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How To Talk To Children About Death
Fear of death is common. Many of us have associated death with pain. We grieve for the loss of our loved ones. We focus on the fact that they are no longer with us in physical form and our hearts fill with regret and sadness. Sometimes our negative view of death creates so much negative energy within our bodies, that our bodies begin experiencing symptoms of anxiety like rapid heartbeats, tunnel vision and brain fog.

The advantage of an actual insurance policy is that the money can be used in any way the beneficiary needs to use it. A portion could be paid to the funeral home. But anything left over could be spent on other bills, or even saved for the beneficiary's own use.

Each person deals with death in her own way. Some people are in denial. Some turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to cope. Some simply stay stuck in their grief. The key to the transition from the preoccupation of death to the fullness of life is to work through the feelings and through each stage.

What I meant by "nothing can satisfy flesh like death" is nothing can release those pleasure endorphins faster and in greater amounts than activities related to death. Being in a "risky" relationship, bungee-jumping over concrete or racing down a public highway can trigger an adrenaline rush far greater than reading a book about such activities. The satisfaction of biting into a fresh, crisp apple pales in comparison to the smooth sensation of a nicotine rush to a smoker. An indulgent "Thanksgiving" size dinner full of empty calories is so pleasurable it can leave partakers with grins for almost an hour after the feast. But the blissful utopian state an addict enters when he injects his preferred drug leaves him unresponsive to the point of near comatose for half a day.

They also made me realize that everything really happens for a reason. After my mom died, I learned to enjoy life with other people except her. I've also learned to be an independent and be responsible in making decisions.

Many people acknowledge they don't fear death itself, just the dying process. Will there be pain? Will they die alone? Will they endure indignities? Many people would rather die in their sleep than have to consciously experience death.

By doing a simple search online, you can find a list of great funeral poems that you can read at your mother's funeral. Some of them are sad, some are heart-warming and inspirational, and some are simply sweet.
funeral program
funeral program
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