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Reading time: 9 MinutesWhat is Oxandrolone (or Anavar)?
Oxandrolone or Anavar as it is called is the name of the substance popularly present in the commercial name of Anavar, which was synthesized in the 60s by GD Searle " . The company even obtained a patent for this substance until the mid-1990s, when other companies started producing it.

It is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and had as its initial destination some therapeutic purposes. However, seeing the anabolic and optimizing power of performance that oxandrolone could provide to athletes, its use began to become common, until in the 1980s, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) placed it under doping, as a prohibited substance for competition purposes.

JBHNews is a derivative of DHT, where in this molecule an oxygen atom is added replacing carbon 2 in the A ring. This change increases the anabolic activities of the hormone and prevents it from being easily degraded in the body.

In addition, a methyl group is added to carbon 17, so that it can be resistant to liver metabolism and not be destroyed. So this steroid happens to be a 17-yy.

Oxandrolone today can be considered one of the most expensive anabolic steroids on the market. because it is an anabolic with low anabolic effects, it needs to be used in large quantities, which makes it very expensive.

Usually you will find a bottle of Anavar with 100 tablets of 5 mg. If you have to use 80 mg a day, you will spend an average of 16 pills a day, that is, 1 bottle of Anavar a week.

The main benefits of Oxandrolone
Among its main initial applications were, and are, increased weight in people with some type of disease or even recovering from surgery, post-traumatic or infectious, for the rehabilitation of people with burns, for the treatment of osteoporosis, to help the growth of children with difficulties, among others.

The anabolic power of the Oxandrolone is approximately three to five times greater than in comparison with the Testosterone and that is precisely why it is so widespread in the sporting sphere. The proportion of anabolism of oxandrolone is , while that of Testosterone, only 100.

Despite these characteristics, it cannot be said that oxandrolone is an ideal drug for cycles, especially muscle mass gain for men. is because their anabolic power may be even greater, but their doses should also be high, which makes the cost X profits not worthwhile and, more than that, also makes the individual have undesirable hepatotoxic and gastric effects. , due to high dosage.

Usually, when JBH News use it, oxandrolone is placed in some Cutting Cycle, but it still needs to combine it with a testosterone and perhaps another drug of similar characteristics, such astrembolonae even drostanolone.

Oxandrolone wing increases the synthesis and balance of nitrogen proteins in the muscles, resulting in increased muscle and strength, as well as improving the recovery of the individual and leaving it in a more favorable environment to avoid catabolic processes.

Even so, it has the ability to reduce the secretion of glucocorticoids (such as elcortisol), favoring this process and also drastically reducing the levels of SHBG, which is the protein that inactivates testosterone. Thus, it is possible to significantly increase the levels of free testosterone in the body, which is testosterone that has real biological activity.

Anavar is also known in the middle of resistance sports, as it causes a rise in the number of red blood cells, which results in a greater oxygenation of body tissues and also a greater aerobic capacity. In these cases, of course, the doses are relatively lower than in comparison to the doses used by bodybuilders.

Due to its androgenic capacity, it can increase the burning of corporeal fat, as in addition to joining androgen receptors, it also reduces the levels of thoid hormone aglutinants, thus increasing the concentrations and quantities of active T3.

In this way, a natural increase is achieved in the basal metabolic rate, making your body burn more calories and build more muscle mass, as well as taking advantage of the energetic compounds derived from your diet.

Other benefits are:

* Quick energy supply, in the form of phosphocreatin and ATP, for musculation and musculation;
♪ Higher motivation;
♪ Increased resistance and anaerobic power;
♪ Poca water retention;
♪ Enhancing immediate force;
♪ Greater resistance.

How to use the Oxandrolone (Anavar) cycle
Aoxandrolonasolo is in the market in the form of a pill, so its intake is quite simple, even for those who are afraid of injections.

However, it is a drug and, like others, its correct use can bring several problems to your body and to your health. Even using it incorrectly will cause you not to have aesthetic results, but only health damage.

But if know how to use it, how to protect you from side effect and get the maximum results, she's pretty sure. I usually say that"Between the medicine and a poison the difference is in the dose and in knowing how to use it." And Oxandrolone is no different. to learn how to use it and go to the doctor, however we know that in Brazil most doctors do not prescribe this type of medication, many of them because they are “sponsored” by the supplement industry, so they never indicate anabolic steroids. "To force you" to use supplements that never work.

The use of Anavar by men
Although anavar is not a drug very used by men, it can have applications for beginners or for people who are at an intermediate level and want to put it in a cutting cycle.

For JBH News , average doses may vary from 50 to 150 mg per day. However, the doses below 80 mg will not show satisfactory results there and the doses above 150 mg can even show good results, but the cost-benefit ratio and the degree of hepatotoxicity achieved will not be worth the penalty.

These doses, due to the average life of Anavar, should be divided and given every 6 hours. Assuming then you will use 80 mg per day, you should administer 20 mg of oxandrolone every 6 hours.

Oxandrolone should always be combined with at least one testosterone. However, due to its relatively weak power, it can also be combined with other substances such as thrombolone, drostanolona, thePrimobolane even elboldenone. of oxandrolone should be up to 8 weeks, being more than that, highly harmful to liver tissue.

Use of JBH News by Women
Women have the most consumed and known drug in the world of sportoxandrolone, and this is not an accident. has relatively low side effects compared to other medications.

However, JBHNews should be noted that these side effects may exist and, as in the case of men, attention is valid for them.

In general,oxandrolone will increase protein synthesis, building more lean mass, reduce body fat, increase post-training resistance and recovery, favoring many women, as they, unlike men, do not need to use very high doses.

Since this anabolic steroid has a short period of use, we can think of using it in the first few weeks of the cycle, where besides having the most intact liver, we can “start” the cycle, as the oxandrolone will promote an increase in strength and a reduction of catabolism, already initially leaving the body in an anabolic environment conducive to its development.

In the case of women, oxandrolone is usually used (since this steroid is oral) in about mg per day, dividing these doses and managing every 6 hours.

So, assuming that you will use oxandrolone at a dose of 40 mg per day, you will administer 10 mg four times a day (every 6 hours). can be combined with other medicines like boldenona or Primobolan himself (metenolone).

In the case of women, it is not necessary to use more than 6 weeks.

Collateral effect
Although quite soft compared to others. anabolic steroids commonly used by most people, it is important to note that they exist and should understand a little more about them to be properly prevented.

Some of these guarantees are:

♪ Menstrual irregularities;
♪ Stemaches;
* Nausea;
♪ Engrossing the voice in women, with unusual growth of hair, especially in the face;
♪ Ronquera;
♪ Increase in urinary or thirst rate;
♪ Loss of appetite;
♪ Muscle cramps or spasms;
♪ Liver disorders;
* Good cholesterol inhibition (HDL);
♪ Natural testosterone inhibition, which causes erectile dysfunction, mood changes;
♪ Damage to the liver and kidneys due to the type of metabolism and excretion;
♪ Insomnia;
* Hyperhydrosis (increase of sweating).

I will then comment on other side effects that are more common and may be more dangerous if omitted.

Estrogenic effects
Oxandrolone doesn't taste. So, by itself, it does not cause comoginecomastia effects, water retention, among other guarantees of this nature.

In spite of this, it can, in the bounce effect after its use, cause sudden suppression of natural production levels and secretion of testosterone, which will result in an increase in estrogens in the organism and you will have losses.

Therefore, it is always necessary to use it with a testosterone during the cycle, and to perform an appropriate CTBT that can restore your axis as quickly as possible after the cycle.

Androgenic effects
Oxandrolone is androgenic, but not at the end (although it is derived from DHT). And that's precisely why it's a drug used in the female audience.

However, there is mild androgenicity and, in more sensitive women, side effects can occur, such as increased skin fat, acne, growth of facial hair, baldness, reduction of breasts and deformation of the genital region.

Effects on the cardiovascular system
Oxandrolone is not among anabolic steroids that most cause negative changes in the cardiovascular system, but may occur slightly, especially in people who are prone to developing these ailments.

In particular, high cholesterol, blood fats and increased "bad cholesterol" can be purchased with the use of oxandrolone, especially if it does not have the proper dietary care such as good consumption of unsaturated fatty acids (especially Omega 3), good intake of dietary fiber, antioxidant nutrients, resveratrol, among others.

Taking into account, at CLINES levels, oxandrolone can reduce HDL levels (good cholesterol) to 30% and these amounts can be higher than 50% in cases related to their use in the sporting world.

Therefore, as there is nothing to take directly to reduce this side effect, it is most prudent to pay attention to the diet, consume the healthiest possible foods and reduce the consumption of highly processed foods, fast food, among others. of testosterone
Like any anabolic steroid, oxandrolone can inhibit the production of FSH and LH and, consequently, inhibit the production of testosterone by the gonads. Obviously, compared to , such asnandroloneooxymetolone, is milder, but still produces this undesirable effect.

Especially after the cycle with oxandrolone, men tend to suppress their HTP axis and therefore tend to develop hypogonadism. Therefore, make a TPC that is appropriate with the cycle performed, is essential for any male individual.

Hepatotoxic effects
Oxandrolone is a 17-aa and only that says it is highly hepatotoxic. Taking into account men who need and/or want high doses of this drug in their cycle, these effects tend to be even worse, as with the increase in the amount also increases the risk of side effects. And this is the "slow" side of Anavar.

So I decided to spend more time giving some advice on how to smooth side effects on your liver. Among them:

1. You should never use oxandrolone with another 17 aaa medication, such asestanozolol, dianabolou oximetolone (hemogenin)
2. You should always consider the use of oxandrolone and even after use of a good liver protector to rescue as much of the integrity of your liver as possible. Examples of good liver protectors are:silimarin yTUDCA.
3. You should not use any type of medication during your cycle with oxandrolone unless it is REALLY NECESSARY. Even mild antipyrethics or painkillers can make liver tissue worse.
4. Oxandrolone should not be used for periods exceeding 8 (eight) weeks.
5. JBH News -aa should be used after the Oxandrolone cycle until important liver tests can be normalized. Among the most necessary tests we can mention: GGT, TGO, TGP and bilirubin (especially direct). If possible, it is interesting to monitor these tests in cycles of more than 6 weeks,
6. Your diet should have compounds that can help detoxify the liver. In addition to the contribution of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids or even a good amount of water, you can also use some supplements, such as soy lectin.
7. is recommended not to take oxandrolone with an empty stomach. This is not a way to reduce your hepatotoxicity, but it can help control the negative effects on the gastrointestinal system.

Is it necessary to make TPC for Oxandrolone?
Yes, the CPT (post cycle therapy) is necessary for any type of anabolic cycle, as it will help the body recover after the end of the cycle, making your hormonal axis return faster to its proper place. .

And oxandrolone (anavar) is no different!

Among the most commonly used substances with Oxandrolone TPC is tamoxifen, clomifenooHCG citrate. , however, will not need to make CPT, but they still tend to have (in smaller amounts) their relatively altered axis. Therefore, it is necessary, through clinical examinations, to see how things go, even to prevent and/or reverse infertility (which can also occur in men). burns fat?
Many people report "fat burning" with the use of Oxandrolone, but even though this happens to these people, we cannot say that Anavar is an anabolic that burns fats.

In fact, no anabolic steroid burns fat on its own.

What happens is that since Oxandrolone is an anabolic with properties to increase the real magra mass, it causes metabolism to be stimulated and accelerated more, so that along with the increase of the mass magra can be removed fats.

But this will only happen if your diet is favorable to burn fats!

Where to buy Oxandrolone and Anavar Price?
This is a medicine that can be purchased in prescription pharmacies. Its price varies according to milligrams of the pills, on average it costs:

* 5mg (100 tablets) - R $ 150,00
* 10mg (100 tablets) - R $ 220,00
* 30mg (100 tablets) - R $ 300,00
* 40 mg (100 tablets) - R $ 400,00

Compound pharmacies usually produce up to 10 mg more easily. Above that, it is usually more complicated, but looking for it is.

For those who have no recipe, the way is to try the "underworld" ... With gym vendors, neighborhood pharmacies, they usually make a big look at a recipe, internet, among other places.

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Bodybuilding tips
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