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1)The following sentences about MRI place in obstetrics are true, with one exception:
A. An supplementary investigation of an remain unknown pathology by other methods
B. Expensive procedure
C. Low patient comfort
D. The most important noninvasive screening method in pregnancy
E. It must be avoid in first trimester of pregnancy

2. Which is the false sentence about the CVS?
A. An invasive procedure
B. Offer the possibility of an early diagnosis
C. Opportune to be effectuated twice in twin pregnancy
D. Indicated before week 11
E. Involved pre ultrasound examination and concomitant ultrasound examination

3. Opportune gestational age for amniocentesis
A. W12
B. W16
C. W20
D. W11
E. W14
. Normal intestinal hernia disappears at:
A. W11
B. W12
C. W10
D. W14
E. W8
5. Fetal heart activity is first observed at:
A. 5W+6D
B. 5W+2D
C. 4W+2D
D. 4W+2 - 4D
E. 4 - 5W

6. Fetal movements which are observed before10w
A. Winces
B. Isolated movements of members
C. Complex movements of members
D. Movements of the entire body
E. Hardly noticed movements

7. Dominant fetal movements in II-nd trimester are:
A. Body movements
B. Mouth movements
C. Arms movements
D. Torso movements
E. Legs movements

8. Manning biophysical score contain the following
variables except:
A. NST at 40 minute
B. Respiratory fetal movements
C. Active fetal movements
D. Fetal tonus
E. Duration of fetal sleeping time

9. Optimal period for ultra-sonographic study of twin
pregnancy is:
A. W10-20
B. W12-14
C. W8-16
D. W6-8
E. W18-20

10. The objectives of fetal analgesia and anesthesia are
the following without:
A. The inhibition of fetal movements
B. Uterine atone results
C. The prevention of hormonal response at stress
D. The prevention of side effects of pain over the
neurological and behavior development for long-term
E. The prevention of fetal pain during the abortion

11 Global estimated risk of amniocentesis over the
pregnancy evolution is:
A. 1/250
B. 1/350
C. 1/50
D. 1/100
E. 1/200

12. The first risk marker booked for the selection of an
risk population for aneuploidies' is:
A. Nuchal thickness
B. The value of bi/triple-test
C. Maternal age
D. Obstetrical history
E. Familial medical history

13. First trimester ultrasound measurement for nucal
thickness is done between:
A. 10 – 12 w
B. 12 – 14 w
C. 10 – 14 w
D. 10 – 15 w
E. 11 – 14 w

14. Nuchal thickness is abnormal when it’s over:
A. 2.5 mm
B. 3 mm
C. 2.5 mm or at 90’s percentile for CRL
D. 3 mm or at 95’s percentile for CRL
E. 3 mm or at 90’s percentile for CRL

15. Pre-eclampsia best foreseeing factor is:
A. Maternal age < 20 years
B. Smoking
C. Doppler analysis of uterine arteries
E. Pre-eclampsia history heritage

16. During morpho-fetal ultra-sound examination
made at 22w it can be noticed:
A. Nucal thickness
B. Macro-glossy
C. Glaucoma
D. Ventriculo-megaly
E. Yolk sac

17. Neural tube abnormalities are characterized by:
A. Raised blood level of AFP
B. Limited ventriculo-megaly
C. Raised blood level of hCG
D. Decreased blood level of AFP
E. Decreased blood level of hCG

18. Which ultra-sound marker it can’t be found in
Down syndrome:
A. Nucal thickness > 3 mm at 11 – 14w
B. The absence or hypoplasic nasal bone
C. Venous duct modified markers
D. Limited ventriculo-megaly
E. The absence of corpus calosis

19. Transfused – transfuse syndrome appears in twin
pregnancies like:
A. monozigotic, monocorial
B. monozigotic, bicorial
C. monozigotic, monoamniotic
D. bizigotic, biamniotic
E. bizigotic, monoamniotic

20. The best therapeutic method for STT is:
A. Septo-stomia
B. Amnio - drainage
C. Selective laser-coagulation of artery-venous
D. Selective fetal dicariage
E. Pills

21. Triple test correlated with the mother age is:
A. a non-sensitive test – 60-91%
B. a sensitive test - 60-91%
C. has no benefit in calculated aneuploidia risk
D. a screening test recommended to all women
E. not in use anymore

22. Name a test done before the pregnancy occure
A. Chorionic villus sampling
B. Amniocentesis
C. Celocentesis
D. Preimplantation genetic test
E. non-invasive genetic test of fetus cell

23. The following sentences about CVS are true, with
one exception:
A. CVS after 11 weeks has an increased risk of
skeletal dysplasia
B. The needle is advanced at an angle that allows
it to penetrate along the long axis of the placenta
C. CVS before 11 weeks has an increased risk of
skeletal dysplasia
D. CVS in dichorionic twin gestation – double
E. CVS is usually performed at 13 weeks of

24. The complications of early amniocentesis are, with
one exception:
A. Preterm birth
B. Intrauterine hemorrhage (1.9%)
C. Uterine contractions
D. Leakage of amniotic fluid (2.9%)
E. Fetal loss (1.4-4.2%)

25. Screening for pre-eclampsia by uterine artery
doppler is first performed at:
A. 5W+6D
B. 8W – 14W
C. 10W – 15W
D. after 22W
E. 11W – 13W+6D

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