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funeral program
funeral program

Accepting death as an inevitability is easier than you may think. After all, who doesn't realize they are eventually going to die? The problem lies in fully accepting death and in being comfortable in talking about dying with those we love. Approaching the sensitive issues surrounding death with family members and loved ones can be a loving way to help everyone prepare for the eventual death of a family member.

I've personally grieved the loss of family members and dear friends; however, recently I experienced, for the first time, a slow, impending death. I watched my 91 year old Mother for months as she made her transition. I watched her body return to the fetal position, her frail skeletal frame show protruding bones and unpreventable decubitus ulcers, feeding tube challenges, and constant pain. Through it all, though, she never lost her warm smile and her tenacity to fight. I marveled at her strength and wonder if I could ever have that much fortitude. I watched her peacefully die, at home, in her sleep, just as she had said she wanted to die.

First, one may wish to see the lowest point of Death Valley, "Bad Water Basin". Death Valley is dried seawater lake. Deep down on the ground, there still be water, and it sometimes come out to surface. Cowboys who found this water source trying to drink it and found it "Bad". This is why this place is called "Bad Water Basin". The white part of desert ground is salt. Ones impression will be; "it is sea of salt". When one takes a close look at the surface of the desert, it does not look like a view in this world. It is light brown dry and cracked.

Dad recovered to the point that he had ten more good years of life, except for the two times his head sprung a leak. He had a brain bleed. That is a bleeding blood vessel between the skull and the brain, but it is not in the brain. It presses the brain and gives symptoms of a stroke, but it is not a stroke. Once the bleeding is stopped, the brain returns to normal, and so does the patient. Anyway, neither the aneurysm not the brain bleeds were dad's illness. Although he should have died, he didn't. None of those were the illness of which dad would die.

This costs you nothing extra and you get to save some money. In fact, doing this at your home or somewhere else saves you between $300-$800 depending on the locality or neighborhood.

Of all the generosity shown by funeral service professionals during this time of crisis, one funeral home and their employees stand out amongst the rest. John Scalia, his Son-In-Law Kevin Moran and their families have donated many funeral services free of charge. The first was a Postal worker who told his 21 & 25 yr. old daughters to go on ahead while he shut down the circuit breaker in their home. They never saw their Dad again as a 20 ft. tidal wave swept him away. He was found days later in the marsh land. When these two young women arrived at Scalia's Funeral Home, both Kevin and John immediately took care of everything and provided their Dad with a dignified funeral at no cost.

If you need several hundred printed you can search the internet for "color copies" and you will find several online suppliers eager to print your love ones funeral programs. You will need to be able to save the file as a PDF or TIFF file for printing. You can attach the file to an email message and that's basically it. Your funeral programs will be printed in full color on a high quality machine. For Microsoft Publisher 2003 and 2007 users simply save the file as a Tiff file under the Save as menu. The only draw back is that you have to save each page individually.

Once you have completed the details and signed up for your pre-need services, give a copy of the plan with the contact information to your personal representative, a close family member or one of your adult children. It is a thoughtful gift for your survivors. Thank you, Tom and Jack, for your professionalism and help. Good bye, Grandma; and thank you for thinking ahead. We love you.

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