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The Next Big Thing In The Motorcycle Keys Industry
How to Make a Duplicate Motorcycle Key

A duplicate key for your motorcycle can save you a significant amount of money. If you lose one, having a duplicate can help you avoid having another one made and owing a tow cost to the dealership!

The most cost-effective and easiest method to obtain a duplicate motorcycle key is by contacting locksmith. Utilizing duplicate motorcycle keys , they'll make an original key for you.


There are many ways to replace your lost motorcycle key. The simplest and most straightforward way to replace your lost key for your motorcycle is to contact your manufacturer or dealer and request a duplicate. This is often the most economical option and can take less than an hour.

A locksmith can also cut a key on your behalf. They usually cut keys at your residence, so you don't need to move the bike. They may be able offer a lower cost than your dealer, given that they do not have to cover the costs of transporting it.

If you don't have a traditional key, a locksmith may be able cut you the replacement key using your cylinder's ignition code or the entire cylinder. This is a less costly option than sending the cylinder to a dealer or a locksmith however it is more complex and takes a bit more time.

Modern motorcycles come with a transponder chip. This means that transponder chips will need to be programmed before the engine can start. This is more difficult than simply cutting keys.

To create this kind of key, a locksmith has to have access to the new key fob and programming equipment. If they do not have access to the key fob and programming equipment, they'll need to contact the dealership.

A locksmith is typically the best choice for this service since they can program your key and cut it at the same time. It is important to note that not all brands allow a locksmith program their key fobs.

Another reason to select a locksmith for your bicycle is that they usually cut all kinds of keys. This includes traditional metal keys and keys that have a transponder chip.

The typical cost for a motorcycle key replacement is $120, but the exact cost will be contingent on how complicated your key is and whether or if you need to purchase a replacement key. If your key requires transponder programming or a key code cutting, the price will be higher.


It is a good idea to create an duplicate of your motorcycle key in case you lose it. This will help you save time and money should you lose your key.

There are a variety of ways to duplicate the keys on your motorcycle. You can visit a hardware store or ask a dealer to complete the task. If you own an automated cutting machine, you can do it yourself.

The ignition cylinder code is the simplest and cost-effective method. It is usually three or four digit number on the cylinder where you put your key into. It is easy to find if you know where to look, and a lot of locksmiths can cut your key based on this code.

To find your cylinder code to find it, look at your ignition cylinder from various angles, and then take the image with your smartphone. This will allow the locksmith to determine where to begin when creating your new key.

In addition to the cylinder code, it is crucial to have your VIN number. Your VIN code is an identification number that can be located on your motorcycle and allows you determine who owns it.

Once you have your VIN code, it's time to call a dealership or a locksmith. These companies should be able to duplicate your keys for your. They will also need any documents to prove ownership of the motorcycle (motorcycle registrations and purchase invoices, etc. ).

If you do not have a key, the dealer will probably provide one for free or may offer you a new cylinder that has keys. You could also visit an hardware store, however this is usually the most expensive option because it requires specialized equipment to cut off the transponder signals of a working key.

The other option is to get your cylinder's number from a local locksmith. The majority of locksmiths are able to create a duplicate copy of the number of cylinders for a minimal fee.

If you are unable to locate your cylinder's cylinder code, it is time to think about purchasing a new ignition cylinder. There are numerous aftermarket cylinders on the market that you can replace the cylinder you have been using with. It is recommended to search for a cylinder with the same year, model and model as your bike. It's a good idea also to take photographs of the old cylinder prior to replacing it. This will enable you to have the replacement installed correctly.


Duplicate keys for motorcycles are a great way to ensure that you have a backup plan in the event your key gets lost or stolen. A spare key lets you have full access to your motorcycle, regardless of whether it is locked or not.

You should make duplicates of your motorcycle's key at least twice to ensure that you have one in your purse or wallet and another safe in a safe. This can be a small box or even a basket in your home that you do not frequently use, but it should be in a place where you are sure that the other members of your family will not be able steal it or move it around.

A duplicate of your motorcycle's key will help you save money and prevent needing to purchase a new one. A new key can be quite expensive, particularly if your motorcycle is transponder-enabled.

A locksmith can make an identical key for you by using the code located on the cylinder for ignition of your motorcycle. You can write this code down and then take a photo of it on your smartphone so that you can show the locksmith the number when they are making the key for you.

The best locksmiths will have tables with codes and values that they can use to make your key. They will often be able to duplicate your key quickly and at a reasonable cost.

Some locksmiths have devices which can scan your key profile with an instrument, and then transfer those movements onto an e-cutter to create duplicate keys. This process is a little more expensive than the other methods, but it's still an affordable option and can save you lots of time.

Getting a duplicate of the key can be useful for other purposes, such as if you are looking to change the ignition cylinder on your bike. You can do this by taking the part to a store selling parts or to a locksmith, and they'll be able to make you a new key based on the details you provided.


Motorcycles are an extremely popular way to travel and are often very sought-after. However, they can extremely vulnerable to loss or damage.

When this happens, it can be difficult to know what to do. While a duplicate key for your motorcycle is an excellent solution, it is important to remember to adhere to certain precautions when using this method.

First, make note of your key's number on the cylinder for ignition. This will help you locate a locksmith near you who can design a replacement key.

You can also contact your local dealer of motorcycles to ask if they are able to assist you. They'll usually be able locate your motorcycle and create the new key based upon your VIN and other documents.

You can also contact an area hardware store to see if they are able to help you. They should be able copy the transponder signal of your existing key.

This is the simplest method to get the new bike key. To ensure that duplicate motorcycle keys matches your vehicle, make sure you have the correct VIN number as well as other documents.

Some motorcycles require a master key or fob. The keys or fobs are required to be programmed by an authorized locksmith or dealer. This can be expensive and could also endanger the bike's life.

It is possible to use your own key to unlock the bike and then turn off the ignition. If you don't have the correct procedures and tools, this can be risky.

Always keep a spare key with you at all times, both in your wallet as well as in a safe place. This will let you quickly obtain a replacement in the event that you ever lose the original.

Finally, you should always be aware of the kinds of keys for motorcycles that are available and the best way to care for them. This will save you from unnecessary repairs and replacements which can be expensive and time-consuming.

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