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Cereals Test Kits
Cereals Test kits are utilized in the food industry for detecting the presence of mycotoxins as well as heavy metals and pesticide residues. They are simple, reliable, and inexpensive. They do not provide an extremely sensitive test for negative results, so it may be needed to use HPLC to verify the sample.

Mycotoxins in Grain (HGCA review)

It is crucial that you have reliable, cost-effective, sensitive, and quick tests that can detect mycotoxins in grain. The UK government has requested the HGCA for a critical evaluation of all current mycotoxins testing kits in order to determine the quality of these kits to meet future needs of the cereal trade requirements, and also if there are any further changes.

Aflatoxins in Feed and Crops based on the Colloidal Gold Immuochromatography technique

The HGCA has conducted an examination of mycotoxins that are currently commercially available test kits available for the detection of aflatoxins. The HGCA has prepared a detailed assessment of their performance. Discussion with suppliers and users suggests that they're effective in certain circumstances but they do not provide the sensitivity and speed needed to quickly detect contamination of grain. They aren't often appropriate for routine analysis and generally only utilized when there's no other option.

Aflatoxins within the Grain Supply Chain

The grain supply chain is a subject of increasing importance for reducing the potential risk of mycotoxins entering the supply chain and damaging the human health. A wide range of mycotoxins are known to be present in cereals and many have been recognized as extremely carcinogenic or toxic. Mycotoxins can trigger serious illnesses for humans, and also affect the quality of the grain.

Mycotoxins are found in all cereals, but their concentrations vary from grain to the next throughout the different growing seasons. The presence of mycotoxins in cereals may make it difficult to recognize. Yet, the presence these toxins is of concern especially for people suffering from food allergies and intolerances that are difficult to identify.

Mycotoxins are also found in food and cause serious illnesses for humans as well as animals. In this regard, there's a need for rapid and effective testing methods which are affordable, quick and reliable. They are used by the food industry and the trade in grain producers to find mycotoxins within cereals prior to them entering the market or consumer diet.

To conduct this study for this study, the HGCA examined a range of mycotoxins testing kits and drew on its experience of testing mycotoxins in cereals and from discussions with grain companies and other users. The results of the study found that although a range of mycotoxins testing kits are available however, there are no commercial products that will meet the requirements of the UK grain industry.

Grains Test kits has developed a range of mycotoxins testing kits that offer superior levels of sensitivity, accuracy and precision for testing the presence of various kinds of mycotoxins in a vast assortment of cereals and food items. The kits are cost-effective, simple to use and easy to interpret. They're also perfect to detect mycotoxins in cereals that aren't rechecked by a more sophisticated analysis technique.

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