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How To Explain Death To Children
funeral programs
funeral programs
funeral programs

"For one will scarcely die for a righteous person - though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die - but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:7-8). One of the biggest questions there is to ask is, why does God love us? To answer that you need to understand God's character and your unworthiness. God loves us because He loves us. We don't deserve His love nor could we ever earn it. We are so unworthy that we are not even worth the dirt. God killed Uzzah for trying to protect the ark from falling but God wasn't worried about the ark falling to the ground. He didn't want man to touch the ark (1 Chronicles 13:9-10).

Who wouldn't know the father of psychology? Sigmund Freud died at the age of 83 from cancer of the jaw. He was the founder of the first psychoanalytic school of psychiatry. He was also a neurologist.

You absolutely MUST be able to focus on your business without interruptions in order to develop a new strategic vision and a plan for getting you there. As Michael Gerber says in his book The E-Myth it's time to work "on your business" instead of "in your business".

Grieving is a process which has quite a clear and precise beginning but not such a clear ending. My grieving started when I received my husband's death certificate but when does the grieving end? There are some signs which might help to interpret the situation.

It is heather to have a celebration. A funeral is normally very depressing and many people have problems coping with the loss. The traditional funeral seems no more than an invitation to increase grief, but a celebration as a funeral can help to relieve strain and stress. It can help the family get over their grief as they learn to look on the bright side and recall all their happy memories of the loved on that has gone. There are some people who have serious problems with grief, but a happy funeral is good therapy.

First, let us look at death. I know it is an unpleasant subject. But unless you look death in the eye and deny its power over you, it will destroy meaning and happiness. Persons have been investigating Near Death Experiences (NDE) for many decades.

Gifted individuals who have a second sight or insight into life beyond the grave share their beliefs on what lies beyond the gates of death. These thoughts help to diminish the fear of dying and it is refreshing to have a glimpse of what awaits in the realm of eternity.

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