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The shares of the stock market became over valued.
In a matter of weeks billions of dollars were lost.They were plunged into a economic crises, many businesses failed, and because the world economy was very dependent on America it effected economy around the world.
Normally, goods from businesses were bought from the public and some money went to the workers. However, because the public lost so much money,less goods were bought which means there was less payment. Without payment businesses stopped manufacturing goods, and because they didn't have enough money to pay their workers people were left unemployed.
A lot of countries around the world did something called protectionism, this was where people protected their industries by setting higher taxes for imported goods. But it lead to a collapse in international trade, countries such as Thailand and Malaysia whos main export of business was rubber and depended on america to buy them failed because America had no need for it .
Banks stopped making loans in Europe
The affects on the USA:
-1928 before depression America made 4.5 million on cars
-1929 the cars were worth 541 million
-1932 cars were only worth 76 million
-until manufacturing stopped
President Roosevelt had to make the countries become an isolationist
the French and the Britains were catious because they knew that USA wouldbt help them if anything happened.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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