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Need Inspiration? Try Looking Up Motorcycle Keys
How to Make a Duplicate Motorcycle Key

A duplicate key for your motorcycle can save you lots of money. A duplicate key could be lifesaving if you lose it.

The most cost-effective and easiest method to get a duplicate motorcycle key is by contacting locksmith. By using your ignition cylinder's code, they'll create an entirely new key for your.


There are many options to replace the key on your motorcycle. The easiest and simplest way to replace your lost key for your motorcycle is to contact the manufacturer or dealer and request an exact duplicate. This is usually the cheapest option and can be as quick as an hour.

A locksmith can also cut a key on your behalf. They will usually cut the key at your home, meaning there is no need to move the bike. They might also be able to offer a lower rate than your dealer because they aren't paying for the costs of moving the bike.

If you don't have a conventional key, a locksmith may be able to cut a replacement key by using your cylinder's ignition code or the entire cylinder. While this is less costly than sending the cylinder directly to your locksmith or dealer, it can take more time and will be more difficult.

Modern motorcycles are equipped with transponder chips. This means that transponder chips need to be programmed prior to the engine can be started. It is more complicated than simply cutting a key.

To make this type of key, locksmiths need to have access to the new key fob and the programming equipment. If they don't, they'll need to refer you to the dealer.

A locksmith is typically the best option to avail this service as they'll be able program your key and cut it at the same simultaneously. It is important to understand that not all brands allow locksmiths to program their keys fobs.

Another reason to pick a locksmith for your bike is that they can usually cut all types of keys. This includes keys made of traditional metal as well as keys with transponder chips.

The typical cost for a motorcycle key replace ment is $120. However motorcycle key duplicate will depend on how complex your key is, and if you need an alternative key. The price will be greater when your key requires transponder key programming or the cutting of a key code.


If you are concerned about losing your motorcycle's key, it's a good idea to make an identical copy. This will save you time and money in the event that you lose it.

There are a variety of ways to duplicate the key of your motorcycle. You can either go to a hardware shop or have the dealer complete the task. If you have a cutting machine, you can do it yourself.

The most affordable and easiest method is to use the ignition cylinder's code. It is usually an a 3- or 4-digit number on the cylinder that you put your key into. It's easy to find If you know where to look, and a lot of locksmiths will be able to cut your key based on this code.

To find your cylinder code Look at your ignition cylinder from various angles, and then take an image of it using your smartphone. This will allow the locksmith to know where to start when creating your new key.

In addition to the cylinder code In addition, it is important to have your VIN code. Your VIN code is an identification number that is located on your motorcycle , and assists you determine who is the owner.

Once you have your VIN number, it's the right time to contact an authorized locksmith or dealer. These businesses will be able to duplicate your key for you and they'll ask you to bring any documentation that proves your ownership of the motorcycle (motorcycle registration purchase invoice, registration certificate, etc. ).

If you do not have a key, the dealership is likely to give you one for free, or may offer you a new cylinder with keys. You could also go to an hardware store, but this is typically the most expensive option, as it requires specialized equipment for cutting the transponder signals from the working key.

The next option that is the least expensive is to get your cylinder code from an area locksmith. A majority of locksmiths can create a duplicate of the code for a nominal fee.

If you're unable to find your cylinder's cylinder code, it's time to consider getting a new ignition cylinder. There are a variety of aftermarket cylinders that you can use to replace your existing cylinder. It is recommended to search for one that matches the same year and model of your bike. It's also a good idea to take photographs of your old cylinder prior replacing it to ensure that you make sure that the replacement is properly installed.


Duplicate keys for motorcycles are the best way to ensure that you have an emergency plan in case your key gets lost or stolen. A spare key lets you gain full access to your motorcycle, regardless of whether it is locked or unlocked.

Keep two copies of your keys for your motorcycle so that you have one in your wallet or purse and one in the safe. This could be a tiny box or a basket at your house that you do not frequently use however, it should be located in a location where you know others in your family will not be able to take it or move it around.

A duplicate of the key to your motorcycle will save you money and prevent having to buy a new one. The cost of purchasing a new key can be quite high especially if you have transponder-enabled motorbike.

A locksmith can make a duplicate key for you by using the code found on the ignition cylinder of your motorcycle. You can write the number down and then take a photo of it on your phone so that you can show the locksmith the number when they are making the key for you.

The most reliable locksmiths will have tables that include codes and values which they can research to create your key. They will typically be able to duplicate your key for an affordable cost and in a an extremely short time.

Some locksmiths have devices that can track the contours of your key with a probe and then transfer the movements to a cutter in order to create an exact copy. This procedure may be more expensive than other options however it's an affordable choice and can help you save a lot of time.

A duplicate of your key can be useful for different reasons. For example when you have to replace the ignition cylinder on your bike. You can do this by taking the key to a parts store or a locksmith and they'll make a new key based upon the information.


Motorcycles are a preferred method to travel, and are often highly prized. However, they are extremely vulnerable to damage or loss.

It can be difficult to determine what to do when this occurs. A duplicate motorcycle key can be a solution to this problem however, it is crucial to keep in mind that there are certain precautions to be taken when using this method.

The first step is to take note of the key code on your ignition cylinder. This will help you locate a locksmith nearby who can make a new key.

You can also contact your local dealer of motorcycles to ask if they can assist you. They are usually in a position to identify your motorcycle and make a replacement key based on your VIN code and other documents.

You should also visit a local hardware store to see if they are able to help you. They should be able to copy the transponder's signal from your existing key.

This is the most efficient method to obtain the new bike key. To ensure that your new key matches the vehicle you are using be sure to have the correct VIN number as well as other documents.

Some motorcycles require a master key or fob. These require programming from a dealership or locksmith to work. This can be expensive and could also endanger the life of the bike.

In some instances you may be able to use your own key to unlock your bike, and then turn the ignition off. If you aren't familiar with the correct procedures and tools, this could be risky.

You should always have a spare key at all times, both in your wallet as well as in an appropriate location. If you lose your originalkey, you'll be able to quickly locate the replacement.

You should also be aware of the various types of keys for motorcycles that are available and how to maintain them. This will save you from unnecessary repairs and replacements which can be costly and time-consuming.

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