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Danzig Merchandise Goes Beyond the Crimson Ghost
If you're looking for an innovative way to demonstrate your Danzig love, then get official Danzig merchandise on the internet. This includes t-shirts with the iconic logo as well as jewelcase CDs, jewelry and more. If you want something different but you will find plenty of hand-crafted Danzig products on the internet.

Misfits Merchandise

You're probably familiar with the Misfits merchandise if enjoy them. The Misfits remain a favorite band despite their dissolution in 1983. They are loved by fans for their lyrics, music and images. The Crimson Ghost logo is regular feature on a variety of merchandise that isn't quite as common, such as shower curtains, fridge magnets, as well as Christmas lights.

While it is not uncommon for musicians to design their own merchandise and then sell the merchandise, it's uncommon to get permission to use their logos or name on it. Glenn Danzig, who formed the band Misfits in 1977 with Jerry Only, is battling Only and his oldies circuit , and several licensing agreements with various brands to place the Misfits logo on a range of wall clocks, t-shirts, and other shirts.

The court recently tossed out the lawsuit and decided that Only could not be required to pay Danzig for any merchandise that he sells. In the lawsuit, Danzig claimed that Only has signed agreements with various stores, including Hot Topic, to sell Misfits merchandise behind his back. Danzigmerch hoped to prove that Only had violated a contract from 1994 the Misfits signed in which they agreed to not profit from the band's trademarked logo or name without their consent.

It doesn't matter what the decision is, it's an interesting change that shows the progress musicians have made in the world of merch. It's not hard to imagine fans of other bands going as far as to craft their own merchandise. The Misfits have been known to design their own Danzig merchandise which they sell in shops and online.

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