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Interview : The Return of Marcos Chacón, IFBB PRO
The Andalusian Marcos Chacon returns to the PRO competition in 2016, tells us his thoughts and his projects for this year. ( JBHNews ): Well Marcos, tell us what made you decide to compete again

Marcos Chacón (MC): The challenge that Emilio Martínez proposed last year, in the impronables 2015, was what prompted me to go back to a platform, see how my body has responded to the stimulus, see how in the weeks after that exhibition I continued to improve, and the definitive push was to witness the San Marino Pro, where I realized that I can really still play a worthy role at a certain level and close my book in a fun way.

F21: But you have never really been “outside” of the idea of competing. Have you been the only two reasons?
CM: If it really was the push I needed, the idea was, but I needed the push and the focus on a psychological level to tackle the adventure. : What have you seen in San Marino to decide so clearly?
CM: For the level that I saw there both in consecrated athletes and others that not so much, I can get it by giving what I still carry inside and still bending to some in age, makes me illusion again, despite my injuries.

F21: For those who don't know you so closely, remind us of what's going on substantially.
CM: Well my shoulder, the words of the doctor were: “You have the head of the humerus as an old 80 who has been working in the field for a lifetime,” jajajaja, chronic breakage of the cuff, and all the possible tendinitis and that is on the shoulder that I have operated, with which I have the very reduced mobility and I have to adapt the intern a lot because of that, but as I stand still with the scenario

F21: Anyone who reads to you may think you're about to get off by disabled... Really how much you're weighing, plus in an exceptional way to be in volume.
CM: Well actually the doctor has already told me that as soon as I lose a number of respectable muscle mass I need a prosthesis, but it gives me that that will be much further, my current weight after a month of intern and diet rest, is 118 kilos in very good condition, the plan is to climb something more than 125 and get me on the platform with 115 kilos or something else.

F21: What was your last weight in competition Marcos?
CM: 113 in the 2011 Europe Pro of Madrid, which although as soon as it has been defined was one of my best set-ups, I did not see myself as full as I like, to give you an example the 118 I gave in the grand Prix of Timisoara in Romania is what I like

F21: I understand. Although I think that in the Europe PRO you were probably better for my taste and because I guess how I was there for me was your maximum... You have already marked your goals for 2016 or are in an evaluation period.
CM: Yes, I would like to do the Arnold Europe if I get invited, Grand Prix of Finland and San Marino Pro.

F21: There would be three tests in the second part of the year. And if have an outside in Spain, your presence with the Spanish public is marked. What do you expect as a goal on this occasion, Marcos.
CM: Enjoying JBHNews , seeing me again next to the best and staying with that memory, I managed to get there, enjoyed the road and made a worthy role, that's for me.

F21: And Marcos is over? Or does that depend on how comes out?
CM: Never say, but I am aware that as a result of the limitations of my injuries, I can't force the machine much more, I will never stop training of course, but you know what the competition demands and I don't feel comfortable with some of those things, and well I guess almost 30 years of career are already fine, apart I want to focus more on business and promote my MCDREAMGYM machine line, which for the very little time we are working on the market.

JBHNews : Are these machines for any gym?
CM: At the moment we have bet for a hardcore line like Hammer, which well, are for all the pubic, in fact we are already even on some Low Cost of many square meters, but that type of machine is to train well hard, although for its operation they are ideal also for the beginner and anyone who does not know how to train because it does not require any position that needs to be learned, just push or pull. : You also have free weight of first quality, don't you?
CM: JBH News , now we've just added cuffs and discs already with our MC logo.

F21:Whoever wants to know more only has to give to you, doesn't he?
CM: Yes, is; I am 12 hours a day at my gym, I am on all social networks and my mail is

F21: Let's go back to the Marcos competition. You told me you've seen yourself with possibilities after the last San Marino PRO 2015... That means the level isn't higher than before?
CM: Of course to my opinion is not that of the 90's, which in San Marino, which encouraged me very much, was that my waist right now next to almost all those who came out is that of a dancer next to her, and as for size or definition I am not afraid of any, obviously we speak of the Grand Prix of the end of the season, not the Olympia and similar championships. The fact of wanting to do the Arnold Europe, is to say goodbye to the Spanish hobby and give me the pleasure of seeing me next to the best, I know how the Pro League is and what my possibilities are; there I go out only to enjoy. : I completely agree with you Marcos, the level has dropped in this last decade and in the last few years I would almost say that it affects even Mr Olympia. What do you think you can do? is clear that they are multiple factors like a generation not so good, relaxation in the hardness of trains, too many new substances that promise to do what was former training....
CM: That's right, I think the current society is reflected in our sport, in the fact that we want it all fast and working as least possible, it's sad but that's how it is, in the subject of the substances it's brutal, internet and unscrupulous people have done a lot of damage, and the same mentality of the people, they prefer to believe anyone who writes on the internet without knowing it about anything and that it needs to be taken 5, that someone who needs you and who needs more than 2 I, in my seminars, always say without upholstery what I take for my first national Olympic and get mad, what I took in six weeks put it today in half a day, and you don't think you can do, without tonaring all kinds of drugs, what you don't take into account was the 2 hours we were sinning each day, the illusion with which we were doing it, the blind faith in what I did. 's actually been five years before I took any substance, that doesn't happen today. There is a lack of a training base and principles and the meek theme of genetics!! People think it's a topic, but having a good one is a half way, in particular in my case, when I started the preparation for empronables I weighed 120 kg with a high level of fat, and at the end of the preparation I weighed the same, in a way that I've even been surprised, and even more, Miguel Angel Martínez who has helped me this year, did not believe it. How changed for days in so little time and with the substances we used, despite knowing me for a long time he has been the first surprised

F21: It is clear that sport does not have the success of today only with the bodybuilders, the Men's Physique and the Bikinis have arrived to be physical models. think that now after some year has been positive or not the entry of these, even for the bodybuilding of competition and I would like an analysis first for the Spanish amateur plane and another for the PRO.
CM: At the federation level the number of chips has been great has increased dramatically, that is undoubted. At the level of championships we have reached a point that with such a number of competitors has been negative because it has made the championships endless, although I find that this year will already separate at least the nationals. For beginners you have been beneficial because they can try to climb a platform, long before but as I told you before, the society and the influence of the internet and gurus, have made some preparations that I have seen to go out in physique are so brutal that they have left me crazy, personally I think that in this category you can compete totally natural with very good results, and I think that you yourself have seen athletes of mine that have done so. But it also takes a training base and a few years, the problem is that some preparers sell the bike to the kids and take them out to compete in 6 months, making them take everything, and that if not that it is lawful.

In PROs I don't think they're any model, because as you know they've had to announce this year that those who are too musculate will be punished, in fact in San Marino was the first time I saw a Physique Pro championship and I saw it whole, that tells you something...

JBH News : And what do you think there is ever more evidence in Europe and the rest of the world with those in the USA, before they were the vast majority.
CM: Clearly positive, especially for athletes who are not from the USA, since it is easier to access such tests and the economic disbursement in hotels, travel and diets is not so great.

F21: And what do you think might have happened to that?
CM: Well think that partly it is business, as you know IFBB PRO is a company, and if you expand championships, they are more income for them, so simple, and that if you only limit it to the USA, in the end athletes are always the same and the thing would become more boring. : To finish you want to make some comments we haven't made.
CM: Well summarizing, I would like the spirit of bodybuilding to be recovered from when I started, that of camaraderie, of supera, of respect in general, respect for the experience, to the substances, at the time, to the people to realize that some do not speak for talking, that we love this and that we know how it works, that not all are substances, that the muscle gives it time, the food and the training, the rest are I would like to thank you for the opportunity to express my opinion and share with you my feelings and affidavit in general. To those who support me those who say I am very old, to my family, my friends: See you up at once again!!

F21: Thank you Mark for everything, but especially for being like you are! of body and thought.
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