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scientific management- Frederic W. Taylor
Muckrakers-scandals papers by writers (Henry Demarest Lloyd- Atlantic monthly
Samuel Sidney Mcclure- Lincoln Steffens, Ida Tarbell)
How the other half lives-Jacob Riis, Shame of the cities, the Financier, The titan. The octopus, The pit.
Australian ballot ( Secret)
Boss rule-directed primary
direct election of us senate
squire deal
mannelkins Act
republican split : Payne-Aldrich Tariff (raised tarrifd and angered taft
Pinchot-Ballinger Controversy
House Speaker Joe Cannon
midterm election
Socialist labor party - welfare of the working class Eugene V. Debs
Wilson underwood tariff 1913
Federal Reserve aCt 1914 Banking system
Clayton Antitrust act
Federal trade commission
federal farm loan act
child labor act
Progressives did nothing for AA-Economic deprivation and exploitation (Booker T. Washington) and denial civil (W.E.B. Du Bois ) rights-Niagara Movement- Founded National Association for the Advancement of Colored people (NAACP)
NAtional Urban League
Women,Suffrage and progressive movement
Carrie Chapman Catt(NAWSA)- state level
Alice Paul National Women's party-amendment to the Const
19th amendment 1920
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Regards; Team

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