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They deserve to live in the greener, greater New York that isthe goal of PlaNYC. WaterwaysImprove the quality of Solid Wasteour waterways to increaseDivert 75% of our solid wasteopportunities for recreation from landfillsand restore coastal ecosystems Climate ChangeWater Supply Reduce greenhouse gasEnsure the high quality andemissions by more than 30%reliability of our water supplysystem Increase the resilience of our communities, natural systems, and infrastructure to climate risksA GREENER, GREATER NEW YORK PLANYC 15 18. Housing andNeighborhoods 19. Credit: AP Wroldwide Photos/Mark Lennihan 20. Together we canCreate capacity for new housingFinance and facilitate new housingEncourage sustainable neighborhoods 21. This is a city of neighborhoods where dynamism,diversity, and enterprise come together. To increase to stimulate private investment, start the To accommodate our growing population andpotential supply, we must work with communitiesnext phase of this neighborhoods develop- improve the affordability of housing for Newto study where new development is most appro-ment, and help repopulate the South Bronx. On Staten Island, the Joan and AlanWe will launch the Greener, Greater Communi- Building on previous work we have done in mod-Bernikow Jewish Community Center hasties approach to help community- and neighbor- ifying our rehabilitation building specifications toteamed up with MillionTreesNYC to givehood-based organizations develop and imple-include energy and sustainability requirements, away trees to local residents.

By providing local part-gross incomes on housing costs, and only 64% ofby the City more energy efficient and, therefore, ners with technical, financial, and regulatoryapartments are affordable więc zaś median income more affordable.assistance, we can foster greener, greater com-New Yorker. In 2010, the plan was updated to address Encourage sustainable neighborhoodsthe challenges and opportunities of the current 7 Foster the creation of Greener, Greater Communitieshousing market. There are significant opportunities tivating neighborhoods that contain a vibrantwith the community and local elected officials tofor housing to co-exist with current usesfromdetermine the ultimate shape of development.mix of uses, including retail that offers healthy libraries to schools to parking lots. sprawdziany Japan ASTER Science Team 5. Four years ago we asked what we lin our The Plan focuses on the physical city, andcity to look and feel like in 2030.the functionality of its infrastructure in our everyday lives: housing that is too often tooA growing population, aging infrastructure,expensive, neighborhoods that need morea changing climate, and an evolving economyplaygrounds, aged water and power systemsposed challenges to our citys success and quality overdue for upgrade, congested streets andof life.

Growth New York Citys population is still growing. We budowli also align ourration, we chat generate recommendations for units with energy efficiency and sustainability brownfield remediation efforts with localland use and zoning changes, and assess otherrequirements by 2014. visions for employment growth andopportunities for making the neighborhoodredevelopment.greener. For example, 90 We budowli support the work local neighborhoodminimums for affordable housing are appropri-affordable units will be built as artists hous- groups, community-based organizations, andate. Weve planted together over 25 City agencies to work toward the nearly half a million trees. New York City already has one of the lowest per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions levels among major global cities, one-third the U.S. This includes projects towe will require that all major City-financed sub- the Jackson Heights Beautification Leaguemanage stormwater, improve energy efficiency,stantial rehabilitations and new construction recruited 400 people to communityestablish community composting resources,certify with Enterprise Green Communities (EGC).workshops that developed the Greencreate new public space, and enhance the stew- EGC is a set of guidelines specifically suited to Placówka for Jackson Heights.ardship of parks.greening affordable housing. Weve enacted regulations to phase out dirty heating fuels, which are responsible for more pollution Weve made smart and innovative investments in ourthan all of the cars and trucks on our streets.

At least 75% of the apartments in the first phase promote economic development, and enhanceThe neighborhood will feature wide sidewalks of Hunters Point South will be permanently the public experience of the waterways.and buildings that access the street with multiple targeted to low-, moderate-, and middle-incomeentries to shops and apartments. A more energy-efficient housing stock will up with Transportation Alternatives and theneighborhood. We kamienic encourage and support these efforts while inspiring more New Yorkers to join with us.14 INTRODUCTION 17. Our goals for achieving agreener, greater New YorkHousing and NeighborhoodsTransportationCreate homes for almost a millionExpand sustainable transportationmore New Yorkers while makingchoices and ensure the reliabilityhousing and neighborhoods more and high quality of ouraffordable and sustainable transportation networkParks and Public Space EnergyEnsure all New Yorkers live within Reduce energy consumptiona 10-minute walk of i ogród and make our energy systems cleaner and more reliableBrownfieldsClean up all contaminated land Air Qualityin New York City Achieve the cleanest air quality of any big U.S. Although 10 Preserve and upgrade existing affordable housinga decline in the real estate market has shiftedour focus more toward preservation, we have11 Proactively protect the quality of neighborhoods and housingremained committed to creating housing as well.A GREENER, GREATER NEW YORK PLANYC21 24. !
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