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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Random = UnityEngine.Random;

public class AIRobotCard : AIBoosterCard
List<Vector2Int> triggeredPos = new List<Vector2Int>();

#region Abstracts
public override IEnumerator UseBoosterCard(int boosterCardId, int delayScale, ItemTypes exceptSpecified = ItemTypes.None)
List<CellSlot> matchList = new List<CellSlot>();
Dictionary<string, object> boosterCardData = new Dictionary<string, object>();

List<Vector2Int> availablePositionsOnBoard = new List<Vector2Int>();
List<Vector2Int> selectedPositionsOnBoard = new List<Vector2Int>();

List<CellSlot> cells = new List<CellSlot>();

for (int i = 0; i < aiController.aiBoardManager.boardBorders.y; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < aiController.aiBoardManager.boardBorders.x; j++)
CellSlot cellSlot = aiController.aiBoardManager.boardMatrix[j, i];
if (cellSlot.itemType == ItemTypes.Cell)

object rawDronesOnBoard;
aiController.aiMoveHandler.aiGameData.TryGetValue("spawnedBCI", out rawDronesOnBoard);
List<CellSlot> dronesOnBoard = (rawDronesOnBoard != null) ? Utility.CastToType<List<CellSlot>>(rawDronesOnBoard) : new List<CellSlot>();

List<Vector2Int> latestPosOnBoard = new List<Vector2Int>();
for (int i = 0; i < dronesOnBoard.Count; i++)
//if drone is on board (id != "") AI target is cell which is below drone, if not this case drone is activated and staying position so drone is AI target
CellSlot targetCell = dronesOnBoard[i].id == "" ? dronesOnBoard[i] : cells.Find(cell => == dronesOnBoard[i].id);

int cellCount = cells.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++)
CellSlot cellSlot = cells[i];

if (!latestPosOnBoard.Contains(cellSlot.positionOnBoard))


int upperBounds = dronesOnBoard.Count == 0 ? 4 : 2;
int maxLen = Mathf.Min(upperBounds, availablePositionsOnBoard.Count);

for (int j = 0; j < maxLen; j++)
Vector2Int posOnBoard = availablePositionsOnBoard[j];

int x = posOnBoard.x;
int y = posOnBoard.y;
for (int i = 0; i < aiController.aiBoardManager.boardBorders.x; i++)
CellSlot cellSlot = aiController.aiBoardManager.boardMatrix[i, y];
if (cellSlot.itemType != exceptSpecified && !matchList.Contains(cellSlot))

for (int i = 0; i < aiController.aiBoardManager.boardBorders.y; i++)
CellSlot cellSlot = aiController.aiBoardManager.boardMatrix[x, i];
if (cellSlot.itemType != exceptSpecified && !matchList.Contains(cellSlot))

boosterCardData.Add("selectedCells", selectedPositionsOnBoard);

int possibleDelay = Mathf.Min(2, delayScale);
int aiDelay = Random.Range(1, possibleDelay + 1);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(aiDelay);

float currentRoundTimer = aiController.matchController.GetRoundTimer();
if (currentRoundTimer <= 0f)
yield break;

aiController.aiMoveHandler.SendBoosterRequest(matchList, boosterCardData, boosterCardId);

public override void NullPositionOnMatrixByBoosterCard(Dictionary<string, object> move, ref float totalDelay, int whoMadeMove, Dictionary<ItemTypes, float> delays, List<string> instigators, string instigatorId, bool checkType, ItemTypes exceptSpecified)
int boosterEventId = Utility.ConvertToInt(Utility.GetPropertyByNameV2("boosterEventId", move));

List<Vector2Int> selectedCells = Utility.ConvertToListV2Int(Utility.GetPropertyByNameV2("selectedCells", move));
object rawDronesOnBoard;
aiController.aiMoveHandler.aiGameData.TryGetValue("spawnedBCI", out rawDronesOnBoard);
List<CellSlot> dronesOnBoard = (rawDronesOnBoard != null) ? Utility.CastToType<List<CellSlot>>(rawDronesOnBoard) : new List<CellSlot>();
float droneTriggerTime = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < selectedCells.Count; i++)
Vector2Int posOnBoard = selectedCells[i];
dronesOnBoard.Add(new CellSlot() { itemType = ItemTypes.DroneCell, positionOnBoard = posOnBoard, neighbours = new List<CellSlot>() { aiController.aiBoardManager.boardMatrix[posOnBoard.x, posOnBoard.y] }, id = "" });
float tempDroneTriggerTime = GetDroneTriggerTime(posOnBoard);
if (tempDroneTriggerTime > droneTriggerTime)
droneTriggerTime = tempDroneTriggerTime;

int x = posOnBoard.x;
int y = posOnBoard.y;

for (int j = 0; j < aiController.aiBoardManager.boardBorders.x; j++)
CellSlot cellSlot = aiController.aiBoardManager.boardMatrix[j, y];
if (cellSlot.itemType != exceptSpecified)
aiController.aiBoardManager.NullPositionOnMatrix(cellSlot, delays, ref totalDelay, whoMadeMove, boosterEventId, instigators, instigatorId, checkType, exceptSpecified);

for (int j = 0; j < aiController.aiBoardManager.boardBorders.y; j++)
CellSlot cellSlot = aiController.aiBoardManager.boardMatrix[x, j];
if (cellSlot.itemType != exceptSpecified)
aiController.aiBoardManager.NullPositionOnMatrix(cellSlot, delays, ref totalDelay, whoMadeMove, boosterEventId, instigators, instigatorId, checkType, exceptSpecified);

aiController.aiMoveHandler.aiGameData["spawnedBCI"] = dronesOnBoard;

float increaseRate = .2f;
float moveTime = 1f;
totalDelay += 1.1f + moveTime * 2f + (selectedCells.Count * increaseRate * 2) + droneTriggerTime; //1.1f -> .6(ui tween time) + .5f(ui hide time)
//movetime * 2f ->one is drone reveal from bottom to top ui, the other one is for replace position on the board
//(selectedCells.Count * increaseRate * 2) -> ui drone delay(sequential reveal, sequential replace)

#region Virtuals
public override void CheckPossibleBoosterCardMatch(CellSlot cellItem, List<CellSlot> visitedCells, List<CellSlot> matchedFruitPlateCells, List<Vector2Int> mergedBoosterPos, MoveType moveType, ref int point, ref int boosterPoint, ItemTypes modeItemType)
object rawDronesOnBoard;
if (!aiController.aiMoveHandler.aiGameData.TryGetValue("spawnedBCI", out rawDronesOnBoard))

List<CellSlot> dronesOnBoard = (rawDronesOnBoard != null) ? Utility.CastToType<List<CellSlot>>(rawDronesOnBoard) : new List<CellSlot>();

if (dronesOnBoard == null || dronesOnBoard.Count == 0)

FindPossibleBoosterCardMatch(cellItem, visitedCells, matchedFruitPlateCells, mergedBoosterPos, dronesOnBoard, moveType, ref point, ref boosterPoint, modeItemType);

public override void CheckBCIOnCellTrigger(Vector2Int positionOnBoard, string cellId, int boosterEventId, ref float totalDelay, int whoMadeMove, Dictionary<ItemTypes, float> delays, List<string> instigators, string instigatorId, bool checkType, ItemTypes exceptSpecified)
object rawDronesOnBoard;
if (!aiController.aiMoveHandler.aiGameData.TryGetValue("spawnedBCI", out rawDronesOnBoard))

List<CellSlot> dronesOnBoard = (rawDronesOnBoard != null) ? Utility.CastToType<List<CellSlot>>(rawDronesOnBoard) : new List<CellSlot>();

CellSlot targetDrone = new CellSlot() { positionOnBoard = new Vector2Int(-1, -1) };
int droneIndex = dronesOnBoard.FindIndex(drone => == cellId);

if (droneIndex < 0)

targetDrone = dronesOnBoard[droneIndex];

targetDrone.positionOnBoard = positionOnBoard; = "";
dronesOnBoard[droneIndex] = targetDrone;

aiController.aiMoveHandler.aiGameData["spawnedBCI"] = dronesOnBoard;
TriggerDrone(positionOnBoard, boosterEventId, ref totalDelay, whoMadeMove, delays, instigators, instigatorId, checkType, exceptSpecified);

public override void ChangeBoosterCardItemsPos()
object rawDronesOnBoard;
aiController.aiMoveHandler.aiGameData.TryGetValue("spawnedBCI", out rawDronesOnBoard);
List<CellSlot> dronesOnBoard = (rawDronesOnBoard != null) ? Utility.CastToType<List<CellSlot>>(rawDronesOnBoard) : new List<CellSlot>();

List<CellSlot> activatedDrone = dronesOnBoard.FindAll(drone => == "");
List<CellSlot> cells = new List<CellSlot>();

for (int i = 0; i < aiController.aiBoardManager.boardBorders.y; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < aiController.aiBoardManager.boardBorders.x; j++)
CellSlot cellSlot = aiController.aiBoardManager.boardMatrix[j, i];

List<Vector2Int> latestPosOnBoard = new List<Vector2Int>();
for (int i = 0; i < dronesOnBoard.Count; i++)
//if drone is on board (id != "") AI target is cell which is below drone, if not this case drone is activated and staying position so drone is AI target
CellSlot targetCell = dronesOnBoard[i].id == "" ? dronesOnBoard[i] : cells.Find(cell => == dronesOnBoard[i].id);

List<Vector2Int> availablePositionsOnBoard = new List<Vector2Int>();
Dictionary<int, string> selectedPositionsOnBoard = new Dictionary<int, string>();

int cellCount = cells.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++)
CellSlot cellSlot = cells[i];

if (cellSlot.itemType == ItemTypes.Cell && !latestPosOnBoard.Contains(cellSlot.positionOnBoard))


for (int i = 0; i < activatedDrone.Count; i++)
int droneIndex = GetDroneIndex(dronesOnBoard, activatedDrone[i]);
if (droneIndex == -1)

Vector2Int posOnBoard = availablePositionsOnBoard[i];
selectedPositionsOnBoard.Add(droneIndex, $"{posOnBoard.x},{posOnBoard.y}");

Dictionary<string, object> data = new Dictionary<string, object>();
data.Add("bciFound", true);
data.Add("bciPos", selectedPositionsOnBoard);
data.Add("cells", aiController.GetCellList());

string jsonMove = Utility.ConvertDataToJson(data);

#region BestMove
public override void OnBoosterCardItemFoundInBestMove(CellSlot cell, List<CellSlot> visitedCells, List<CellSlot> matchList, ref int point)
if (cell.itemType != ItemTypes.Cell)

object rawDronesOnBoard;
if (!aiController.aiMoveHandler.aiGameData.TryGetValue("spawnedBCI", out rawDronesOnBoard))

List<CellSlot> dronesOnBoard = (rawDronesOnBoard != null) ? Utility.CastToType<List<CellSlot>>(rawDronesOnBoard) : new List<CellSlot>();
int droneIndex = dronesOnBoard.FindIndex(drone => ==;

if (droneIndex < 0)

point += aiController.aiBoardManager.boardBorders.x * 2 - 1; //Estimated point of type of plus blast -> board borders x + board borders y - 1

#region BoosterCardItems
public override void CheckSpawnedBoosterCardItem()
object rawDronesOnBoard;
aiController.aiMoveHandler.aiGameData.TryGetValue("spawnedBCI", out rawDronesOnBoard);
List<CellSlot> dronesOnBoard = (rawDronesOnBoard != null) ? Utility.CastToType<List<CellSlot>>(rawDronesOnBoard) : new List<CellSlot>();

Dictionary<string, object> data = new Dictionary<string, object>();
data.Add("bciFound", dronesOnBoard.Count > 0);

if (dronesOnBoard.Count > 0)
data.Add("cells", aiController.GetCellList());

string jsonMove = Utility.ConvertDataToJson(data);

public override IEnumerator ChangeSpawnedBoosterCardItems(int currentPlayerId, int whoMadeMove, Dictionary<string, object> move)
object rawDronesOnBoard;
aiController.aiMoveHandler.aiGameData.TryGetValue("spawnedBCI", out rawDronesOnBoard);
List<CellSlot> dronesOnBoard = (rawDronesOnBoard != null) ? Utility.CastToType<List<CellSlot>>(rawDronesOnBoard) : new List<CellSlot>();

if (dronesOnBoard.Count == 0)
yield break;

Dictionary<int, string> newBCIPos = Utility.ConvertToDictIntStr(Utility.GetPropertyByNameV2("bciPos", move)); //new booster card items pos before new move

if (newBCIPos != null)
float moveTime = .8f;

foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> kvp in newBCIPos)
string[] rawPosOnBoard = kvp.Value.Split(',');
Vector2Int posOnBoard = new Vector2Int(int.Parse(rawPosOnBoard[0]), int.Parse(rawPosOnBoard[1]));
CellSlot droneCell = dronesOnBoard[kvp.Key];
droneCell.positionOnBoard = posOnBoard;
CellSlot targetCell = aiController.aiBoardManager.boardMatrix[posOnBoard.x, posOnBoard.y]; =;
dronesOnBoard[kvp.Key] = droneCell;

aiController.aiMoveHandler.aiGameData["spawnedBCI"] = dronesOnBoard;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(moveTime);
aiController.aiMoveHandler.SendRequestsOnMoveDone(currentPlayerId, whoMadeMove);
yield break;

float tweenTime = .5f;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(tweenTime);
aiController.aiMoveHandler.SendCardItemsChanged(currentPlayerId, whoMadeMove);

public override void AddBoosterCardItemDataOnMove(Dictionary<string, object> data)
//the codes below actually irrelevant to this booster card, it was added to indicate if match list contains booster card item(touch manager->HasMatchedListContainsBoosterCell)
if (triggeredPos.Count > 0)
data.Add("keyList", new List<string>());


public override int GetAverageBoosterPoint()
return 60;

public override List<Vector2Int> GetBCIPosOnBoard()
List<Vector2Int> posOnBoard = new List<Vector2Int>();

object rawDronesOnBoard;
aiController.aiMoveHandler.aiGameData.TryGetValue("spawnedBCI", out rawDronesOnBoard);
List<CellSlot> dronesOnBoard = (rawDronesOnBoard != null) ? Utility.CastToType<List<CellSlot>>(rawDronesOnBoard) : new List<CellSlot>();

if (dronesOnBoard.Count > 0)
List<CellSlot> cells = new List<CellSlot>();

for (int i = 0; i < aiController.aiBoardManager.boardBorders.y; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < aiController.aiBoardManager.boardBorders.x; j++)
CellSlot cellSlot = aiController.aiBoardManager.boardMatrix[j, i];
if (cellSlot.itemType == ItemTypes.Cell)

for (int i = 0; i < dronesOnBoard.Count; i++)
//if drone is on board (id != "") AI target is cell which is below drone, if not this case drone is activated and staying position so drone is AI target
CellSlot targetCell = dronesOnBoard[i].id == "" ? dronesOnBoard[i] : cells.Find(cell => == dronesOnBoard[i].id);

return posOnBoard;


void FindPossibleBoosterCardMatch(CellSlot cellItem, List<CellSlot> visitedCells, List<CellSlot> matchedFruitPlateCells, List<Vector2Int> mergedBoosterPos, List<CellSlot> dronesOnBoard, MoveType moveType, ref int point, ref int boosterPoint, ItemTypes modeItemType)
List<CellSlot> findMatchList = new List<CellSlot>();

List<string> droneIds = new List<string>();

for (int i = 0; i < dronesOnBoard.Count; i++)

if (!droneIds.Contains( && triggeredPos.Contains(cellItem.positionOnBoard))


CellSlot droneCell = new CellSlot() { id = "" };
droneCell = dronesOnBoard.Find(drone => ==;

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(

droneCell.positionOnBoard = cellItem.positionOnBoard;

Vector2Int posOnBoard = droneCell.positionOnBoard;
int x = posOnBoard.x;
int y = posOnBoard.y;
for (int j = 0; j < aiController.aiBoardManager.boardBorders.x; j++)
CellSlot cell = aiController.aiBoardManager.boardMatrix[j, y];
if (!findMatchList.Contains(cell) && cell.itemType != ItemTypes.MushroomCell)

for (int j = 0; j < aiController.aiBoardManager.boardBorders.y; j++)
CellSlot cell = aiController.aiBoardManager.boardMatrix[x, j];
if (!findMatchList.Contains(cell) && cell.itemType != ItemTypes.MushroomCell)

aiController.aiMatchFinder.FindPossibleMatch(findMatchList, visitedCells, matchedFruitPlateCells, mergedBoosterPos, moveType, ref point, ref boosterPoint, modeItemType);

void TriggerDrone(Vector2Int positionOnBoard, int boosterEventId, ref float totalDelay, int whoMadeMove, Dictionary<ItemTypes, float> delays, List<string> instigators, string instigatorId, bool checkType, ItemTypes exceptSpecified)
int x = positionOnBoard.x;
int y = positionOnBoard.y;
for (int j = 0; j < aiController.aiBoardManager.boardBorders.x; j++)
CellSlot cellSlot = aiController.aiBoardManager.boardMatrix[j, y];
if (cellSlot.itemType != exceptSpecified)
aiController.aiBoardManager.NullPositionOnMatrix(cellSlot, delays, ref totalDelay, whoMadeMove, boosterEventId, instigators, instigatorId, checkType, exceptSpecified);

for (int j = 0; j < aiController.aiBoardManager.boardBorders.y; j++)
CellSlot cellSlot = aiController.aiBoardManager.boardMatrix[x, j];
if (cellSlot.itemType != exceptSpecified)
aiController.aiBoardManager.NullPositionOnMatrix(cellSlot, delays, ref totalDelay, whoMadeMove, boosterEventId, instigators, instigatorId, checkType, exceptSpecified);

aiController.aiMoveHandler.FindCellDelay(delays, new CellSlot() { itemType = ItemTypes.DroneCell, positionOnBoard = positionOnBoard }, whoMadeMove, boosterEventId);

int GetDroneIndex(List<CellSlot> list, CellSlot drone)
int index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
if (list[i] == drone)
index = i;

return index;

public float GetDroneTriggerTime(Vector2Int positionOnBoard)
Vector2Int boardBorders = aiController.aiBoardManager.boardBorders -;

int affectedCellsHorizontal = Math.Max(positionOnBoard.x, boardBorders.x - positionOnBoard.x);
int affectedCellsVertical = Math.Max(positionOnBoard.y, boardBorders.y - positionOnBoard.y);

int maxCellCount = Math.Max(affectedCellsHorizontal, affectedCellsVertical);
float tempDelay = maxCellCount * Utility.rocketBlastUnitTime;

return tempDelay;
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