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Education is Important
Getting an education is very important. Why is it important? We need to know how to read and write because those are part of everyday life. There are some people that think school is just a waste of time and dropout early. Everybody needs an education if they want to be successful in their life. How do people become doctors or technicians? They get an education. To be a doctor they have to go to college for at least four years and to be a technician you also have to go to college for about four years. That's just a few of the reasons why education is important.
There are many people that have dropped out of high school and are still very successful. For example Albert Einstein. Well he couldn't talk until he was four and his teachers said he wouldn't amount to much. He dropped out at the age of 15, but he is considered one of the smartest men today.
Some children think they can just slack off in school, but they will regret it in the future. Also some children work very hard and get straight A's and B's, so they can get accepted into the colleges they want to get into to.
Here are some facts about high school drop outs:
1. More than 1.3 million students drop out every school year.
2. A high school drop out is ineligible for 90% of jobs in America.
3. Kids that are having trouble with reading by 4th grade are likely to drop out.
4. A high school graduates lifetime income is 50 to 100% higher than a dropout.
Children will get bored in class and just fall asleep and not listen which causes them to not know what is going on the next day or week. The thing is kids will get very tired because at most schools they have to be there by 8 a.m.. Some kids stay up late even though they have school the next day. Plus some teens or kids are in sports and they get home at a late time and that could cause them to be very tired.
There can be so many reasons why kids and teens drop out. One major reason is failing their classes because either they don't understand, don't really care, or are to lazy to come in after school and ask questions. Here is a few other reasons why they could drop out:
* They have missed to many school days.
* They couldn't keep up with all the school work.
* Did not feel like they fit in at that school or are getting bullied.
* Could not get along with other students at that school.
* Has to support their family.
* Became a father/mother of a baby.
Students need to know that education is very important fro their life. Yes, there have been some very successful people that have dropped out, but kids need to worry about what path they are going to take not what others did. This is why education is very important for everyday life.
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