think about when they get older and the possibility of going into a nursing home. If this should happen, the state can make you turn in your life insurance policy if you do not have the funds to pay for your stay at the home. If you have a pre-paid funeral before you apply for Medicaid or apply to stay in a nursing home, a state law says it can not be touched. Some people will choose to pay for this all at once or set up a payment plan with the funeral home.

If you are having troubles choosing what kind of funeral your loved one should have then by all means speak with the funeral director. It is the funeral directors job to assist with every aspect of the funeral. They will have lots of ideas and even videos and brochures for you to look at. Remember even though this may be your first funeral to plan it certainly is not theirs. So relax and allow the experts to help you through this difficult time. They will even be able to assist you if you would like to have a themed funeral. Whatever you want they will be able to arrange for you. No matter how outrageous or traditional or religious based your choice may seem, rest assured they have seen and planned one like it before.
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funeral program

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