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package service import ( "ekho-be/core/model" coreService "ekho-be/core/service/audioLog" "ekho-be/core/service/google" "ekho-be/core/service/openAI" "ekho-be/core/util" "ekho-be/stream/internal/config" "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "" "" "" "os" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) const ( AudioInputPath = "./audio/inputs/" AudioOutputPath = "./audio/outputs/" TableMetadataKey = "bigquery-metadata-cache-key" ) type IStream interface { Audio(req model.AudioModel) (model.AudioModel, error) } type Stream struct { speechToTextService google.ISpeechToText textToSpeechService google.ITextToSpeech bigQueryService google.IBigQueryService textDavinciService openAI.ITextDavinciService translateService google.ITranslate AudioLogService coreService.IAudioLogs StepService coreService.IStep config config.AppConfig cloudStorage google.ICloudStorage redis *redis.Client } func NewStreamService(speechToTextService google.ISpeechToText, textToSpeechService google.ITextToSpeech, translateService google.ITranslate, bigQueryService google.IBigQueryService, textDavinciService openAI.ITextDavinciService, stepService coreService.IStep, audioService coreService.IAudioLogs, cloudStorage google.ICloudStorage, redis *redis.Client, config config.AppConfig) IStream { return &Stream{ speechToTextService: speechToTextService, textToSpeechService: textToSpeechService, bigQueryService: bigQueryService, textDavinciService: textDavinciService, translateService: translateService, StepService: stepService, AudioLogService: audioService, config: config, cloudStorage: cloudStorage, redis: redis, } } func (s *Stream) Audio(req model.AudioModel) (model.AudioModel, error) { var audioLog model.Log AudioLogID := uuid.NewString() audioLog.CreatedAt = time.Now() cleanBase64 := s.CleanBase64WavPrefix(req.Audio.Data) tempFullPath, fileName, err := util.Base64ToWav(cleanBase64, AudioLogID, util.InputAudioFile) audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: "-", Output: fileName, OperationName: model.Base64ToWav, Status: s.isSuccess(err), }) defer func() { err := os.RemoveAll(tempFullPath) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Delete tmp directory error. Path: %s", tempFullPath) } }() if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Base64 to wav convert failed. LogId: %v", AudioLogID) audioLog.SetStatus(err) return s.SendAudioResponse(audioLog, AudioErrorPath+string(GeneralFileName), false) } decoded, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(cleanBase64) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msg("base64 to byte array convert array") return s.SendAudioResponse(audioLog, AudioErrorPath+string(GeneralFileName), false) } err = s.cloudStorage.SaveWavFile(s.config.Google.Storage.InputBucketName, fileName, decoded) audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: AudioLogID + string(util.InputAudioFile), Output: func(err error) string { if err != nil { return "" } return s.config.Google.Storage.InputBucketName + "/" + AudioLogID + string(util.InputAudioFile) }(err), OperationName: model.SaveCloudStorage, Status: s.isSuccess(err), }) if err != nil { audioLog.SetStatus(err) log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("error occurred while saving the input file to google cloud storage. logId: %s", AudioLogID) return s.SendAudioResponse(audioLog, AudioErrorPath+string(GeneralFileName), false) } audioLog.InputVoice = AudioLogID + string(util.InputAudioFile) text, err := s.speechToTextService.ConvertSpeech(tempFullPath) audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: fileName, Output: text, OperationName: model.SpeechToText, Status: s.isSuccess(err), }) if err != nil { audioLog.SetStatus(err) log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Speech to text failed. AudioLogID: %v", AudioLogID) return s.SendAudioResponse(audioLog, AudioErrorPath+string(GeneralFileName), false) } hasSpecialWord, textTr := s.hasSpecialWords(text) audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: text, Output: strconv.FormatBool(hasSpecialWord), OperationName: model.WordCheck, Status: s.isSuccess(err), }) text, err = s.translateService.Translate(textTr) if s.config.Google.Translate.IsActive { audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: textTr, Output: text, OperationName: model.TrToEn, Status: s.isSuccess(err), }) } if err != nil { audioLog.SetStatus(err) return s.SendAudioResponse(audioLog, AudioErrorPath+string(GeneralFileName), false) } var result string if !hasSpecialWord { metadata, err := s.GetMetadata() audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: s.config.Google.BigQuery.DataSet, Output: metadata.Text, OperationName: model.GetMetaData, Status: s.isSuccess(err), }) if err != nil { audioLog.SetStatus(err) return s.SendAudioResponse(audioLog, AudioErrorPath+string(BigQueryErrorFileName), false) } query, question, err := s.GenerateSqlQuery(text, metadata) audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: question, Output: query, OperationName: model.GenerateSql, Status: s.isSuccess(err), }) if err != nil { audioLog.SetStatus(err) return s.SendAudioResponse(audioLog, AudioErrorPath+string(BigQueryErrorFileName), false) } validator := s.ProccessQueryString(query) query = validator.Query audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: query, Output: strconv.FormatBool(validator.IsReadable), OperationName: model.QValidator, Status: validator.IsReadable, }) if !validator.IsReadable { audioLog.SetStatus(errors.New("query not readable")) return s.SendAudioResponse(audioLog, AudioErrorPath+string(BigqueryMultiSelectErrorFileName), false) } validator.CheckAggregate() pureResult, err := s.GetResult(query, validator) audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: query, Output: pureResult, OperationName: model.BigQueryResult, Status: s.isSuccess(err), }) if err != nil { audioLog.SetStatus(err) return s.SendAudioResponse(audioLog, AudioErrorPath+string(BigQueryErrorFileName), false) } if validator.HaveAggregate { result, err = s.textDavinciService.PureResultToResult(textTr, pureResult) audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: pureResult, Output: result, OperationName: model.PureResultToResult, Status: s.isSuccess(err), }) if err != nil { audioLog.SetStatus(err) return s.SendAudioResponse(audioLog, AudioErrorPath+string(OpenAIErrorFileName), false) } } else { result = pureResult } } else { result, err = s.UseOpenAI(text) audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: text, Output: result, OperationName: model.OpenAiResult, Status: s.isSuccess(err), }) if err != nil { audioLog.SetStatus(err) return s.SendAudioResponse(audioLog, AudioErrorPath+string(OpenAIErrorFileName), false) } } responseText, err := s.translateService.ReTranslate(result) if s.config.Google.Translate.IsActive { audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: result, Output: responseText, OperationName: model.EnToTr, Status: s.isSuccess(err), }) } if err != nil { audioLog.SetStatus(err) return s.SendAudioResponse(audioLog, AudioErrorPath+string(GeneralFileName), false) } audioContent, err := s.textToSpeechService.Convert(responseText) audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: responseText, Output: strconv.FormatBool(s.isSuccess(err)), OperationName: model.TextToSpeech, Status: s.isSuccess(err), }) if err != nil { audioLog.SetStatus(err) return s.SendAudioResponse(audioLog, AudioErrorPath+string(GeneralFileName), false) } err = s.cloudStorage.SaveWavFile(s.config.Google.Storage.OutputBucketName, AudioLogID+string(util.OutputAudioFile), audioContent) audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: AudioLogID + string(util.OutputAudioFile), Output: func(err error) string { if err != nil { return "" } return s.config.Google.Storage.OutputBucketName + "/" + AudioLogID + string(util.OutputAudioFile) }(err), OperationName: model.SaveCloudStorage, Status: s.isSuccess(err), }) if err != nil { audioLog.SetStatus(err) log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("error occurred while saving the output file to google cloud storage. logId: %s", AudioLogID) return s.SendAudioResponse(audioLog, AudioErrorPath+string(GeneralFileName), false) } audioLog.OutputVoice = AudioLogID + string(util.OutputAudioFile) outputAudioBase64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(audioContent) audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: s.config.Google.Storage.OutputBucketName + "/" + AudioLogID + string(util.OutputAudioFile), Output: "Base64 string", OperationName: model.AudioToBase64, Status: s.isSuccess(err), }) if err != nil { audioLog.SetStatus(err) return s.SendAudioResponse(audioLog, AudioErrorPath+string(GeneralFileName), false) } return s.SendAudioResponse(audioLog, outputAudioBase64, true) } func (s *Stream) isSuccess(err error) bool { return err == nil } func (s *Stream) SendAudioResponse(audioLog model.Log, data string, isDataBase64 bool) (model.AudioModel, error) { var response model.AudioModel defer func(audioLog *model.Log) { tx := s.AudioLogService.CreateTX() defer tx.Rollback() audioLog.EndDate = time.Now() audioLog.Status = audioLog.Error == "" err := s.AudioLogService.SaveForTx(audioLog, tx) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msg("save audio log failed") return } tx.Commit() }(&audioLog) if isDataBase64 { response.Audio.Data = util.WavBase64Prefix + data audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: audioLog.OutputVoice, Output: "Base64 string", OperationName: model.SendResponse, Status: true, }) } else { base64Str, err := util.AudioToBase64(data, util.WavBase64Prefix) audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: data, Output: "Base64 string", OperationName: model.AudioToBase64, Status: s.isSuccess(err), }) if err != nil { audioLog.SetStatus(err) log.Error().Err(err) return response, err } audioLog.LogDetail = append(audioLog.LogDetail, model.LogDetail{ CreatedAt: time.Now(), Input: data, Output: "Base64 string", OperationName: model.SendResponse, Status: true, }) response.Audio.Data = base64Str } return response, nil } func (s *Stream) hasSpecialWords(text string) (bool, string) { text = strings.ToLower(text) keywords := strings.Split(text, " ") for _, item := range s.config.SpecialWords { item = strings.ToLower(item) if len(keywords) > 0 && keywords[0] == item { text = strings.Replace(text, item, "", 1) return true, text } } return false, text } func (s *Stream) GenerateSqlQuery(question string, metaData google.MetaDataInfo) (string, string, error) { openAiQuestion := fmt.Sprintf("Google bigquery Property'leri ve Tabloları verilmiştir. n tables: %s n dataset : %s. n soru: %s n TIMESTAMP alanlarını Date olarak çevirip, soruya uygun Bigquery SQL cümlesini oluşturur musun ?n", metaData.Text, s.config.Google.BigQuery.DataSet, question) sqlString, err := s.textDavinciService.CreateSql(openAiQuestion) return sqlString, question, err } func (s *Stream) GetResult(query string, queryValidator model.QueryValidator) (string, error) { result, err := s.bigQueryService.GetResult(query, queryValidator, s.config.MaxReadCount) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Big query select error.") return "", err } if result == "" { return result, errors.New("result not found") } return result, nil } func (s *Stream) UseOpenAI(text string) (string, error) { text, err := s.textDavinciService.AskQuestion(text) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msg("text davinci failed") return "", nil } return text, err } func (s *Stream) ProccessQueryString(query string) model.QueryValidator { var queryValidator model.QueryValidator queryValidator.Query = query if !queryValidator.IsSelectQuery(query) { return queryValidator } queryValidator.GetFieldByQuery(query) return queryValidator } func (s *Stream) QueryTimesConverter(query string) string { query = strings.ToLower(query) wheres := strings.Split(strings.ToLower(query), "where") if len(wheres) < 2 { return query } wordToFind := "createdat" words := strings.Split(wheres[1], " ") for _, word := range words { if strings.Contains(word, wordToFind) { query = strings.ReplaceAll(query, word, "date("+word+")") } } return query } func (s *Stream) CleanBase64WavPrefix(base64Str string) string { return strings.ReplaceAll(base64Str, util.WavBase64Prefix, "") } func (s *Stream) GetMetadata() (google.MetaDataInfo, error) { var metadata google.MetaDataInfo var err error cachedVal := s.redis.Get(TableMetadataKey) if cachedVal != nil && cachedVal.Err() == nil && cachedVal.Val() != "" { err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(cachedVal.Val()), &metadata) log.Info().Msgf("Metadata comes from cache. Metadata: %s", metadata) } else { metadata, err = s.bigQueryService.GetTableMetadata() metadataBody, _ := json.Marshal(metadata) s.redis.Set( TableMetadataKey, string(metadataBody), time.Duration(int(time.Millisecond)*s.config.Google.BigQuery.MetadataCacheTimeout)) log.Info().Msgf("Bigquery metadata retrieved successfully. Metadata: %s", metadata) } return metadata, err }
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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