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-When you jumpspot try to have your height of your jump be behind the wall (watch any good player play B and you will understand exactly what I mean)
-In a lot of scenarios you are using your nades just to use them. Sometimes it is better to not use your nades
-Always be in a position on B where you are able to easily get behind cover (you wanna wanna get caught in the middle of the open)
-When you jumpspot it is better to hold a smoke and throw a defensive smoke when the Ts execute B)
-When you clutch 1vs1 as a CT you should always know where the T is (You give the T too much space in most clutches)
-Only buy head kevlar if Ts do not have full Aks+AWP (Otherwise it is better to just buy kevlar)
-Never leave your teammate solo B in 5vs5 if mid is clear (Better to come back and help your teammate on B)
-Never throw a grenade when you are not behind cover (unless the enemy cannot be there)
-Even doe you are not expecting an enemy to be somewhere, then always try to have your crosshair positioned where the enemy might be (In a lot of scenarios your crosshair ends up being aimed at the ground and you have to flick to the enemies head which is not ideal)
-Remember to ask for drop if you do not have money for a full buy(Press B and check in buy menu how much money your teammates have)
-On you always have wanna kevlar when you are the first guy out and never stop
-Not nice to smoke CT instantly on fast A execute (You are telling the CTs that you are coming A by smoking this early) -> better to keep your smoke or smoke right before your teammates are ready in palace to run out)
-After you plant the bomb you should choose a position that makes sense for your gun always
-Nice to smoke top mid instantly every round for your teammates to take mid
-When you know there is only 1 A but the A guy doesn't know if you are coming from ramp or palace then it is best to not use utility and just walk out instead of flashing
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