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1: enumFromTo 2: enumFromToThen 3: (++)
4: last 5: init 6: (!!) 7: reverse 8: take
9: drop 10: zip 11: elem 12: replicate
13: intersperse 14: group 15: concat
16: inits 17: tails 18: isPrefixOf
19: isSuffixOf 20: isSubsequenceOf
21: elemIndices 22: nub 23: delete
24: (\) 25: union 26: intersect
27: insert 28: maximum
29: minimum 30: sum 31: product
32: and 33: or 34: unwords
35: unlines 36: pMaior 37: temRepetidos
38: algarismos 39: posImpares 40: posPares
41: isSorted 42: iSort 43: menor
44: elemMset 45: lengthMSet 46: converteMSet
47: insereMSet 48: removeMSet 49: constroiMSet
50: somaPares

-- 1)

enumFromTo' :: Int -> Int -> [Int]

enumFromTo' a b = if (a <= b) then (a : (enumFromTo' (a + 1) b)) else []

-- 2)

enumFromThenTo' :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]

enumFromThenTo' a b c = if (a <= c) then (a : (enumFromThenTo' b (b + (b - a)) c)) else []

-- 3)

(+-+) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]

(+-+) [] list1 = list1

(+-+) (h:ts) list2 = h : ((+-+) ts list2)

-- 4)

last' :: [a] -> a

last' []= error "Invalido"

last' [x] = x

last' (h:ts) = last' ts

-- 5)

init' :: [a] -> [a]

init' [] = error "Invalido"

init' [x] = []

init' (h:ts) = h : (init' ts)

-- 6)

(!-!) :: [a] -> Int -> a

(!-!) (h:ts) 0 = h

(!-!) (h:ts) a = (!-!) ts (a-1)

-- 7)

reverse' :: [a] -> [a]

reverse' [] = []

reverse' (x:xs) = reverse' xs ++ [x]

-- 8)

take' :: Int -> [a] -> [a]

take' _ [] = []

take' 0 _ = []

take' x (h:ts) = h : (take' (x-1) ts)

-- 9)

drop' :: Int -> [a] -> [a]

drop' 0 l = l

drop' _ [] = []

drop' x (h:ts) = drop' (x-1) ts

-- 10)

zip' :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]

zip' [] _ = []

zip' _ [] = []

zip' (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x,y) : (zip' xs ys)

-- 11)

elem' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool

elem' x [] = False

elem' x (h:ts) = if (x == h) then True else elem' x ts

-- 12)

replicate' :: Int -> a -> [a]

replicate' 0 _ = []

replicate' x item = item : (replicate' (x-1) item)

-- 13)

intersperce' :: a -> [a] -> [a]

intersperce' _ [] = []

intersperce' _ [a] = [a]

intersperce' x (h:ts) = h : x : (intersperce' x ts)

-- 14)

group' :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]]

group' [] = []

group' (h:ts) = l1 : group' l2 where (l1,l2) = span ( == h) (h:ts) -- span :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a])

-- 15)

concat' :: [[a]] -> [a]

concat' [] = []

concat' (h:ts) = h ++ concat' ts

-- 16)

inits' :: [a] -> [[a]]

inits' list = initsAux list [] where

initsAux [] end = [end]

initsAux (h:ts) list = (list : initsAux ts (list ++ [h]))

-- 17)

tails' :: [a] -> [[a]]

tails' [] = [[]]

tails' (h:ts) = (h:ts) : tails' ts

-- 18)

isPrefixOf' :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool

isPrefixOf' [] _ = True

isPrefixOf' list [] = False

isPrefixOf' (x:xs) (y:ys) = if (x == y) then isPrefixOf' xs ys else False

-- 19)

isSuffixOf' :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool

isSuffixOf' list1 list2 = isPrefixOf (reverse list1) (reverse list2)

-- 20)

isSubsequentOf' :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool

isSubsequentOf' [] _ = True -- razao antes da False. No caso de ambas listas vazias, dá True.

isSubsequentOf' _ [] = False

isSubsequentOf' (x:xs) (y:ys) = if (x == y) then isSubsequentOf' xs ys else isSubsequentOf' (x:xs) ys

-- 21)

elemIndices' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]

elemIndices' elem lista = elemIndicesAux 0 elem lista where

elemIndicesAux _ _ [] = []

elemIndicesAux i y (x:xs) = if (x == y) then i : (elemIndicesAux (i + 1) y xs) else elemIndicesAux (i + 1) y xs

-- 22)

nub' :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]

nub' list = nubAux list [] where

nubAux [] new = new

nubAux (x:xs) new = if (elem x new == False) then x : (nubAux xs new) else nubAux xs new

-- 23)

delete' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]

delete' _ [] = []

delete' x (h:ts) = if (x == h) then ts else h : (delete' x ts)

-- 24)

(-) :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]

(-) [] _ = []

(-) list [] = list

(-) list (x:xs) = (-) (delete x list) xs

-- 25)

union :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]

union list1 list2 = list1 ++ (list2 \ list1)

-- 26)

intersect' :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]

intersect' [] _ = []

intersect' (h:ts) chList = if (elem h chList == True) then h : (intersect' ts chList) else intersect' ts chList

-- 27)

insert' :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]

insert' x [] = [x]

insert' x (h:ts) = if (x > h) then h : (insert' x ts) else x : (h:ts)

-- 28)

maximum' :: Ord a => [a] -> a

maximum' list = maximumAux (head list) list where

maximumAux x [] = x

maximumAux x (h:ts) = if (x > h) then maximumAux x ts else maximumAux h ts

-- 29)

minimum' :: Ord a => [a] -> a

minimum' list = minimumAux (head list) list where

minimumAux x [] = x

minimumAux x (h:ts) = if (x < h) then minimumAux x ts else minimumAux h ts

-- 30)

sum' :: Num a => [a] -> a

sum' [] = 0

sum' (h:ts) = h + sum' ts

-- 31)

product' :: Num a => [a] -> a

product' [] = 1

product' (h:ts) = h * (product' ts)

-- 32)

and' :: [Bool] -> Bool

and' [] = True

and' (h:ts) = if (h) then and' ts else h

-- 33)

or' :: [Bool] -> Bool

or' [] = False

or' (h:ts) = if (h) then h else or' ts

-- 34)

unwords' :: [String] -> String

unwords' [] = []

unwords' [x] = x

unwords' (h:ts) = h ++ " " ++ unwords' ts

-- 35)

unlines' :: [String] -> String

unlines' [] = []

unlines' [x] = x -- na definição original, este ponto de paragem não existe;

unlines' (h:ts) = h ++ "n" ++ (unlines' ts)

-- 36)

pMaior :: Ord a => [a] -> Int

pMaior list = pMaiorAux 0 (head list) 0 list where

pMaiorAux iMaior maior iAgora [] = iMaior

pMaiorAux iMaior maior iAgora (h:ts) = if (maior < h) then pMaiorAux iAgora h (iAgora + 1) ts else pMaiorAux iMaior maior (iAgora + 1) ts

-- 37)

temRepetidos :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool

temRepetidos [] = False

temRepetidos (h:ts) = if (elem h ts) then True else temRepetidos ts

-- 38)

algarismos :: String -> String

algarismos "" = ""

algarismos (h:ts) = if ((h >= '0') && (h <= '9')) then h : (algarismos ts) else algarismos ts

-- 39)

posImpares :: [a] -> [a]

posImpares [] = []

posImpares [x] = []

posImpares [x,y] = [y]

posImpares (h:m:ts) = m : posImpares ts

-- ou com uma função auxiliar:

-- posImpares list = posImparesAux 0 list where

-- posImparesAux _ [] = []

-- posImparesAux i (h:ts) = if (mod i 2 == 0) then posImparesAux ts else h : (posImparesAux ts)

-- 40)

posPares :: [a] -> [a]

posPares [] = []

posPares [x] = [x]

posPares [x,y] = [x]

posPares (h:m:ts) = h : posPares ts

-- ou com uma função auxiliar:

-- posPares list = posParesAux 0 list where

-- posParesAux _ [] = []

-- posParesAux i (h:ts) = if (mod i 2 == 0) then h : (posParesAux ts) else posParesAux ts

-- 41)

isSorted :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool

isSorted [] = True

isSorted [x] = True

isSorted (h:ts) = if (h > (head ts)) then False else isSorted ts

-- 42)

iSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]

iSort list = iSortAux list [] where

iSortAux [] new = new

iSortAux (h:ts) new = iSortAux ts (insert h new)

-- 43)

menor :: String -> String -> Bool

menor "" _ = True

menor _ "" = False

menor (x:xs) (y:ys) | (toLower x) > (toLower y) = False

| (toLower x) == (toLower y) = menor xs ys

| (toLower x) < (toLower y) = True

-- 44)

elemMSet :: Eq a => a -> [(a,Int)] -> Bool

elemMSet _ [] = False

elemMSet z ((x,y):ts) = if (z == x) then True else elemMSet z ts

-- 45)

lengthMSet :: [(a,Int)] -> Int

lengthMSet [] = 0

lengthMSet ((x,y):ts) = y + (lengthMSet ts)

-- 46)

converteMSet :: [(a,Int)] -> [a]

converteMSet [] = []

converteMSet ((x,y):ts) = if (y > 0) then x : (converteMSet ((x,(y - 1)):ts)) else converteMSet ts

-- 47)

insereMSet :: Eq a => a -> [(a,Int)] -> [(a,Int)]

insereMSet z [] = [(z,1)]

insereMSet z ((x,y):ts) = if (z == x) then (x,(y + 1)) : ts else (x,y) : (insereMSet z ts)

-- 48)

removeMSet :: Eq a => a -> [(a,Int)] -> [(a,Int)]

removeMSet _ [] = []

removeMSet z ((x,y):ts) = if (z == x) then (if (y > 1) then (x,(y - 1)) :ts else ts) else (x,y) : (removeMSet z ts)

-- 49)

constroiMSet :: Ord a => [a] -> [(a,Int)]

constroiMSet [] = []

constroiMSet list = cMSAux (tail list) (head list) 1 [] where

cMSAux [] agora qts new = new ++ [(agora, qts)]

cMSAux (h:ts) agora qts new = if (h == agora) then cMSAux ts agora (qts + 1) new else cMSAux ts h 1 (new ++ [(agora, qts)])

-- 50)

somaPares :: [Int] -> Int

somaPares [] = 0

somaPares (h:ts) = if (mod h 2 == 0) then h + (somaPares ts) else somaPares ts
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