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Just how Technology Has Revolutionized Money-Making in Africa
There is no matter that interests me personally more than the topic involving making money and narrowing it down even further generally there is no certain subject in the process of producing money that jazzes me personally more than the utilization of widely offered technology. And am is not necessarily talking hi-tech right here. I simply mean basic technology like the cell phone, email and stuff like that.

Why will this interest me so much? Because I believe there are huge opportunities to make a lot of cash from company for those who make use involving technology to carry out things that had been previously impossible in order to do. This informative article points out all that inside very simple vocabulary and I actually give you practical experiences from my lifestyle.

I started out within the very reduced tech basic traditional business of printing. I did previously make some very good funds printing letter brain, business cards and so forth for various clients large and little. Then check here came and turned the whole industry benefit down. The computer system made the office paperless and so within need of substantially less stationary. Clients who required five thousand letterheads now application 500 for the entire yr and just disseminated using email and also sms messages. To make matters even worse computers and cell phones invaded the market industry at about the same time that simple accessible loans emerged so almost everyone who got a new loan in Nairobi bought a publishing press. The outcome is that we ended up having as well many printing devices around at some sort of time once the marketplace for printing work opportunities was shrinking quickly. To cut an extended story short I acquired into serious economic problems and I was auctioned plus lost all my furniture and consumer electronics in the home and everything in the office (including ironically a pc I hadn't actually finished paying for).

Then one day an old friend organized for me to find a pretty rewarding printing job from a client inside South Sudan. He or she client sent myself the artwork from Juba as a great attachment to a great email. Then they wired me the cash. When My partner and i was done along with the job I took it to Wilson Airport where it was flown out. I concluded up with some pretty good funds that gave myself a little rest from the considerable economic pressure I was experiencing at the time. I seated down and analyzed the role associated with technology in allowing me to provide a client who was until now away from without leaving Nairobi. I asked me personally questions like "Could I get considerably more clients in Sth Sudan while I was in Nairobi? That way I would not be bogged down by packed and yet diminishing market for balance printing in Nairobi.

My mind rapidly zeroed in on technology as some sort of tool to assist myself make money within an increasingly hostile company environment. I have never looked back considering that.

To slice to typically the chase I ended up getting a very good job in Dar-es-salaam Tanzania where I am currently based. After i went there with regard to the first period I used to be na�ve and I thought We would hit of which under-developed market system kinds of goods and services and turn into a millionaire overnight. But alas, it was never to end up being. I got quickly introduced back to fact when even my Tanzanian employers went into serious difficulties trying to find us a work grant to be effective in that country.

To tell the truth We lost a substantial amount of money trusting locals in order to act as my personal front as My partner and i tried all varieties of businesses which usually failed one following your other. My wife got really annoyed about my continuing "investments" into funds draining failures in addition to pointed out that the money I had lost would have been enough to purchase a big perfect plot in Athi River or Kitengela. It really angered me when the girl said this. Especially as it was true.

It dawned on us that I performed not must challenge in the Tanzanian market which We didn't know very well after i may use technology to do business in Kenya while I was still employed throughout Tanzania. It was not smooth sailing in order to what I include today but ultimately I got to set up something that functions like an elegance.

I have two businesses that perform very well. I promote cars in Nairobi and Mombasa while a middleman. I advertise my vehicles using the noticeboards at Sarit Middle in Nairobi and even another one with Nakumatt in Mombasa. I actually do my coloring poster for the particular cars on my LAPTOP OR COMPUTER at home then I used to be able to print out the particular posters and actually send them through Akamba bus by Dar all the particular way to Nairobi and Mombasa exactly where they would end up being indexed and put up at the respected notice boards intended for me to begin receiving enquiries. The whole exercise would certainly cost me regarding 4, 000 robert. But these days technology has manufactured it much easier and even much cheaper. I take advantage of a new blog site site where I hire somebody throughout Nairobi and one more in Mombasa to receive my paper prints as a pdf format attachment in their very own email. Then they print them out and even put them upward at Sarit Middle and Nakumatt Nyali respectively. I pay out them only Kshs 100 shillings each and every for this very simple errand. I do this with the web site which means that indicate get paid until they may have achieved the task successfully. I usually send them the money via Mpesa to the innovatively simple site. I work with this person in Ceder who travels with buses every additional day to Mombasa and back in addition to I give your pet the cash in Tanzania shillings and he deposits Mpesa inside Kenya shillings and sends the funds to the recipient any time he is at Kenya. To confirm that this work is performed, I merely call a friend in Westlands and ask him to go regarding lunch at Sarit Centre and examine if they discover my poster. I really do a similar issue with the Mombasa poster. I could easily use the same site in order to hire somebody more at 100 frank to travel and check and confirm of which the posters possess been out upward, but I guess I would like to save 100. The cell phone advertised is our personal one (which works in Tanzania) When clients phone I tell these people just as much as I may about the vehicle and then primary them best places to see it. I assist about 3 different major car importers in Mombasa. Whenever they buy the car the sellers just deposit the funds in my KCB (Kenya Commercial Bank account) and i also can in that case access the cash via an ATM in Dar-es-salaam. When my contacts get new cars within Mombasa they publish them to their particular websites and We simply download these people following that and produce my sales cartel. Simple nonetheless it works.

I have my very well having to pay job and at the same period my side enterprise brings in an average of Kshs five-hundred, 000 every calendar month.

You obtain the go? Now you know why I am interested inside discussing technology in addition to how to work with it to make funds through a smaller simple business. Understand that you can carry out virtually any type of business as the particular absentee owner mainly because technology now allows you "to end up being there" without really physically being generally there.

Sit down currently and try in addition to learn how to use technologies to make money.

check here runs the daily online education programme that helps men and women gain skills to be able to use opportunities provided by technology.
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