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What You Should Know About Orbera
Orbera is a weight loss program that is supervised by a medical doctor. To be considered for the program, you need to be at least thirty-five pounds overweight. You must also be willing to commit to a medically supervised weight loss program. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and have a BMI between thirty-five and forty.

The safety of Orbera has been the subject of several studies. One study published by the ASGE's Bariatric Task Force looked at data from more than 40,000 procedures to determine the device's safety. The results revealed a mortality rate of.08 percent - or eight deaths per 10,000 patients. This rate is higher than the FDA's reported rate of.01 percent.

There have been five reported cases of unintended deaths in patients treated with liquid-filled intragastric balloons. Another two reported deaths were due to complications of balloon treatments. Five of the cases involved the ORBERA intragastric balloon. Apollo reported the deaths to the FDA. However, it's not clear whether any of the deaths were related to the device itself, or insertion procedures.

The cost of an Orbera procedure depends on several factors, including the number of adjustments required and the type of balloon inserted. Because the cost is not covered by traditional health insurance, the patient must pay for the procedure out of pocket. However, it is possible to get attractive financing options up to 100% of the total cost.

In the US, the cost of an Orbera balloon surgery ranges from $3,000 to $9,000, with the highest cost in California. In South America and Mexico, the cost is much lower. California is the state where the most people have the procedure, accounting for about 20% of all bariatric surgeries in the US. While the procedure is not covered by health insurance, IBI offers several financing options, including no payments for the first three months.
Side effects

Although the risks associated with using ORBERA are minimal, some people can experience uncomfortable side effects while using it. Some people experience heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, and acid reflux after the balloon is inserted. Other people experience pain in their back or abdomen. It is important to contact a doctor if you have any of these symptoms.

The balloon can deflate, causing painful stomach cramps and vomiting. It can also cause bowel obstruction, which is a potentially fatal complication. There are also risks associated with prolonged balloon placement. If the balloon is not removed after six months, it can cause bowel blockage, which has been associated with deaths.

One of the most important things to remember when using ORBERA is the fact that there are certain risks associated with it. These risks include temporary slowing of the pulse and breathing rate. However, the risks are small and can be treated by giving the patient extra oxygen and medication to reverse the sedative effect. Other possible side effects include stomach upset. Fortunately, these side effects are rare.

The procedure is minimally invasive and usually only takes 20-30 minutes. The balloon stays in the stomach for about six months, and the procedure involves no incisions, stitches, or scarring. Patients can usually go home the same day of the procedure. After six months, the balloon will be removed.
Requires healthy diet and exercise

After you have had ORBERA placed in your abdomen, you will need to make sure to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. The balloon should stay in place for at least six months before it needs to be replaced. If it stays longer than that, you could experience complications such as bowel obstruction.

After surgery, you will need to follow a strict diet plan and exercise plan to lose the excess weight. Typically, patients lose about 20 to 50 pounds within the first six months. This is a relatively minor procedure, lasting about 20 minutes. After the procedure, you will receive continued support from your team, as well as work closely with a weight loss specialist.
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